Love After The End

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Adventure Romance Science Fiction

It's hard to meet someone when nealy everyone else is dead. POTUS had provoked North Korea and China one too many times. A total nuclear war had broken out with global consequences. Anyone not in the military had become refugees.

People around the world took fled in bunkers and caves. Those in engineered and planned shelters were safe from atomic blasts, had food, adequate medical care and a controlled enviroment. The populations that had no such infastructure in place weren't so lucky.

Eventually, fighting on the surface stopped; but those survivors couldn't just return to surface life. The last radioactive explosions may have ceased but between the near constant black rain and daugter isotopes the make surface hostile to life.

Humans lucky enough to have the equipment to survive the caves formed colonies that led hardscrabble existences. Growing crops was next to impossible, any soil or water from top side was toxic, anything cultivated in it was unsafe. Most of settlements had to raise bugs for food. All resources were limited and carefully rationed. These subterrainian villages were isolated; one of the few groups that wandered the myriad tunnels was the Rovers.

This group, instead of producing their own resouces, steal and kill. Worse than that, Rovers always travel in packs using ATVs they "Liberated". They manage to make or steal weapons. Everyone who isn't a Rover fears them.

So that's how life is, no internet, bugs for every meal, and cave pirates. That's how I've lived for the last eight years. Sure I'm used to it but it's lonely. My mom, dad and brother all died. So now it's just me, Diana, making the most of my boring loveless existence.

Eight years ago, I'd had hopes of getting married and graduating college. You know, the normal things people do.

Now my day is waking up in my dorm in Carlsbad Caverns colony one. Making sure the lights function, all alert and Klaxons are in working order and all defense systems are operational. Then I eat, go to sleep, repeat.

Thats what I was doing when the Rovers attacked that day. I was working on a faulty gate when the roar of their ATVs filled the cavern. I ran to the machine gun turret intending to fire. What I saw gave me pause.

A man was riding a motor cross bike, barely twenty feet in front. He kept looking back anxiously at the Rovers. I shouted to my friend, who was manning the other machine gun. "JAX!" I said. "AIM AT THE ATVS NOT THE BIKE! THE PERSON RIDING IT IS BEING CHASED! HE'S NOT A ROVER!"

Jax had good hearing. He looked over at me and nodded before taking out the three ATVs. "Good work!" I told him. "I'm opening the gate so I can go check on the cyclist." As soon as the metal plates had swung open, I ran through to where the motor bike had wiped out. I moved the bike off its rider and knealt to examine him. I had some basic first aid training, right now I was hoping it would be enough.

I checked to see if he was responsive. "Hello," I said. "Can you hear me?" He weakly moaned. "Yeah;" he said. "My head is throbbing."

"You probably hit the ground with your head;" I told him. "I'm going to check your pupils." I pulled my pen light from my jumpsuit pocket. It was a good thing his eyes were blue, it made it easier to complete the test. Both pupils contacted in the light. "Good;" I said. "No brain damage. Stay still, I have to see if anything's broken."

I didn't have any medical equipment with me, so I had to bind up his wounds with some elecrical tape and rags I kept to clean tools. His arm had a funny lump, indicating a break, I improvised a splint out of a monkey wrench and a clean cut length of pipe I had in my tool box. Still, he needed a medic.

"Can you stand?" I asked. "Hang on a sec..." he replied. Slowly he climbed to his feet. "Ahhh!" He screamed. Apparently he couldn't put weight on one leg. "Easy!" I told him; rushing over and draping his damaged side over my shoulder. "Here;" I said. "Lean on me; we'll take it slow, but we have to get you to the medic." We limped for a ways. "Thanks;" he said. "You and whoever was working that gun saved me."

"Don't mention it...that was some stunt, running from the Rovers. What's your name?" I asked. I felt foolish chattering but I had to keep him awake, otherwise he might not make it to the infirmary. "Dan;" he said. "The Rovers attacked my village. Only chance was to run." It was amazing he had thought so clearly. Most of the Rovers' victims panicked too badly to escape. "You're not like most people;" I observed.

"I was a motorcycle cop before the war;" he said. "It was instinct mostly. I--I'm starting to feel dizzy." That wasn't a good sign. "Hang on Dan;" I said. "We're at the infirmary. I just gotta buzz the medic." I pushed the button for the alert system. The medic's voice crackled in the speaker. "Medic Gordon;" he said. "What is the nature of your emergency?" I needed to be clear and consice. "Medic, this is Diana with matenance. I have a male who has been in a motorbike accident. He can walk with assistance but has a possible concussion and other injuries. I have administered first aid. Requesting further medical attention." It was a good thing Gordon didn't waste any time. "Ten-four;" he said. "Bring in the patient and I will do what I can."

Once I got Dan inside, I helped him on to the examination table. "Lets see what we got here;" Gordon said, then after he noticed me standing there still. "Thank you Dianna, you did a good job improvising. I'll call you if I need anything. Now I think the patient--"

"His name is Dan;" I said helpfully.

"Dan then;" Gordon acknowledged. "I'd like to examine this young man without an audience."

Embarrassed, I left the infirmary. My adrenaline was wearing off and I was a little tired. The Klaxon announced the time. "IT IS NOW 18:00 MOUNTAIN TIME. CURFEW BEGINS IN THREE HOURS." That meant it was time for the nightly meal. I decided to head over to the commissary.

I waited patiently and was rewarded with milipede and mushroom stew. Yum. Well at least it was better than the what I ate for breakfast.

"There you are!" Jax called out. He waved me over to his table. "I was wondering what happened!" He said. "Did you get lost in that hunky biker guy's eyes or something? I could see you checking them out from the watch tower!" I blushed, having a gay best friend was a blessing and a curse. "No Jax!" I said. "I had to make sure he wasn't too badly hurt. I dropped him off in the infirmary."

Jax stirred his stew and rolled his eyes. "Mmhmm;" he said. "You can tell me that all you want but I think we both know you thought he was hot!" I almost chocked on a chunk of millipede. "Whatever!" I said. "I was just doing what anyone with paramedic training would do!" Jax was clearly enjoying teasing me. "Sure, sure;" he said. "Just know that if you don't make a move on that one, I will." I drank the rest of my stew straight from the bowl and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "Well, I think thats it for me;" I said. "I'm going to go sleep, see you day after tomorrow!" Jax gave a gasp. "You get tomorrow off?" He said. "I'm jealous! Later girl!"

I fell asleep thinking about Dan. I hoped he pulled through, it would be a shame to have escaped the Rovers and then die from his accident.

My alarm clock beeped loudy at 05:00. I groaned, beeing a shift worker meant I had to keep it set, even when I wasn't scheduled. No sleeping in, the colony's lights would be on soon. I got up and decided to get ready for the day.

Once I was dressed, I decided to skip breakfast and go check on Dan. I reached the infirmary just as it was opening up. I pushed the non-emergency intercom button. "It's Diana again;" I said. "I came to check on the accident victim I brought in." Gordon, always professional, answered. "He pulled through;" he said. "Luckily, he only has a broken arm, a hematoma on the left hip joint and a mild concussion. I'll let you see him but don't wear the man out." After that exchange, Gordon opened the door and let me in.

Dan was sitting up in a cot partitioned off from the rest of the room by long curtains. He looked up as I peeked in. "Hey;" he said. "It's my mystery Valkery! What's up?" I suddenly felt very shy. "Whoa now;" I said. "I'm only human. How are you feeling?"

He smiled a little. "Better;" he said. "The medic took good care of me. He tells me I could be released soon." Gordon had been eavesdropping and cleared his throat. "While technically thats true, you'll need a little help for a while;" he said. "Do you have anyone who can help you at home?" Dan looked dissapointed. "No, sir;" he said. "I've been alone since...since humanity went underground."

I'm not usually impulsive but it was like I was possesed. "I'll take care of him!" I heard myself say. "He can stay at my dormitory, I have a spare room." Both men stared at me for a while. "If you're sure;" Gordon said. "I guess I'll give Dan here his discharge papers, teach him what to do now, give you supplies and instructions...then you two can get back to life as it is."

There was awkwardness in the air between Dan and I after Gordon left. "So, uh, thanks?" Dan said. "You didn't have to volunteer, you know. I'm sure that the medic wouldn't release me without nowhere to go." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Well;" I said. "I wanted to be a doctor for a living...I couldn't turn my back on someone in your situation."

Gordon came back in. He breifly explained things to me. "Now, while Dan's arm is in that cast and until the hematoma heals, he'll need help dressing, bathing, and eating;" Gordon said. "That's because he is right hand dominant and he had the bad luck to break that arm." As soon as Gordon was done talking I asked my questions. "Does he have any medications and do I need to change any of his bandages?" Gordon was impressed though he tried to hide it. "This bottle has enough 600 mg tablets of Ibuprofen to get you through about two weeks;" he said. "Dan, you can take one tablet every four hours up to four times a day as needed. His cuts and abrasions are superficial but might get infected so be sure to clean them and put fresh antiboitic and bandages on the wounds daily. Before I forget, Dan, you'll need complete rest for a while."

We thanked Gordon and I took Dan to my dorm. "Sit down over by the table;" I said. "I think I'll grab us some lunch at the Commissary. I'd ask if you want chicken or beef but I know we don't have those anymore." Dan laughed at the joke. "I'd tell you I'll stay here;" he said. "But we know I can't go anywhere." I smiled a little. "Okay;" I said. "Be right back."

The line for food at 11:00 hours wasn't too bad. I quickly picked up two orders. Dan was sitting at the table examining the abstract painting hanging on the wall nearby. "This is nice;" he said. "Did you do it? It has pretty colors."

"Oh that?" I said. "Yeah I had a fling with a paint brush back in Highschool. I call that piece 'The Jist of Flowers'. The truth is my art teacher tried to make us paint Hydrangeas one day. I got frustrated; this is the result." Dan poked his food with a fork, eyes still on the painting. "That's really good looking;" he said. "I wouldn't have guessed it was a failed attempt at realism." I blushed a little "Thanks;" I said. "I wish I had put more effort into it. I miss flowers and it'd be nice to have something to remind me of them. So, do you have anything you miss?" Dan stabbed at his food irratably. "You could say that;" he answered.

"Dan, I'm sorry;" I said. "I shouldn't have asked that. You don't have to--" Dan cut me off. "No," he said. "Maybe talking about it will be cathartic. My wife, Pam. We had been trying to take shelter like everyone else. I made it but she didn't." Dan's jaw was clenched and he stared down at the table. "That's awful;" I said. "You must've really loved her." I placed my hand on Dan's, trying to be comforting. He winced slightly, I'd forgotten about his injury; but he left his hand under mine. "Yeah;" he said. "I did. Its still painfull thinking about her but I guess I've learned to accept that Pam's gone."

After I disposed of the remnants of our meal, I showed Dan to the spare bedroom. "Well here we are;" I said. "It's got a bed, nightstand and a closet. The bathroom is a Jack-and-Jill with doors on both sides so you'll have privacy. Do you need anything else?" Dan sat down on the bed and thought. "Well;" he said. "I'd like to clean myself up...only problem is I have no clothes to change into."

Somehow I hadn't thought of that. "What size are you?" I asked. "I have some of my dad's old clothes...he was kind of big though. Maybe my brothers would do?" Dan shook his head. "I don't care if they fit;" he said. "Anything just so I'm not running around naked."

I returned with a shirt and a pair of jeans that my brother had worn. If I remembered right, my brother had been a similar height and build as Dan. "Allright this may get a little awkward;" I told him. "Just remember it's nothing personal." I was just finishing taking his shirt off when he replied. "Well not that I'd mind;" he said. "If it got personal. Uh-oh! I mean you're an attractive woman. Aw Crap! I really put my foot in it!" I was shocked and didn't know what to say. "We'll I appologize miss, uh, what's your name?" Dan asked.

My skin was flushing, making the small bathroom feel uncomfortably warm. "It's Diana, like the greek goddess. Thanks;" I said. "If you don't mind me saying, you're pretty good looking too." Tense silence precipitated between us. Dan drew me close with his good arm and knotted his hand in my hair. His lips pressed urgently against mine and a passionate hunger overtook both of us.

I won't go into detail in what happened next. I'll just say that Dan wasn't the only one who got a shower. I'm not sure how clean we got but we both enjoyed our experience.

Once we got our clothes back on, we stared at eachother. "What just happened?" I asked. Dan looked at me sheepishly. "If I had to guess;" he said. "I'd say that 'greek goddess' line was a real turn on." I wasn't sure any of that shower had been kosher. "But still I can't believe we just did that!" I said. "I'm supposed be caring for your physical well being, not making you horny!"

Dan used his good hand to rub my shoulder. He gently kissed my cheek. "Don't feel guilty;" he told me. "I'm pretty sturdy. Besides it's been years since I've..satisfied my urges." I looked into his eyes, he looked so sincere. Still I knew his body needed rest. "Allright:" I said. "But now I think you should lay down and rest." Dan smiled mischieviously. "If you come cuddle with me;" he said. "I'll try and get some sleep."

Despite thinking it might prove too stimulating, I consented. The bed barely held the two of us. I carefully wraped my arm around Dan's torso and waited for him to fall asleep. "You know;" he said. "Maybe it's a good thing the Medic made me stay with you." I scoffed. "I volunteered;" I said. "You didn't have to accept." Dan sighed. "I know;" he said. "I guess I'm just tired of being alone... when I get better are you going to kick me out?"

Ever since being forced into the caverns during the war, I had just lived in the moment. What else could I do? Making plans in this new age was next to impossible. How did I really feel about Dan though? It was too soon to tell.

"How about you heal from your injuries first?" I said. "Then we'll see what happens." Dan turned to look at me. "Sure;" he said. "We'll do that."

A week passed, then two. Dan got a clean bill of health from the medic. "You still haven't told me to leave;" he oberved on the third week. "I know;" I said. "I think I've gotten attached." He embraced me tight. "Does this mean I get to stay?" He asked. I kissed him deeply. "Does that answer your question?" I asked. "So that's a yes;" he guessed. I nodded.

"I love you;" I said. He let go of my body but still held my hand. "I love you too, Diana;" he said. "Want to come inside and celebrate?" To answer that, I grabbed him by the waste and pulled him into our dorm, kissing him as I did.

September 19, 2020 04:35

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