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Friendship High School Romance

  1.  The Begining 

It was one week before school was out, and everyone was ready to be done. The football team had one more game, and it was against the rivaling school. The football team plays this team every year and always lost. Ten years ago was the first time they ever won, and the coach that coached that team was back to coach this team. Their team name was the Aztecs, and they would be playing against Champions. The Aztecs started practicing every day for three hours after school and on the weekends. The Coach for the Aztecs was named Tom. Tom informed the team that they weren't allowed to see anyone from the other school or even talk to them. The whole team agreed so they all went home.

  1. The Girls 

Later that night some of the team went out for dinner at the diner in town. They walked in and got a booth. Just as they were sitting down four beautiful girls walked in and got a table right across from them. They were beautiful and they also seemed nice and funny. They weren't like the other girls from their school, all stuck up and rude they were sweet. There was no way the boys could not go and talk to them. The quarterback Damien Perrot walked up to the girl he liked the best and introduced himself “ Hi my name is Damien Perrot and I couldn't help but notice you guys are sitting alone. Would you like to join us?” he said pointing at his table. They all said yes and joined them. The girl that was sitting next to Damien was named Felice Herbert. She was such a nice girl with the sweetest heart and she was the most beautiful girl Damien had ever seen. Everyone else left and it was just the two of them they talked and talked until the diner closed then they said goodbye and exchanged numbers. 

  1. Trouble 

The next day Damien called Felice and they meet up for lunch. They cherished every moment together. Over lunch, they talked about their futures and where they wanted to go to college, and what job they wanted. She told him where she went to school and that she was a cheerleader for a football team the Champions. Damien could not believe his ears. He was shocked, stunned, and scared. Scared that the relationship which he had made was about to end. He told her that he was playing the Champions and that his coach said not to talk to anyone from that school. He told her that he had to do what his coach said, he had no other option.

  1. Something on Damiens mind

He went home and took an ice bath. This was his favorite thing to do when he had a lot on his mind. When he got out he realized he had done the right thing. His coach would be proud at least he thought he would be. The next day when Damien was at practice he told his coach what had happened and that he was sorry. His coach was mad and made him stay after practice and do extra conditioning. Coach Tom told him he needed his head in the game not with other girls messing around. Felice was at home and she was very confused. She was worried about Damien. She missed him and most of all she was so sad. She realized that she had fallen in love with him in just a few short days. 

  1. Coincidence 

Later Felice had to go to the store and just so conveniently she saw Damien she had to talk to him had to tell him how she felt tell him that she was worried about him. She walked up to him and said “ 

Please, is this was I supposed to do?” “ you can fight, fight for me. Tell your coach that you need me, tell him that you want me.” “I can't tell him that he doesn't care what I want or what I think I need. All he wants is for me to win that game and to throw good passes to the reserved.don't dont know what it is going to take but I love you and I dont think I can be without you. So please figure something out.” “ Okay.” Damien and Felice walked out of the store hand in hand and went straight to the football field. They talked to the coach and he said “ look I can't control you, I am not your parent but I do not like this. I think this is a distraction and I think you will fail us.” with that in mind Felice and Damien we so happy but Damien was determined to win the game now and nothing would stop him. 

  1. Game Time 

The next day was the game and everyone was nervous. Damien had just got off the phone with Felice and she had wished him good luck. He got out of bed and got dressed for the day. He brought Felice coffee and drove her to the football field. It was an hour before the game and everyone started getting excited. He introduced Felice to his teammates and they all loved her. They realized he was right about her she was different. Felice told Damien she had to go warm up for cheer so he kissed her goodbye and she left. 

7. The Game 

The game had just started it was the second down, the reserve ran to the endzone and Damien throws him the ball, “hail mary.” shouted the referee. The crowd when crazy. It was seven to zero and the champions were losing. The game went on and on until the Aztecs won. It was the second time they had ever won and they won because Damien ran the ball into the end sone “ touchdown!” exclaimed the referee. They had done it. They were so excited and Damien was sure he only won because Felice was his lucky charm. She was so proud of him. 

8. The End 

They went back to the diner where they first meet and had an amazing meal. They talked about the game and how good Damien played. They finished up with a milkshake and they told a walk together. As they were walking Damien told Felice “ without you I would not have been able to win. With you there everything was clear, everything felt right. I want you in my life every second, every minute.” Felice told Damien she liked that idea and they walked to the car and Damien dropped Felice off at home and kissed her goodnight.

December 14, 2020 21:04

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1 comment

Liv F
22:11 Dec 23, 2020

A sweet story that champions the power of integrity. Great job!


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