Contemporary Drama Fiction

There is a very big T.V reality show that takes place at love island and I am about to sign up! I can't believe it! I'm going to be in a show. Oh, sorry I forgot my name is Evelynn, Evelynn brown and I am 18 years old. It is summer break right now and probably going to be one of the best summers ever! I just got accepted into Brown University and I'm packing my bags to go have fun and to find love at love island in a week! I'm so excited I'll see you guys then!

July 2nd,

So, today is the day, as for the show they would like you to have the same coloured luggage so I chose white suitcases and black bags. Everyone is very nice but I should have known, there are 8 boys and 4 girls so I don't know how the show is going to work...

On the plus side, we are flying on a private plane, but on the minus side I forgot to bring sunscreen, but then again on the plus side I can always buy more! ahh, we are boarding!

"Do you mind if I sit here with you?"

"oh no worries have a seat I'm Evelynn"

"Hi, I am Sylar, nice to meet you!"

As we shook hands I just knew it, we were going to be great friends.

HEY, people can I get to stand here while I give you guys instructions on what to do the host said through the megaphone. Okay so what we are going to do first I am going to lead each and every one of you into the diary room where you guys will answer a few questions, then you are free to explore around the house you will all be staying in. First I will have Chris come in and introduce yourself!

Time passes so slowly, I was somehow nervous.

"And finally Evelynn Brown"

Ahh, that's me.

So are you here to find love or to earn the money?

"honestly I am here to have fun and make friends and maybe find love, I said"

It ended so quickly.

W.O.W this house is huge is it even a house??? asked Skylar.

Welp, guess we will be staying here for the rest of summer, I replied back. we all walked around and found the girl's room and the boys room as we all organized our luggage. It's pretty dope here.

That night at dinner we all got to get to know each other, now I am starting to get used to the feeling of cameras everywhere. The first day was great.

Wake Up, WAKE UP Addison yelled.

Today honestly should be a fun day because we have our first activity and that really is to hang out and swim in this cove.

We set up our blankets on the damp sand, and the baskets with food. We are all in swimsuits and really it felt really sick. It was dark and there were lights underwater. There were weeping tree leaves hanging around and a hole on top. Honestly it was pretty romantic setting to be in.

We started playing truth or dare...

Evelynn truth or dare??? Caitlin asked.

Ummm, Dare, I replied.

I dare you to tell me the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in elementary school.

Ooh I have a good one, so back in 6th grade I got my first love letter.

Ooh~ Lucas (one of the boys) said.

Anyways so I took it and corrected all the grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes then left a graded mark and a note on it and gave it back to him.

Ouch for the boy, Chris said up at the hole on top of the entire cove. HEY I DARE YOU TO JUMP OFF Issac (another one of the boys) yelled. SURE THING! Chris yelled back.

We all got along very well yesterday, and in 3 days we have our first challenge for the boys to win a date.

At the end of the day we all went into the diary room again and made clips for different parts of the day. Honestly if this is what it is going to be like for the rest of the season then I could stay here forever, it's a living paradise!

CAN EVERYONE HEAR ME, the host yelled.

YES we all replied.

So for this challenge, well it is an obstical course the boys will be doing to WIN A DATE TO DATE NIGHT! So, you will be making your way over these lollipop obsticals, then through the wall which you can go up or down, you will then go through these hoops and the spinning straw stand. Last you will climp up this ladder to put a parachute on then jump onto that platform. The first 4 gets a date of choice.

We all sat down on the rows watching the boys, it was hilarious.

It was fun watching Ryder fail miserably on the lollipops.

ooh Chris and Jack are in lead, Addison stated out.

Honestly I would go to date night with Ryder if I had a choice, Caitlin said, he does seem funny.

I can clearly tell that all of us girls are having fun watching the boys.

Looks like we have our winners, the host said. Okay Jack who do you pick,

"I'll go with Addison" Alright the host said, Next we have Issac, who do you pick


What about you Chris? Evelynn

then without a choice Leo you are with Caitlin! Though they both seemed happy to be with each other.

Date night is tomorrow, we will be in our suits and dresses going on an romantic dinner by the beach.

I put on my light pink dress with my white small jacket, they were not lying when they said romantic. It was a platform with fairy lights stretched out into the ocean, we ate and talked and laughed while the host interviewed each and every one of us. It was fun.

It's been a week since that and we had a few other activities. Me and Chris got closer. And eventually started dating... not

We both know that people will start leaving soon so might as well do something to boost the show, now don't get me wrong but no one wants to leave just yet. Every time something bad happens we all participate in this voting thing just like in among us the video game, then one of us gets sent home.

Really that is what started the commotion though, today Leo and Caitlin started dating too. I am 60% 40% on that. They seem to enjoy being a thing but maybe they want more attention than me and Chris's relationship. Honestly it is starting to get bad so any one of these days someone is getting sent home...

Remember when I said that when something bad happens one of us is getting sent home??? Well it happened today, a rat got into the house in the kitchen because there was a half eaten chcocolat crossant on the table. Actually I would say 70% of us thinks its just the host so someone will get sent home but we still did our voting.

I put my slit into the box...

Most people voted Ryder so he got sent home, I was one of them...

It wasn't bad, though now one of us is gone, it is now closer to the end and there are only me, Chris, Skylar, and Jack left here.

It started getting more rough. I thought to break up with Chris because after all I didn't actually love him and I don't think he does to me either. But I want to stay so bad, now I don'y know if I am here for the love or the money anymore...

Don't get me wrong it is still fun but just a lot more competetive.

Summer has ended it wasn't the end of season everyone hoped for, Me and Chris were still together and I guess we will be for a while because we are both going to the same university!!!!!!

Since me and Chris both won we had to split the money, plus side is I got invited to the next season!

Thats all for season 1 of love island

November 14, 2020 01:10

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