Fantasy Fiction Horror

Two days hiking into the Cro Mountains, Harriette found herself standing before her very own little cave of seclusion. She’d crossed streams, traversed steep terrain and waded through forests and undergrowth, scraping her hands and face bloody in the attempt.

As always, it had all been worth it; especially as she was sure she was the only one who knew about the place; not even the animals had disturbed her protective-wards as she took them down one at a time.

Once inside, Harriette didn’t waste time. She knelt, setting down her supplies; within minutes she had conjured the very Portal she was told never to make. As a third year student, she had been cleared for blue, green and yellow Portals, under strict supervision of course; black required a further two years of study, but red was forbidden entirely.

Maroon veins of power pulsed, twirling helically downwards around jagged edges of pale magenta light. The doorway looked like nothing more than a careless cut through the fabric of reality, hanging diagonally in suspension before her. She usually took such pride in her elliptical Portal frames, but the power and focus required for this jagged tear had left her exhausted.

Paranoid Magicere Arderine’s voice tolled in her head.

“Miss Fiende, what have you done? Our world is free of Monsters and you wish to bring them to us?”

Harriette cared for neither the tone nor the imagined implications. As far as she was concerned, anything forbidden should be instantly explored; its truth exposed.


Magicere Arderine considered herself Harriette’s personal mentor and voice of reason. Harriette had shown nothing but disdain for the notion from the very start.

My gifts far exceed all of yours! So much so you cannot possibly comprehend the

eyes through which I behold our world… And you dare to think you can guide my


Her intellectual justifications had always seemed so hefty within her mind; as though she was some sort of revolutionary pushing back against oppressive authority with her superior talents and mind.

Yet, for a moment it felt feather-light as weighed against the potential cost of her life for the sake of exploratory fame.

She sought additional comfort from her anxiety as she called to mind the Academy’s blatant Hypocrisy: One was permitted to travel freely across the planet, to visit other worlds, galaxies and even realms that run parallel to our own; yet it was forbidden to Plane-Shift? To travel to the realms that literally inhabit the same space we do, like overlapping blankets but with different expressions of reality?

If only everyone else could see it my way, then they would understand.

Her fear subsided; she watched with fascination as a stray lock of hair was being pulled towards the Portal. It was beckoning her.

She shut the small leather bound volume in her left hand and reached down with her right, grabbing her overly stocked satchel of supplies; regents, vials, paper, pens and far more than she needed.

I have been held back long enough. When I return, I will be The Teacher.

Harriette held her breath and stepped through the Portal. Warmth and light enveloped her, blinding her. For a moment she felt as though she was about to be pulled inside out, then just as suddenly found herself gasping in the thickest air she had ever had to inhale. Each breath was like labor, only just filling her lungs… as though the humidity was almost tangible.

Finding her breath had distracted Harriette just long enough to not notice that her hands were on fire till she actually looked down. The small leather book, along with her satchel, danced with sluggish flames that didn’t burn her; yet her belongings crumbled from her fingertips to low embers on either side of her feet. She dug frantically at the heaps, hoping to save something, anything at all. All she succeeded in doing was to scatter coals and ashes everywhere over the dry-baked earth.

She heard Magicere Kindread’s voice within her head. She hated him, he was so dismissive of her brilliance.

“Far better and greater Magicians than yourself have tried and failed at Plane-Shifting! You lack the Emotional-Intelligence to do it safely!”

Panic seized her mind and narrowed her field of vision. She observed her surroundings through wild eyes, desperately seeking something to focus on.

Nothing but scorched earth and barren emptiness greeted her gaze. Occasional trees loomed like solitary sentinels dotted on the open plains; their leaves a lifeless, dull green version of their true expression. They grew smaller as they disappeared beyond the horizon.

The sky held neither moon nor stars, yet twilight loomed from every direction, casting expired light faintly over empty steppes. She had no idea where she was, and while she still had all her gear, that wasn’t a problem… but now she was nothing more than a lost fawn, abandoned to the mercies of the wilderness.

Harriette’s journey was not going as planned.

“Fuck!” She yelled into dense air. The sound of her voice reached her, but it was muffled; more like it was travelling through her jaw than through the air. It seemed deeper but more melodic, providing a din harmony to the building momentum of her terror.

She shook her head, then pinched her nose and tried to force air through her ears. There was no satisfying pop, just a merciless squelch as wax compressed within her ear-canals.

 “Fuck-Shit-Bollocks-Shit -FUUUUCK!” Yelling had always given Harriette a sense of control over herself and her surroundings, but it wasn’t helping this time.  


The voice was too calm, too smooth and polite and serene to possibly fit with her current experience of reality. She considered herself delusional and didn’t even bother to look up. Ignoring it, she proceeded to empty her pockets. She collected lint, a couple of vials, and three mints; she placed them neatly before her and stared at the paltry collection, desperately hoping for inspiration.

“Fuck!” She swore again. “All my stuff is gone! I don’t have the book! I don’t have my tools! I don’t know where I am and I am going to die!”

 The pace of her breathing increased rapidly; in full panic, she covered her face with her hands and craned backwards, screaming as loud as she could into her cupped palms.

“Ahem... Hello?” The polite voice was back. “May I be of service?”

Harriette froze, her hands still covering her face, her neck still craning backwards; making her look like she was a Desni-Monk meditating in one of those ridiculous endurance poses.

She slowly pulled a couple of fingers away from her eyes; looking for the owner of such a calming voice. She didn’t have to look far; he stood right in front of her.

She had never seen anyone more beautiful in her life.

He was plainly dressed in grey tones; a pale button up shirt fitting with neat flows over dark trousers, with soft leather boots covering the hems.

His hair was a thick black mass of dreadlocks, hanging with casual elegance over his shoulders. His skin was a deathly pale and his eyes glittered the most vibrant shade of lime-green Harriette had ever seen. He looked human enough, but not at the same time.

He’s just too Gorgeous to be human…

He smiled warmly and she felt herself blush.

“Pink!” He exclaimed. It had taken Harriet by surprise, and he noticed. “Apologies my Lady, I did not mean to startle you.” He slowly raised his hands to his sides, and held his palms outward toward her in a calming gesture and knelt down before her. “However, I must confess, it has been a long time since I’ve seen such a bright shade of rose...I simply couldn’t help myself.”

“It is fine.” She replied quickly, not trusting herself to say more as she felt another flush of crimson run up her neck. She averted her eyes, staring blankly at her meager belongings.

“The vials may be useful, but I don’t see a need for the rest.”

His smooth voice drew her gaze upwards; he had moved noticeably closer.

As if for the first time, Harriette observed perfect symmetry; each feature adhering to every consideration of the Golden Ratio. Delicate eyebrows arched gracefully over perfect eyes, neither to close together nor too far apart. His nose ran an elegant line, no cleft or button-flip to mar its tip, with nostrils flaring evenly either side. His lips were full with a faintly stunning double-peak at the philtrum. Just below those full lips, a strong chin provided the cornerstone to a powerful jawline complementing high

cheekbones. His physique was athletic, as far as she could tell….

By the gods… what is happening to me? Why do I care?

“What are you?” Harriette blurted out.

“Not who?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in mock curiosity.

Gods, how is he so beautiful?

“You ask the wrong questions.” He said before she could speak.

“Pardon?” She couldn’t help but wonder if he was reading her mind.

I am thinking of three steaming Turds!

He smiled at her with his eyes alone, his mouth a flat line as he replied. “You should have asked; ‘Who are you?’ not ‘What are you?’. You were impolite.”

“Fine!” Harriette sighed, feeling frustrated. “Who are you then?”

He sighed in return, as though a little disappointed. “Hastine of the Demonic-Plane.”

“Demonic-Plane? There’s a…you’re a…”

Harriette fell speechless and dropped her gaze, completely unsure as to why. She simply felt Terrible over how poor her manners had been.

She looked up and found him staring at her intently, a stone of saliva sat in the back of her throat and she swallowed loudly before speaking.

“My name’s Harriette Fiende; 3rd year student at the Magical Academy of Desni’Cro.”

His gaze softened and he flashed his warmest smile yet; the compulsion to mind her manners left her… somewhat.

“Yes.” He started, extending her his hand. She took it and felt herself rise effortlessly to her feet alongside him. His gloved hand was cool to the touch. “You are in the Demonic-Plane. And no; I am not exactly a Demon.” He frowned, his face remaining enigmatically lineless. “Though… I am Demon made.” 


“It is difficult to explain. I was once human, like you… but I am Demonic now.”

Harriette shook her head lightly, suddenly feeling very interested in Hastine and all she would discover with him. “I never even considered the possibility of the Demonic-Plane, let alone that they could create something so… incredible.”

He laughed softly. “Did you not say you attended a Magical Academy?”

“I did.” She wanted to scoff but felt too warmly towards him. “Planar-Travel is forbidden. I know they have information, but they refuse to share it.”

He tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow and started walking slowly. She found herself following him willingly, safe as long as he was with her.

“As lovely as it is to have you here, you don’t belong; I will help you get home.” His tone seemed cool and serene.

“Thank you.” She smiled at him, hoping it was her best one, but he was looking ahead and missed it. “What other Planes are there?” She asked, trying to draw his attention back on her.

He looked at her with curiosity for a while. “There are eleven

in total. Firstly there’s Demonic, your current location. Then what? Oh; then we have Darkness, Nightmare, Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Material or Reality, where you are from; Then Dreams, Light and Celestial.”

She had a million questions for him, but settled on. “I am from the Material-Plane? What does that mean?”

“Not the worst question I’ve heard, but certainly not what I expected.” He appeared dissatisfied and Harriette felt herself shrivel within his perceived disdain. Mercifully, he answered her question. “Your Realm is the Primary one. We cannot exist without yours existing first. Yet, now that we do exist, we are crucial to your survival.”

“Even the Demonic-Plane?” She asked.

“Especially the Demonic-Plane!” He was firm, yet playful. “We keep the gods in check!” Harriette felt herself swoon, and found she was more interested in Hastine than anything else. 

They walked for hours, discussing the nature of Demons. He beguiled her with words like Balance and Stability. He appealed to her reason, discussing how the god’s capriciousness was woefully unchecked in Harriette’s world without enough Demonic influence.

She listened eagerly as the sparse desert bathed in low light turned into gloomy grey forests. Each step, each word, affirming and enhancing her affection.

“Where are we going?” She asked, holding him tightly.

“My home; I have the regents you require to summon a Portal back to yours.” His voice was perfectly sincere. “I also wish to share my knowledge with your world. Perhaps you can bring me with you?”

“I… wait? If you can summon the Portal, why do I need to bring you?” She couldn’t help herself and was worried she would disappoint him again, but he just smiled widely at her.

“Good question!” She lavished his praise. “Well… All manner of creatures living on the other Planes, Need an invitation to join the Material-Plane. The gods, for some bizarre reason, have no trouble securing one.” He Shrugged. “Demons aren’t so lucky.”

Harriette hesitated. “I will need to secure permission, but perhaps… a Token? Of your knowledge to take with me…It could strengthen my argument on your behalf.”

He didn’t reply as they rounded a corner; before them stood a humble grey hut. It was neatly maintained, but lifeless and small.


“It’s lovely. Is it yours?” she lied, striving to be polite.

“Thank you, it is; but we both know it’s a bit meager.” His face appeared indecipherable and lovely. They approached the door and he opened it for her, half bowing with one arm extended inward. Harriette caught his eyes, and they stared at each other intently as she entered his home.

A faintly sweet smell greeted her; a little like a vase of flowers that had been left out too long.

The interior was immaculate but bare; two wooden stools sat either side of a small round table. In the right-hand corner, no more than a few feet away stood a single bed. Just before the bed was a small floor-hatch, probably leading to a cellar of some description.

He closed the door behind them and lit a fire in the fireplace; it took him almost no time at all. Harriette relished its warmth, but couldn’t enjoy its light. It too felt oddly Grey.  The only improvement was that she could observe Hastine’s handsome features better.

Gods… have I fallen in Love? With a Demon?

He was looking at her as she thought this... His eyes had distinctly narrowed on the word love. He got up slowly and advanced on her. She didn’t want to stop him.

He took her in his arms, simply hugging her for a moment; then took her right hand in his left, and deposited her left hand on his right shoulder.

We’re dancing! I’ve never danced before… Is someone finally worthy of My attention?

She wanted to feel odd about her thoughts and about dancing without any music, but it was impossible to feel uncomfortable in Hastine’s intimate embrace. His face rested against hers, their cheeks touching lightly. He was very cold.

“Earlier, you asked what I was.” He almost whispered in her ear, his breath feeling cool as it fluttered a stray lock of Harriette’s hair backwards.

“I know it was rude. I apologize.” She felt contrite and unfamiliar with how to handle such an emotion.

“No need to apologize. It was actually a very good question... Shame you didn’t persist.” He kissed her cheek softly, his lips felt like ice. She shivered and hugged him closer, then shivered again as he seemed to draw the heat from her body with his.

“In that case… Hastine, what are you?” She hoped she sounded as playful and alluring as he did. He kissed her jaw and she shuddered in anticipation. He laughed softly and Harriette’s soul soared at its melody, now completely under his beguiling spell.

 “I…” He said kissing her neck softly. Goosebumps prickled her flesh. “Am a Vampire.”

Harriette didn’t know when she had closed her eyes, but they flew open just as he sank his teeth into her neck. She wanted to scream but the agony was delightful… she simply gasped before it all went cold and dark around her.

She woke moments later; a blurred silhouette looming over her. Her gorgeous Hastine was dripping something thick, metallic and icy into her mouth. She wanted to gag as it trickled down the back of her throat, its frosty embrace turning her cold from the inside out. She felt her eyes roll into the back of her head only moments before she died.

She didn’t know how long it had been, but when she woke it was as though it was the first time. Everything was vibrant, even her appetite. Before her, suspended just above the ground in a perfectly elliptical frame, maroon veins pulsed around magenta light. 

A Red Portal.

Hastine knelt down before her, his face grotesquely beautiful in its Demonic form. “I love Hubris… It Always leads travelers to my world…”

He was harsh as he yanked her to her feet. “You have my Token.”

The change in his tone should have diminished her fervor, but found it only enhanced it.

“Share it as I did, and wisely.” She found herself adoring his brutal attitude. “Oh, and travel only at night… The Material sun is very dangerous to our kind.”

Without another word, he booted her forcibly through the Portal. Harriette, not even aware of what a Vampire was, greeted the night from within her Cave-of-Seclusion; hungrier than she had any right to be… smelling blood on the air as her senses heightened.

August 04, 2023 20:35

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Sir Enda
12:44 Aug 06, 2023

This story like all of your stories really stimulated my imagination. Wel done.


12:45 Aug 06, 2023

Thank you so much for reading and for supporting my writing. I am glad you liked it.


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Ronel Steyn
12:26 Aug 06, 2023

Mmmm... scrumptiously interesting concept you have with the realm and the token. Once again, well done with stimulating all the senses. Oh, nice mention of the dream realm there.


12:43 Aug 06, 2023

I am really happy you liked it. It was a tough project for me. At the very least, I wanted to transport my reader. Thank you as always for your support.


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08:20 Aug 05, 2023

Love this story! Each of your stories are so unique, if I read them without your name attached I could say they were yours. Although I don't understand the odd format?


09:38 Aug 05, 2023

I am glad you liked it. ❤️ I really struggled with this week's prompt. 😂 And it was my first attempt at visualising someone else's voice in another's head. Amongst other firsts... I had to work it a bit. 😅 Which bits of the format felt odd to you? EDIT: Never mind 😂😂 I see what you're saying. That's an issue I had with my formatting at submission. I shall fix it. Thank you for the heads up! ❤️👍😎 Final update: It should now read a little better.📖👌 But if you ever have other questions, I am happy to hear them.


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