
This morning was weird. Well, it was not weird but it has never happened to me before. It started like this: yesterday I thought it was Friday and I did not activate my usual morning alarm for 7 o’clock. So because of that I slept more than I should have thinking it was Saturday. Why, why did I sleep more?! Well for starters. I'll admit that I slept late yesterday. I regret staying up till’ midnight. My mom woke me up at 7:30 because she did not see the time. That's why she woke me up so late and why we’re both in a hurry to get ready. I wash my teeth, put on my clothes, we go to the car and drive to school. Now, I am at school and the time is eight o’clock so I have to unpack my books super fast. The first subject is morning meeting and morning meeting is very fun but today I can not understand what is happening because I feel so tired and light headed. We have sandwiches for breakfast and I am eating the sandwich and everything is different. Still dizzy from the morning storm, I can see my friends speaking about a field trip. I am going to ask them where we are going when the teacher says it's time to go on our field trip. So we line up and go to the front door of the school. As we walk behind our school I see a park there, which I had apparently never noticed. We arrive at the park, which is all covered in the greenest grass and the most colorful flowers. There is a big playground staring back at us waiting for us to go and play. Together with my friends we choose to play soccer but first, we need to divide our teams. As we pick our teammates a kid that is not from our school comes and asks to play with us. We tell him that he can play with us but on the condition that he can’t be rough. Just as the game starts, within the first seconds, I pass the ball to my teammate who shoots it halfway directly in the goal. That was quick! Our team gathers around and cheers in shouts. As the game progresses, one of our opponents starts an attack, passes and shoots. Saved! Whew, that was a close one! However, just as the goalie kicked the ball, it hits our opponents feet and within a few seconds, he scores. It’s now a tie. There goes our win! From that point everything moved so quickly, the opponents were ruthless, run, run, kick, pass, goal, and another, and another, and another. We were all so tired. The final score was 5 - 1 for their team. We were devastated. Quietly, we walk back to the school to eat lunch. We have pizza, so you can say my day is already getting better. The rest of the day just kinda went by, but overall I would say it was a great day! *RIING!* Class is dismissed. School is out for the day. Quickly, I grab my backpack and run to the front door. Oh look, my mom’s already here. I’m running to her and she keep getting further and further away. Mom? Huh, I can’t really feel my lower body. I look down and my feet are not there anymore, everything is fading away. What is happening? ARGHHH! Uh, hello? I look around, I’m in my bed. What time is it? *7:30 am* What day is it? *Saturday*... Was this all… a dream? It must have been, my brother hasn’t left for work and the whole house is quiet. Well thank god, this means I can sleep some more….


It’s 10 am! Wow, those three hours went by really fast.Time to grab breakfast. Mmmmm, is that ham and cheese grilling that has just entered my smelling senses?! Well, that’s enough to wake me up! Breakfast is served in the kitchen. Is that a fresh sandwich I’m looking at?! That looks just like the one I had in my dream. Well, don’t mind if I do! Mom says she wants to go to a park today and I want to go as well since it’s Saturday and there’s nothing else to do except be outside in nature and enjoy the sun. My dad and my brother were in too. We drive to the park that’s in the center of the city but nowhere close to my school. The park looks exactly the same as the one in my dream. What? First the sandwich, now this? We start to play soccer with my parents and my brother. Ah, this is fun, let’s just hope it doesn’t go like the dream. I sure don’t wanna lose again! The game starts, it’s the parents against the undefeated champions, my brother and I. My brother kicks off the game running towards the goalie. Right as he’s about to shoot for the goal, my dad runs towards him to block the shot. My brother who had been making signs at me, passes me the ball, and while my dad runs for him, I score! Not once, but five times! Final score: 5 - 1 for us. Well, that was a nice turn of events for my dream. After a much needed break, my dad says he’ll drive us to a surprise place for lunch. When we get there, I can’t believe my eyes. It’s my favorite pizza place. Pizza? For lunch? I’m getting good at this! When lunch is over we head home and I get in the shower for a long refreshing splashing session. Squeaky clean, the rest of the day passes by fairly quickly, I play a little with my brother, catch up with my favorite show on Netflix and just like that, it’s time for sleep. Now, I find myself cozy and tucked in bed. Man, today was a good day, almost like a dream. Well, guess some days are just dreamy huh? 

April 02, 2020 17:32

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