
    “Can you keep a secret,” those five simple words changed Daniel’s life forever, despite the fact that it was his best friend asking this question, he still wasn’t quite sure that he could keep this dark secret that his friend was about to divulge, but nonetheless he inquired the secret, promising to keep a secret that would change the course of his life and his very soul,

    “What’s up man,” he asked still not quite sure about whether or not he could indeed keep this odd secret that his friend was being very squeamish about,

    “Well.” Denny said, rubbing his clammy hands together nervously, “Umm well. Before I tell you, you have to understand that it was an accident. I-I-I it simply wasn’t supposed to go that way at all. I killed her I-I-I didn’t mean to, it just happened,”

    “Haha not funny Den.”Daniel said nervously. Denny’s eyebrows narrowed angrily and he shoved Daniel backwards,

    “I’m not kidding dude.”

    “Well if it's true what you’re saying…then I can’t keep this a secret man.” Denny’s entire demeanor changed again,

    “Well if that’s how you feel, then so be it.” Daniel shook his head pivoting on his heel and slamming the door swiftly behind him, he could not let this secret be kept from the police, despite the fact that he knew it would destroy Denny’s life, but his own friend would not let his secret be let out,

    “Yes hello father, I need some help.”

    “What did you do this time boy.”

    Daniel opened the door to his truck, its blue paint job just as shiny as the day he had bought it two years ago.

    Headlights shone down the road, the black vehicles impossible to see in the nearly pitch-black night.

    Pop Pop Pop

    The gunfire from the car caused Daniel to duck down beneath his truck and the holes in his truck peeved him to say the least,

    “Hey I just had my truck washed,” he shouted after the passing cars. The same cars pulled an ear-rending screeching U-turn. He quickly jumped into the truck, CLICK CLICK CLICK. The truck wouldn’t start, turning the key back again, the the beginnings of more gunfire against the back of his truck, CLICK CLICK ROAR. The truck started and he screeched out of Denny’s long driveway, busting through the gate much to the chagrin of the guards in the guardhouse.

    Racing down the street wasn’t as easy as they made it out to be in the movies, especially when you were in car chase with people that were trying to kill you, then again anyone that wasn’t trying to do something to you in a car chase had no business being in one.

    The car chase escalated rather quickly, the two black cars pulling up alongside his blue truck and firing through the window, ducking and slamming on his brakes forced Daniel’s truck backwards. Turning the wheel sharply he pulled a J-turn and pulled a sharp left onto a main road, using the traffic to hide from the two Assassins that his friend had obviously sent after him to keep the secret quiet.

    Daniel would not be able to return home, that would be the first place his best friend would look for him, though he lived alone he could not let this be his alone to deal with. Pulling out his phone, a sharp piece of glass cut his finger, drawing a sharp prick of blood from him, moving his hand in his pocket for his obviously shattered phone, he found a bullet in the screen of his phone.

    Daniel had always been annoyed with the fact that he hadn’t possessed the newest tech like Denny had always seemed to have, but sighing he realized that his old Nokia phone had in fact saved his leg from the sharp pain of a bullet that would’ve most likely caused him to be caught.

    Shaking his head slowly, he pulled into an old alley, deciding to ditch his truck his friend would’ve most likely called his father who in turn would call in his dirty cops to find Daniel and kill him, but Daniel had some contacts of his own and he would have to use them to disappear completely and hopefully one day avenge the girl his friend had murdered.

    He swiftly jumped out of his truck, going strictly cash only, luckily keeping a stash of several thousand dollars in a compartment in his truck. In the chest in the bed of the truck he pulled out a set of throwing knives and clothes completely black. Guns could be tracked to their exact location, a secret technology that cops used to bust gun deals.

Swiftly changing he began to walk towards the old abandoned warehouses on the wharf, where his contact usually hung out. Several cops drove into the old alleyway, having gotten a small tip from their various contacts around the city.

He didn’t hesitate, turning he quickly began to sprint away from the cops, not doubting for a second that there were more mercenaries on the roofs of the surrounding buildings giving chase.

He passed old trash cans with the homeless scrounging through them. Old worn clothes drying on their lines, and scruffy cats that yowled before diving into the nearest hiding place. The cops continued to give chase with their buddy mercs on the roofs jumping the gaps. 

One of the cops dove at him, tripping him up and making him roll across the dirty alley floor. Two more cops moved behind him, cutting off his escape or so they thought. Turning, he dove between the legs of one cop, tripping him in the process as he rolled and continued his mad dash through the alley.

Grinning he saw the old fence in front of him, knowing that the cops would not catch him and better yet, there was the highway separating the buildings from each other, giving him enough space to escape the roof pursuers.

Jumping high he caught the edge of the fence and swiftly pulled himself over the top, waving as the cops stopped and looked through the fence at him. Sprinting until he reached the old wharf he stopped out of breath, knocking on the door of the warehouse until the door finally opened and he fell through the door,

“Get me Sam. Now,” one man moved quickly to the back of the warehouse bringing his boss to the front of the warehouse where his old friend laid exhausted on the floor,

“What do you need Daniel?”

“I need to disappear, tonight.”

“You go-“ Sam was cut short as a cacophony of gunfire erupted from outside, one of the men fell next to his boss, another firing out into the dark wharf, before he too fell beside the first,

“Let’s move now!” Sam shouted at his remaining men, pulling Daniel off the floor and dusting him off, “Friend’s of yours!”

“Not quite mate. Let’s move,” running for the cars in the back the group was intercepted by more cops and mercs, who immediately fired into them taking two more of Sam’s men down before they could retaliate,

“Okay kid, you need to get the hell out of here now. We’ll hold them off. My plane will get you anywhere you need to go. The captain will run a program that will wipe you from the face of the Earth. Go!” Daniel raced to one of the side doors of the wharf, his friends providing cover fire for him. 

Quickly opening the door he slammed one merc down, while dispatching the other quickly with his fists, knowing the man out cold with a single punch. 

Jumping onto one of the gang’s bikes he screeched away in a matter of seconds, the cops and mercs both shooting at him, desperately trying to knock him off the bike, 

“AHHH,” a bullet hit home, but he continued, pushing through the pain, knowing that stopping was not an option,  knowing that stopping meant death.

With them rising of the sun, Daniel reached the airstrip, the pilot waiting for him ran the program on arrival,

“Take me to Germany,” he would use the Secret Service there to train and one day return and avenge not only that girl, but his friends that he had left behind in that warehouse. He would not stop until he was dead or Denny faced the court for his crimes.

August 20, 2020 05:56

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Ash Hale
05:11 Aug 31, 2020

Hey! I take part in the critique circles....so they sent me your story this time round. I just loved your skill at describing a scene. I almost felt like I was there during that car chase. However, I feel that this was more of a descriptive essay than a story. You could definitely add some suspense to it! You can also consider using less similar sounding names....there were times when I got confused between Daniel and Denny. Do check out my stories and share your views on how I can improve them!


Layne Ensey
19:18 Aug 31, 2020

Thank you so much for the feedback. I can definitely see where you are coming from with your critiques and I completely agree with your saying of it being more an essay than a story


Ash Hale
02:39 Sep 01, 2020



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