
It was morning when I got up from bed everything seems normal in the office and at house unless and until a message appeared at top box which mention on display screen,meeting at 12 pm tonight.Though rajesh said it would appear at evening and it's not even afternoon there were same boring meetings and usually chats among the seniors and I got home early and was ready to face first time .rajesh came to pick me and we headed to country side in north east direction I have roamed every corner of badlapur but did not came to this part and on worst of it ,rain started heavily .rajesh was silent as if something was bothering is something happen the message arrived early .do not he spoked in silence I only that something is urgent going on and we have to be quick I nodded and sat quietly listing to song of classic. We arrived to spot were we would be going on foot it appeared like a small hill we walked through some distance at foot of it rajesh began digging which he had brought from car some tools and it hit something hard .A wooden surface appeared with a lock fixed upon door .he opened it and soon we found staircase which pitch dark he got down first with help of flash light I made my way behind him the stairs did not stop after some time a crossover appeared and he took right one and indicated to take left one . The chamber was made up of stone and some other granite which were old and fragile.It took me sometime to acquire comfort in this new place soon came a door wooden oneI opened and at center of it mirror stood a long and high as ceiling there were many doors to the hall and chairs appeared to the every door and I sat on it quickly I can see rajesh smiling at me .

There were more five people looking at mirror as if something would appear from it and really something black and loomy appeared in front of us the hall was circular and had luminosity naturally coming out of some stone .It spoked in harsh voice and high pitch ,Welcome my dear friends we should introduce our newest member Adity everyone greeted me with smile and it faded quickly .As you all know the message was sent early so that you would not miss today's important discussion .Somebody has betrayed us .A rumour arosed by this announcement and everyone looked at each other while whispering too each other .The gloomy dark figure spoked once agian not to worry all of you we would find him,Now shall we began she turned to mirror and did something unusual she prayed and said now all of you can see into mirror by this she disappeared and I lighted my hand I stared at big mirror but nothing I saw suddenly a person appeared tired and out of fear he was trying to run formSomething ,but could not make successful move and last with a shadow fall on him he was frozen insteadly and never made a move .I came to my senses and saw people were going back from door

I did not understand they nothing said nor speak anything, is what I saw they to had seen ? All wired questions were roaring in my mind and I could shout instantly .I thought they said the society would be interesting or club they enjoy a lot and hence I signed the agreement , how stupid I was I hired back to the door and than slammed it waited outside the cross and ready to resign rajesh came looking pale and horrified he looked me into face, I know you would have all sort of question just let go outside and sit in cafe and all I let you know we headed as fast soon we located one and sat down .I know you would have many question to ask but first let me answer one by one .look I did not speak it before going because it's in contract not speak of anything before a new member enters and leaves the room . So first what is it mirror ?and who the black figure is ? and how we 7 people came to know?This is a illuminati (mention as a secret society which was destroyed in 1785 supposed to be destroyed!)but it says that many of the leaders kept it sustained, it's not first time in human history to have such kind of thing but it was official one basically this secret organization play and important role in changing the world history both worst or best way possible .If any of the members betrayed us he would get killed instantly . I interrupted in between did you see the person in the mirror?he stopped me at that instance you should not speak of our vision in front of any other member. you would die instantly if you speak the whole truth it's a magical binding .Oh means what we see is different in each case ?yes, he said but thing is this a person named Robert just spoked about vision to some other fellow and he is alive. Wait, a minute how do you know that ?

Because to the left of mirror there are status bar of each individual the status bar is still present on mirror did not you noticed .No ,I said I was so amazed to watch the vision .Ok never mind the mirror is some what 500 years ago though many secret societies were born that time this was first we did not know its name and even if know we are n't allowed to speak it.whi the gloomy figure was that black one?Oh, it's just kind of spirit which sends us electromagnetic message and its actually a messenger only you do not have to worry .How does the mirror works?I only know half of it , one of the frequency just matches our oown brain frequency and then we can see different vision .But what's the use does it tells future?No, my friend it just show you the past and it's working its bit complicated .

Does any one of you have been killed before? No its first time that something has happen.what do we do when we see this?Nothing just wait for another message the real part begins we have gotten certain task by using the vision we have to accomplish the task we secret society tends to control the overall government .and what if we fail? The situation could be dangerous you are killed .What benefit we get ?I thing we should get back home it's too late .By this I was home early at morning and got slept thinking of incident.

But one thing they did not no is the person who betrayed the society is none other my brother I know everything from first and I will let know the government Also .Soon government and police officer arrived one night as I had planned everything neatly mirror was broken down into pieces all were taken into custody .There were names rakesh ,prakesh, ramesh ,happy there life would be treated in jail for there crime they have killed many people by this and why brother did not killed was I have already I had done half murder so as to he should not get recognized means he neither dead nor alive coma condition it was only way spirit though dissapeared but still haunts me at night.

The life of the other member changed some got killed suspicious some got mental and some hunged themself to the death rajesh escaped and was surviving .It destroyed completely entire remaining society they have killed many of innocent people so as to bring satisfaction it was neccessary to do .Ha! By the way I am member intelligence department so watch for it!!!!

May 07, 2020 12:08

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