
She smiled!!

Finally . My god i smiled at her atleast 4 times while waiting for my coffee and she's replying this time.ok it's seems to be fake,no,i think I'm thinking too much.. should i ask about her name,but she looks fastidious ok let's ask . Hey I'm jay! OMG she replied she's not fastidious i was thinking too much.Ok Riya is a good name. I think she also likes late night coffee ,should i ask more about her? But I don't want to sound creepy.

‘Nice shoes'!

OMG! did she just compliment me? what should I say? ok let's take it easy just reply thanks with that smile.‘so where are you from in Delhi'?(let's try to be casual).

‘vasant kunj'.

Ok, south Delhi girl this much attitude is common for them.

‘and you'?

I think I'm judging her too fast.she must be down to earth type person.‘najafgarh'.

‘roads condition are worse there'.

Is she judging me?is she making fun of me? let's just smile .

‘these are Addidas,right'?

Well,i think she really likes my shoes (which are duplicate of Addidas in real)‘well yes, bought them from Pacific.

‘pacific,i see i often go there'.

I see.

‘actually shoe collection was my hobby,i loved to collect shoes of different brands and different colours'.

I see, so why it's not your hobby now?

‘haha, long story'.


Finally my coffee is on its way .so much relax.my dalgona coffee,my all time favourite because of many memories.‘you often come here'?

‘yes,this is my favourite cafe'.

Oh, same choices we have haha.!

(That was very lame)

My father always took me here, whenever i got upset and with this dalgona he make me forgot my anger.

‘So, where is he now'?‘your father’?

Umm.. he's no more.

‘Seems like you miss your father very much'.

Yes,he is my idol,he meant everything to me after my mom passed away he never made me feel like he's just my father.he was both for me my best father as well as my best mother.(i think i overshared about myself with a stranger.)

‘he must me proud of you.'

Yes. He must be watching me from the sky and laughing at my silly mistakes which i always do.

‘Haha,when one is dead he's dead nobody goes to sky after their death.'

No, it's true.after one's dead and if he was pure soul he will become a star and will watch us from the sky.

‘this is all nonsense'.

She thinks that I'm stupid or childish to think like this.idiot girl.‘but i believe in this , because this Assures me that he's still alive and I'm not alone'.

‘If he ever meant World to you then, you don't need to assure his presence by thinking these illogical things,he will always remain present in your heart and you can feel his presence anytime and anywhere'.

She thinks she's too inteligent.‘yeah your thoughts are also correct.'I don't know how to explain to her so let it go and focus on my coffee.O god! This taste , this is why this cafe is my favourite.this taste always make me remind of my childhood,my memories with my father.

‘we always miss somebody when they are gone,their importance,we always feel that when they are no more with us and this is also to show our fake sympathy.humans are very cruel they don't deserve love'!

What was that? what happened to her all of the sudden.a few seconds ago she was looking outside peacefully and now,how rude.and Wait!,what does she mean?did she just called me cruel?what a fastidious fellow!huhh. ‘it all depends on our thinking, our perspective towards society'.(this much insult is enough for her haha I'm too smart).

‘My perspective! are you talking about my perspective?everyone i loved and believed they betrayed me.they made me believe that this world is no more for pure heart souls.nobody is permanent they all are selfish'.

We always think bad about others but in reality this is our personality which we can't accept as ours,so we judge others that they have this personality.but in real this is all our thinking,how we behave with others we think that they are also behaving with us in that manner.

'but not in all case, sometimes we give our everything for someone, for their happiness,just to see them smiling, because we love them from bottom of our heart but in return we got what? betrayal.betrayl which we can't even bare'.

What does she wants to show,she never listens to others opinions and always put her thoughts at the top i was right from start she's just a girl with lots of attitude(must be because of her father's money).

‘sir, your bill'.

Thank god, let's go from here i Don't even want to talk to her more,what she think of her she's also an human and she don't like human!must be an idiot. ‘coffee was delicious, thanks'.(let's leave some tip to look more classy.)

‘‘now they all pretend to be mine,like i was everything for them.when it was time they never show their love for me and now they all are just showing their fake sympathy,to be good in others mind just for showoff. SYMPATHY WHEN I'M GONE!!''

Let's hurry jay.otherwise she will eat your brain with her stupid thoughts... wait!WHAT!!did i hear it correct,is this for real,what she's talking about? SYMPATHY WHEN I'M GONE! What does this means?(let's roll over and ask her).

What!she was right here!where has she gone?how can she disappear like this?

Hey,listen the girl right here who was sitting in front of me where has she gone??

‘i didn't see a girl right here'.

Are you blind or what?she was just here,how u can't see her?

‘I'm not blind,i can see clearly.you were the only one in this table no girl was with you'.

How can this be possible she was right here.how can she just disappear all of the sudden! How can someone just disappear?

‘Sir, believe me . You were the only one here. There was nobody with you’.

Where's the waiter? The waiter who came to serve coffee to me.

‘he's there'.

Hey!listen you came to my table a few moments ago with a dalgona did you see a girl with me?(he must have seen her.)

‘haha,sir did someone added alcohol to your coffee? there was only you from the beginning'.

What!what? This can't be real.where is she?where is she??

July 10, 2020 07:04

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Vincent Cruz
00:45 Jul 16, 2020

I thought the beginning to your story was strong and hooked me in, I liked the way it was a one sided feeling, like listening to someone talk to someone on the phone but only hearing the person who is in front of you. I felt like the middle portion of the story was a bit confused and when I got to the end thought the build up could have used some editing. I think there is a lot of potential here if you were to spend more time working on the story. I would suggest spending more time in the post production of your work so that it becomes more ...


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06:40 Jul 16, 2020

I love how expressive it is and its unique approach.


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