Surrender and the Permission Slip

Written in response to: Write about a successful marriage proposal, or one that goes horribly wrong.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Middle School

Whether we like it or not.

Life sometimes is a process.

A process of unknowns.

A process of missteps.

A process of joys.

A process of excitements.

We try to control the outcome, the outcomes.

Oh. How foolish we are☺️.

The cliff notes version of a life well lived. Boy oh boy. The cliff notes seem like the bestest shortcut in the whole wide world. That Bible, seems like a heavy and difficult book with difficult words that are too heavy to carry.


How will you carry yourself, point forward. How will you plan to carry your words, deeds and actions to get to the next step in life?

Step One.

Step One.

Consider this: Maybe Step One is actually the last step…. before really figuring out what needs to be done…… life, a life well lived.

Step One:



It is permission to not fix it all.

Permission. To.Not.Fix.It.All.

Free to be. You and me.

Yes. Without all the excuses, explanations, excitable phrases of contempt or self incrimination.

Sounds like a plan.


Your turn.

To execute your life plan according to you.

Sans the deeply held beliefs….

Always your choice and remember all choices have consequences.

Choices laden with heaviness have bigger consequences.

One day, the pile on occurs and the surrender came. Before awarenss.

The fallout began and the clusters took on new meanings.

We kid ourselves.

We hide ourselves.

Behind others.

Behind masks.

Behind explanations.

Behind manipulations.

Behind parties.

None of us got to where we are alone.

Importance of both the good and bad enmeshed and intertwined within the hapless maze of what if’s and what-to-dos…….

Life is complicated.

Life becomes more complicated because we make it so, make it this or that way.

We propose, sometimes daily, to do this or that, with her or him, or who or whom. We set our plan in motion, see how the chips may fall. Hedge our bets, hedge our motives all in attempts to squeak by.

We have forget, forgot, have forgotten that life is a gift. Life is a precious offering to us each and every day. And sometimes we do not treat it as such-treat it very well. Think we can call all the shots because of who we are, and who you are…….who we think we are.

We think we are better.

We think we know better.

We think we are the bag and the chips.

Maybe. What we all really must think is how can we all do better.

Harmony. Doesn’t harmony sound like it can solve all of the problems in the world?

We gotta get “there” first.

Unfortunately, one person’s there is another person’s here, and so on and so on.

Surrender. Is a term used in battle.

Battle born.

Relinquishment of territory, combatants, facilities, or armaments to another power. (wk)


He, when we ask Him, gives us the permission to NOT fix it all.

We are perfect in His eyes. He WILL help us get there.



To. The peace that passes understanding.

Until then. Fight Him all you want.

He is stronger than you will ever know.

The good news. He waits for you to find this out—how strong He is and will be for you. Every minute of every day. On Thursdays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, On Sundays and Saturdays and especially Mondays.

Even if and when we fight Him tooth and nail. He, one way or another, has the power to help us surrender that which we need to.

And discover better ways.

He proposes to us the guidance to change. Whether it be quietly, dramatically, legally, neighborly, individually, en masse-ly.

He provides us with the one and only,

Permission Slip.

He signs, seals and delivers to us the guidance necessary and needed.

To change our lives into lives well lived.

For selves.

For others.

We slip up. Take the wrong path. Accept the wrong behavior.

He is waiting with open arms, either way. His sovereignty over all things. His way or the highway🙂. Seriously His ways and teachings, His way of operating and thinking prevails over humanity’s and Satan’s.

Secondarily, the surrender of one’s will is evidenced by the acknowledgement of God’s will for our personal lives in even the smallest decisions.


Putting aside our personal desire (for a cookie, a beer, a shot of whisky to “seal the deal) (New shoes, new make up, new, new, new)













To His plan for us.

He walks the walk.

Although we can never compete with Him. We can learn His ways.

”But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant; and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Phl2:7-8)

Don’t even try to fake it because He will know because He is all knowing.

We are the know-it-alls who THINK we know better. Than Him.

We become more foolish when we think we can pull the wool over His eyes. He knows our every move before we do. He knows us that well. He wants for us to be the change we want to see.

Be the change you want to see.

Even amongst the biggest blunders of our day, our days.

In the end, does it really matter?

You betcha.

It matters.

You do.

I do.

Most importantly, He does.

No matter what we do when Satan is whispering sweet nothings into our ears, and we think love has found us.


Satan does not love. Satan is the cruel and unusual punishment of all things “opportunity.” When opportunity knocks and the knocker is Satan—-run like the devil😃 away as far and as fast as you are able.

God will be waiting for you at the end of your run…..

Make it a good one. A good run.

Reality-based. No fakers allowed.No fake it til you make it.

Disingenuousity is Satan’s plan.

God’s plan for you is different. His plan is genuine, bonafide, a permission slip of goodness, kindness and self- authority over your own life.

With his gentle hand of guidance leading your way.

February 13, 2024 12:47

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