Science Fiction Romance Teens & Young Adult

"So you're telling me that they don't have cameras like we thought they did? They just ... KNOW when we're going to do something?" Seulgi said.

"Yeah. They are pretty much just very advanced psychiatrists." Ji-Hyun explained. 

"How do you know all of this for sure?"

Ji-Hyun hesitated. "You promise you won't freak out?"

"I won't."

"Kong-Hyun! You can come out!"

A well-built alien appeared in front of the two girls. He had markings all over his face that signified that he was a very high up member of the alien government. Ji-Hyun screamed and Seulgi quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Shhhh!" Seulgi said as she slowly removed her hand from Ji-Hyun's face.

"Where did- No. How did you find that thing!" Ji-Hyun whisper screamed. "And why is it so good-looking. Aren't they usually ugly?!!"

The Alien laughed and Ji-Hyun flinched a little which made him stop and step towards her.

"What is he doing?" Ji-Hyun whisper shouted as she started to crawl back on the bed toward Seulgi. 

"Relax, he just wants to see if you're okay. He has what the rest of them don't have. Empathy. He's just worried about you but he hasn't had all the experience on how to act since he has to hide his feelings." Seulgi said.

Ji-Hyun stopped moving away but stayed tense. She only tensed more when he knelt on the bed. He moved no further but he kept the worried expression on his face. Ji-Hyun tried to smile a little to show that she was okay. He knew she wasn't but he felt better knowing that she was trying to console him. One thing he did no how to do well was interpret emotions. Little movements make all the difference.

"Say hi to Kong-Hyun. He is very sweet and he's not dangerous at all so you can relax." Seulgi said. "Ask him a question." She encouraged her friend.

Ji-Hyun took a deep breath and then asked a question that shocked both her friend and the Alien. "What happens if we do something that can't be predicted?"

Kong-Hyun sat fully on the bed. He got comfortable and then spoke for the first time. His voice was surprising. It was deep but gentle. His voice was very soft and the look in his eyes made her feel more relaxed. She felt like his voice was the sound of a waterfall personified. It was strong yet gentle. Beautiful but could easily be dangerous.

His eyes were a completely different story. They were somewhat rectangular, not that the shape matters. What really caught her was the gentle, deep brown of his eyes. All aliens eyes were supposed to be an ugly, faded yellow but this aliens eyes were brown. She couldn't understand how he was so different but something about him was alluring.

Her shoulders were now completely relaxed and she could easily look into his soft eyes.

"It's happened before." Kong-Hyun said. "I can help you do it again but you will have to step out of your comfort zone."

"There was never a comfort zone to begin with. What do I do?" Ji-Hyun said bravely.

"I'll need a little time to prepare myself too." Kong-Hyun answered. Ji-Hyun gave him a confused look and he laughed. In his laugh, she could hear a mixture of shyness, embarrassment and duty.

"What do YOU need to prepare for?" Ji-Hyun asked. She looked at her friend and her friend just shrugged her shoulders. She looked back at the alien and he face was quite red. "Are you okay? Tell me what I need to do!"

She was a little more demanding this time. The alien had his head down now and couldn't seem to look back up at her.

"Are you sure you're willing to step out of your comfort zone? This is ..... FAAAAAR out." He said.

"Yes! What is it?!" She was very annoyed now. What was this? A suspense? She wanted answers now!

"Well. You'd need to .... you'll have to have ...." He covered his face with both hands.

"Have what!!!" She pulled his hand away from his face and put her own face close to his. She looked him right in the eyes and he seemed nervous. He was looking at anywhere he could besides her. She sighed. "Please." She said quietly. With his crimson red face and nervous eyes facing her own he quietly answered her.

"You need to have a child."

Both girls were quite for a moment before Ji-Hyun burst into laughter.

"It's that easy?!" She said after calming down a bit. "That's not that bad! I've got a boyfriend. We weren't exactly ready for anything like this but I can do that! Are you sure that would surprise them though? Doesn't that happen a lot?"

Kong-Hyun's face only turned redder but he kept staring into her eyes this time. "No."

"Um. I'm pretty sure that does happen a lot though!"

"Not "No" to that." He said. He was very clearly annoyed now but you could still see and hear the embarrassment mixed in with his other feelings. "No, it's not that easy."

"What do you mean?"

"There aren't any less dangerous ways to surprise them besides this one. It's really your only option."

"What is it then?! Spit it out!"

"You'll have to have a child .... with ... me."

"What?!!" Both of the girls said in unison.

"You're joking, right!?" Ji-Hyun said.

"Do you want to know why I'm like this?"

The girls quieted down and nodded.

"My mother was human. My father was an alien. He was just like the other but, somehow, my mother was able to soften him. She eventually admitted to loving him and, also, to wanting to give these aliens a taste of what it feels like to be wrong and surprise them. My father wasn't sure how they could do that but, after a month of brain-storming, my mother came up with an idea. What if they had a child? That's what they did. It caused a huge outbreak among the aliens and nearly tore the whole government down. The only reason I survived was because my dad promised that he had managed to control my DNA and I was full alien. He taught me how to hide my feeling and my mom taught me to never forget what she had given me. They took her away and I never saw her again. I don't think they killed her. I think they locked her up."

"Woah." Seulgi said. "What did your mom give you?" Kong-Hyun lightly smiled.

"Humanity. She gave me the ability to feel."

"Isn't this dangerous?" Ji-Hyun asked.

"Anyway is going to be dangerous. This is the only path that may not end in death."

"Couldn't you also get into trouble?" Seulgi asked. Kong-Hyun smiled.

"Yes. I'm guaranteed to get into trouble. I may be killed or punished but that's not important. I would love to see that government fall apart."

"Are you two really gonna do this?" Seulgi asked.

"I'd feel better doing it with you." Kong-Hyun's face turned red and he covered his face as soon as he realized what he had said. Seulgi tried to laugh it off but only she laughed so it was awkward.

"Um. I like you. As a friend. You're a great guy but I don't think I like you in that way." Seulgi said.

"No! No! I wasn- I didn't mean it in that way! I meant, like, since I know you better and stuff!" He lied. The girls couldn't see through his lie since he had learned how to hid it well but he knew he was lying and he felt terrible about it.

"So. Are you guys gonna do it then?" Seugli asked. Ji-Hyun was blushing.

"I mean. For the better of everyone, I think I could do it." Ji-Hyun said. Kong-Hyun smiled to be nice but he really wasn't comfortable with this at all.

"I'll help you then." Kong-Hyun said. He felt it was his duty. Maybe this would help him find his mother too. "When do you want to do it?"

"I guess we can just go to my house right now. It'll be a while before I have the .... kid so, I think it's best if we just do it now."


Ji-Hyun said good-bye to Seulgi and Kong-Hyun did the same. The two left the room.

"Let's stop it here. I can't even keep my eyes open."

"Seriously, Yumi?! I was really looking forward to seeing this!"

"I was too but I'm tired now, Taeyeon! Just pause the movie!"

"Fine but, we're finishing it tomorrow."

"Works for me."

December 18, 2020 05:35

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Ernesto Bebe
05:19 Dec 24, 2020

This was a really good story. You did well.


Emma Harris
00:37 Dec 26, 2020

Thanks! I might do a part 2 sometime. Maybe finish the movie!


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Corbin Sage
22:19 Dec 23, 2020

I really like this story! Good job!


Emma Harris
00:36 Dec 26, 2020

Thank you! I hope to continue the movie some day!


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