Adventure Fiction Horror

It was a bright and exiting day, we had cake and muffins... OH sorry I forgot to say it was my birthday! All my friends around the neighborhood came and we had a lot of fun. My parents bought a bouncy house and it had a lot of decorations too.

But the next day as I came out of bed, I had a strange feeling as if I was in water. It felt so weird and real that I actually fell on my stomach while going to the bathroom to wash my face. My brother came up to me walking normally and he did not look weird at all... but I still wanted to investigate.

Once I came to school that day I noticed all the teachers were 1 year older then before. I was flattered in a bad way to see the mess around me. I pinched my self to check if it was not a dream... with continuous suspicion it was not.

I could not stand it anymore and I fainted. As I woke up the whole room turned black. I was really confused with it all. As I looked to the right I saw a small glow. With chattering all over my body I followed the glow thinking I might reach something important.

Well...I guess the bathroom could be important but I was talking about another type of important. As I went in to a stall to over think about what was going on... I heard a scream...then another and the doors in front of me chattered.

There came in a small figure that I could not get out with my eyes because of the dark. But the next second I had a long black out and I STILL can't remember what happened then.

But When I was awake I found my self in lying in the dump. A ferocious smell of junk and smelly fruit was all around me. I took the opportunity that there was lighting in the dump place, and looked to see if there was anyone I could ask for help.

As I turned my head back I saw a black figure walking towards me in quick stepping with a face covered in a long black hoodie that went up to the chin. I stepped back fearing it was a witch or some other scary creature.

I noticed that this strange creature was holding a map that could be of good use. So I ran over to the creature but then...BAM the creature took of the hoodie and I almost fainted.

I will not go too much in description but, the what I thought was a old witch had; A pimply neck with a rotting small face as small as a soccer ball. I saw her ziggety nose with black hairs on top and 2 loose teeth in her mouth. I tried to scream but I could not hear any sound come out... tried to run... but it seemed like I was on a trending wheel with fast speed on.

The next moment this crazy witch took me the almost shattered person to her house. My first step might of been my last one because it was a trap. But just like that the trap that I fell in to changed back to the birthday party I was on the day before. I looked at all the happy faces and smiling friends.

"Hey there Calle!" Said my friend Candela.

She was still not as happy as I was; OBVIOUSLY!

Once I came back home from the party I continued to think. Why did I end up in that world and why was I still not smelly from the dump I was in?

Just as Cortney screamed! "Calle look at me you ok?"

I said, "yes."

She screamed back, "that was supposed to be a prank I put VR glasses on your head, and when I took them off they made that effect."

Well after the party at home I decided to investigate weather if she was saying the truth or not. So that night as the light's went out and everyone went to sleep, I took the old key out of my mom's private shelf. Then I looked both ways and found the door, I made sure the key's were with me and left.

I scrambled my way's towards her house...

…but something about it seemed familiar. I cautiously nocked on the door, and a creaking sound followed with a black figure coming out of the house. I fell back a few steps.

"h-h-hello?" I said in a scared trembling voice.

"Hi. Death child, my name is 'Maranda Clamp' and you better not talk to me like that at night."

She pulled me by the arm...and this time I stepped over the trap.

Spider web's replaced the broken windows. Dusty chairs all over the place...and the worst, she was not the only witch there.

The house was swarming with old and young witches.

She recited a poem that reminded me of death,

"Once you have come to the victim there is nowhere to hide,

we could just say kill him, and the blades would not deny.

So here is your new mom and dad,

here is the place were you will stay for bad.

We don't care if your young,

or if you are older than me.

But you can fight and fight we won't let you free."

Chill's ran over my body but before I could do anything, I was tossed in to a room with all the witches swinging me around.

But I was in luck because Cortney was in with me in the room.

"I am sorry for lying to you Calle" she said.

But at this point escaping was what mattered. I looked around and found a rope holding the roof. I pulled it.

"Cortney, can you help me please?" I said in a annoyed voice.

"Ugh, but I want to sleep Calle. Can't we do this another time?" She tiringly said back.

With no hesitation I immediately took her hand and kicked the wall to break through. My sweaty hands slid down the rope. Then I let go of Cortney's hand, and she started sliding down too.

When we came to the bottom we were out of the scary house. I pulled Cortney's hand.

"C'mon" I said.

"No" she said in a sad voice.

"Why not?" I said in a annoyed scared voice.

"This is my home" she said back.

"Ugh, fine!" I said annoyed. "You stay with the ugly witches, and I go back home to be safe."

"WHO YOU CALLIN UGLY?" She said taking off what looked like her face.

Then a ugly thought ran at me. Oh no, she was the same witch that I saw before.

I started to run. I ran and ran, not even looking back. At some point I reached a bridge.


I continued running, and then I saw what looked like my mom on the other side. I saw a rope going for me on the other side.

My mom screamed, "CALLE!"

The bridge started to break down...

I began to fall down.

Cortney stood there in disbelief.

Then I said,

"The life with someone like the real you,

was like awesome and I loved to play with you too.

But now, that the witches have switched you to dust,

I have nothing to say; but I must must must,

help you, with no moments spare.

I promise that you will be stuck in my hair,

If you give up a hand to your deserted friend.

I will make sure our friend-ship does not end.

Because friend-ship is the only thing that could help,

also could you please uncover your real self."

She looked at me with confusion.

"Fin-" she said unable to finish her word.

The air had gotten all black around her and she suddenly disappeared. Then the broken bridge turned back to how it was before and the boastful house switched back to Cortney's house.

I tried to not pay attention to the background and ran strait in to my mom's hands.

"Oh Calle...I thought you were gone forever." Said my mom.

The next moment we both started crying.

Right now I am on my 80th birthday, and the reason why I told this story today was because Cortney came to my birthday. She finally told me that our friendship had saved us from the hands of bloody death.

May 07, 2021 04:12

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