Drama Friendship Romance

author notes: I did not know what I should have done for my title and my topic dose not go that much with the story till the end. Also I want to thank cj m/cadence for helping me and showing me this website.

By: Ruby collins

Let's start from the beginning. My name is Cindy Brook ward. I am going to tell you all the tea about my old times. When I was a hot teenager. Now I am just an 87 year old grandma. Living a boring old life. Not being able to use the bathroom by myself, forgetting lots of stuff, and of course health problems. so let's get back on topic. I was going to high school and I was one of those hot and pretty nerds/weirdos. Me and my bestie Bella were so excited. We could not wait we got all are school supplies and stuff like that. "A week later." We went to school. It was great in the morning. We made a few friends and the teachers were very nice. But then around lunch it began to get rough. We thought it would be great but people just bullied us and said that we were lesbian and we were dating. So that's when I decided I wanted to be cool. I ditched Bella,I got new clothes, and got this really hot red lipstick. The next day was great. Three boys asked me out of course I only said yes to one. The hottest one obviously. Also I got invited into the cool girls squad . I had this thing after school the cool girls wanted to make sure I was Loyal enough so yeah. "After school" So they wanted me to send a picture of Bella and the picture had the words written on it freak. I hesitated and said no way. Then they said I thought you wanted to be cool, you are not going to be in the group if you don't do this and then we will just call you a loser because you are one without us. I could not stand being called a loser so I sent the picture to the whole school. They gave me this really cool headband and welcomed me in the group. I got to say it felt great. I got to sit by them at lunch, people did not mess with me, and they were really rich so I got lots of stuff from them. I noticed Bella had not been at school the whole week. I thought she was sick so I did not bother to care. But then she was not at school the next week so after school on Friday I went over to her house. I rang the doorbell no one answered so I rang it again. Her mom came two the door. I said “ Hi I noticed that Bella was not at school this week. Is she ok? I assumed she was sick.” “She didn't tell you she lives with her dad now and is going to a different school.” “ What why!” “Because there was some drama at school someone sent a picture that said freak on it to the whole school.” “oh ok if you see her tell her I miss her.” I thought in my head about all the bad things I did . I felt so bad I knew I had to do something. I went home that night. I cut all my clothes into small little pieces , I threw the hot lipstick away, and I sent Bella a message saying sorry. I did not care about being cool anymore. When I went to school I threw a head band at the cool girls and said “ her you go freaks you are just a whole tone of bullies” and I stormed off. I ate alone the next couple of weeks. but then Bella came back a couple weeks after I sent her the apogee message. when she came back I said I was vary sorry. she said I know I seen the message. She forgave me. I was so happy. I dumped my really hot boyfriend ok fine he dumped me because I was not cool enough for him he was just using me. Then got a really nice boyfriend. Also he is pretty hot. His name was Luis. He brought me anywhere I wanted to go. He always gave me love and lots of kisses. He just made me so so happy. So that's why I decided to marry him when I was older. We Had four kids, three girls and a boy. The oldest is Bella named after my best friend, then we had Claire, and then we had Lilly and Luke twins. We lived a great life. I am telling you this story because Luis died yesterday and Bella is really sick and I don’t think she will live much longer. I am really sad but know that they will always be with me no matter what. “ Three weeks later” Bella died today. I will always remember them throughout my high school years.    

 Hope you liked the story and pleas give me some tips on my writing it would be great if you did. Also let me know what you thought of the story. I am just going to say hi now because I do not have enough words to submit this story. hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi h hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

February 13, 2021 14:58

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15:58 Feb 13, 2021

Wow Ruby this is a really good story! I really liked how she ditched her popular friends for Bella even though she knew she wouldn't be popular anymore. There were very few mistakes that I know you will improve on because I made the same mistakes when I first joined and the people on here really helped me. Keep writing-CJ


Ruby Collins
16:02 Feb 13, 2021

aww thanks you are the best i will look for thouse mistakes next time thanks


16:03 Feb 13, 2021

Your welcome! If you want we can facetime later and go over some of those mistakes so you don't make them next time!


Ruby Collins
16:09 Feb 13, 2021

ya that would be great :)


16:09 Feb 13, 2021



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