A meal fit for a King

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write about a character preparing a meal for somebody else.... view prompt


Crime Horror Teens & Young Adult

Time and repetition are supposed to make everything easier and more fluid. So after 15 years of being in Lord Verks' services, you would have thought Elliot would have a hang on his choirs and the amount of time needed to complete them. However disappointing it is to hear you would be mistaken. The long to-do list only ever slowed down the loyal minion. Elliot raced from room to room, restoring order to chaos. Lord Verks' people had been staying with them for the past few weeks and had just left. A huge mess in every room. To most, this would be rude but none of this bothered the young twenty-five-year-old fledgling. Determined the pale-skinned blonde pushed on having long ago relinquished those kinds of feelings. All he wanted was to see the world and Lord Verks’ had given him that. In fact, the man had given him a second life.  At the age of fifteen Elliot had been given a death sentence by leukemia. His body was ready to give up. With no way out on the human side. Elliot had thrown himself into the dark underground world of the occult which had led him down to a shady spot known as Pike Alle. An into Burke Tavern where he meets a bored Lord Verk and lonely Lady White. Lady white had offered him entry into her coven but could promise his life beyond a few years. So of course he went with Verks. Lord Verks had offered eternity in exchange for servitude. In Elliot's young mind it had been a far exchange. one he feverishly honored. Every fiber of his being was loyal to the vampiric lord. Some would say it was an obsession. Though Elliot knew the truth the first turned were always loyal and the fact Verks waited over six centuries made him honored. This bond however did not always save Elliot from Verks temper.

     The man was bipolar by any period's standards. As were most ancient vampires. The ancient commanded respect possessing something regal and daunting. Verks was all these things and yet he wasn't a savage monster. He didn't kill for fun. Lord Verks was not entirely evil like most vampires. With the exception of when he was hungry then he could be exceptionally cruel and merciless. His wrath was something that Elliot was used to being on the receiving end. As such he vowed to make his master happy. Which was a much bigger job than one would believe. Quickly he finished his task and began his last most daunting task preparing Lord Verks’ meal. After being turned at seventeen he could no longer supply the blood needed for meals and as such had to resort to less savory tactics of retrieving blood. So off he went into the dead of night. The modern world was no match for the fledgling vampire. Who ran along rooftops like a blur cloaked in black and the dark of the night.

     Silently he stalked a group of drunken teens three in total; two males and one female. The dark-skinned man stayed behind in the car as the couple left to make love. Elliot quickly knocked out the tanned man then took out the couple, dragging the blonde girl away in a flash of vampiric speed. With force, he throws all three into a bloodstained room. A groan of pain left their mouth in an audible groan.

“Sorry about this but it’s dinner time,” Elliot said softly, moving the woman's hair. She swung at him only to receive a firm smack. Which stund her, her big eyes puffing up in terror.

“Babe this isn't sparkling time, I will not hesitate to kill you,” Elliot said showing off his sharp and incisors. Fear washed over the woman’s face a look of disbelief washed over her.

“Vampire” she stuttered between gasps. The loud cracking of a metal door drew Elliot's attention. 

“My lord,” he said delightedly as a sharp implement was shoved into his leg. Pain raced up to his brain and instinct causing him to kick the man into the hard metal wall. “Idiot” He growled and kicked the other man who raised his fists. This man however refused to go down. Every time the mortal was swung about like a Lil ragdoll. Hewould slowly bounce back. Having enough of the nonsense Elliot grabbed the man by his face and slammed him into the floor repeatedly, blood splattered all over. Sighing, Elliot stood up only to see eerie violet eyes staring back at him through a now crack doorway. Nervously Elliot clinched the man by his hair and stepped back.  Fidgeting with his free hand and sputtering for words he flinched as Verks gently wiped away the blood from his face. With a twisted delight, Lord Verks smirked at the ghastly messy scene in front of him.

 “Well doesn't this look lovely,” Verks stated in a deep predatory tone. A hint of approval in the sadistic tone. Elliot smiled cheerfully; it wasn't often he received praise. Before he could drop the body he felt Verks grab the limp man and drain his essence. A loud thud followed as the body hit the ground. The woman in the corner let out a terrified shriek. The second man attempted to wrestle Verks to the ground only to have his hand snapped. Verks dug his nails into the flesh watching Blood gushed down the wound and into the floor. His violet eyes turned a deep crimson. 

“This looks like a meal fit for a king” Verks taunted his victims. Screams of pain echoed around the room. For a moment Elliot flinched feeling a slight gleam of guilt but then his pride kicked in, lord Verks was pleased with his dinner. This was unprecedented. Verks was never, please. Delighted with himself Elliot slowly exited the room having prepared the best meal to date tomorrow would have to be bigger and better. Perhaps the high school prom could provide the proper meal. Cheerfully Elliot left Lord Verks to enjoy his meal all the while planning his next big dinner. Hopefully, it will be a smashing hit as well.

June 29, 2021 23:49

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Jewels Hope
17:38 Jul 03, 2021

Two questions: what's there relationship? What time period are they in?


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Jewels Hope
17:38 Jul 03, 2021

Dark, interesting I want more of them


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Cat Mandew
03:04 Jul 02, 2021

I like the vampire twist :)


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