Romance Sad Fiction

Pens and rulers, tapping on tabletops and guitar playing a love song, filling the place with disturbingly good music. Charles happily singing with an angelic voice in front of Flora from the front counter where she's always reading books, stopping abruptly, face unfazed and stoic still. Green sticky notes placed on his guitar, "wanna hang out sometime?" Written on them boldly. 


"Out!" Was the last word Charles and his friend who was table tapping, heard after they got kicked out of the library. after being scolded harshly by the women he fancied, and a pile of green notes either crumpled and ripped in half. "Sorry." stuck in his mind the word he could not say.


Chances and opportunities do not always come. But when they do, it always comes with a price. Either losing a unique and familiar bond with his twin or missing out on a new and unknown arena of experience to tackle. Love.


Saturdays are always quiet but ever since the unfortunate day of students cramming for exam finals. Meeting her was completely unplanned. It's not your typical cliche love, at first sight, it was more of a distraction and procrastination for the twins, betting on who will get her to smile or simply get a pleasant reaction from the librarian's usual blank faces or poker face, backfiring at them in all the wrong ways even more unexpected. 


Monday. Sun's shining bright, too bright for once liking. Blue skies spread throughout the sky like a vast ocean never ending once you can drown in remembering that swimming is not his best pursuit. Clouds in their purest color, fluffy, and mesmerising making intricate shapes and designs ever imaginable. Charles groans at this beautiful scene through his bedroom window, dreading the day ahead of him. 


walking to campus was most desirable on Monday mornings for Caspian. No traffic to get mad, irritated, or stuck in, no subways packed full of hurried patrons. Like sardines in a can, rushing to whatever responsibilities they need to attain. Even with all those upsides, Caspian can never escape Charles's groans of complaint and relentless ranting about walking to campus or the radiating heat of the sun, regretting not bringing an umbrella or wearing a cap. 

On their way to campus, about six blocks away from the rundown rental apartment, the boys stay in passing markets with rows and rows of fruits, vegetables, and goods from everywhere and anywhere, far and near the city's smoke-filled skies and streets of cars left and right. Wafting aromas of caffeine and sweet-filled glass tops of vibrant colors, in different shapes and sizes of pastries and pieces of bread crisps glistening with various glazes and topping. Various shops of either selling flowers of different colors, smell and sizes and or stationery item, small eateries for students who eat outside the campus cafeteria, and the lovely book store and library, the one place Caspian don't usually go to but lately, he and his twin has been frequenting, do to a bet that is slowly forming into something else.


Sticky notes of various neon colors with sappy jokes, memes of cats, and random things appear every so often. On tables, couches, books, chairs, cabinets, or the counter of the tranquil and rustic atmosphere of the library always looking so out of place. 


Over a couple of weeks of the jokes and meme notes fiasco. Flora’s reactions to his neon primary-colored notes were not as great as his brother’s neon secondary-colored ones. filled with absolutely ridiculous jokes and the most reliable memes. But Charles knew exactly why he was losing. After all, guilt is eating at him. Making her look every nooks and cranny of the whole establishment for little notes with complete funny rubbish to disregard and throw away, adding to her workload on cleaning but mainly because he's starting to like her. The corny jokes he used to write seem to put a grin of annoyance and utter disbelief of the most significant or simples kinds of jokes. To outright cheesy pickup lines, cliche romance jokes, small poems or notes asking about her day, or compliments that seem to be completely ignored by her. only made her frown, and her brows furrow, "does she think it is weird or more like a stalker??"


Summers are always peaceful, Flora’s favorite time of the year while working as a part-time librarian. No students who aren’t even interested in studying making noises, trashes are lesser than the usual, no kids running around from boredom but lately, the notes keep getting frequent and annoying the heck out of Flora, adding trash and making her sweep the whole place almost turning the whole space upside down and inside out to look for them. Catching up to the perpetrators play of hiding them places no one would think to look, in between books under tables and chairs, behind bookshelves even the restroom has notes. 


Now that fewer patrons enter the library, Flora kept a keen eye for the culprit who keeps adding work for her. If only the owner can ban sticky notes from the library, but alas that can not be done sticky notes are essential for students and office workers. Fortunately for her, she won't look further.


today is the day. Everything is going according to plan. Almost no one, only a few people were inside getting engulfed and lost in their little world of dreams and colourful imagination brought by whatever book on hand, even her. Hair styled perfectly sworn by his friends to swoon any woman who sets their eyes on him and a friend who agreed to help him snatch success in getting her to say yes.


"If plan A fails, plan B takes its place immediately, say sorry." Charles's words echo and, repeating themselves in Caspian's mind. Confessing in the library by serenading Flora. seemed like the worst possible thing to do. but for some unknown reason, that was the most amazing thing his brother could come up with. instead of crushing his spirit, Caspian supports him even if the result kills him. "Yellow notes and smiles of sunshine are enough for me."

April 28, 2021 12:18

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