Drama Sad Teens & Young Adult

"roses are red,

Skies are blue.

I stare at nowhere,

Thinking about you."

After Apollo my masculine, handsome, poetic, kind, charming, and sweet classmate said to me, our other classmates went wild and started creating noises. "Nadia will you be my girlfriend?" He asked charmingly.

"Yes!" I answered, as I'm trying to hide my smile but failed, and so i just bit my lower lip to suppress the emotion I'm feeling.

His face lit up when he heard my answer. He euphorically hug me like he doesn't want to lose me, i hug him back as tightly as I could to express my love.

After the incident, we decided to meet my father at his workplace. With so much nervousness in his voice he ask, "will I'll be alright?" I laughed at his question and intertwined our hand to assure him that i'm here by his side.

The talk went smoothly and my dad liked him for me, when he heard that, he was so happy as he hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead sweetly.

"I love you, and I will love you forever." He said with so much love and adoration evident in his almond eyes.


We argue, but most of the time were busy cuddling each other and saying everything's going to be alright.

Our relationship grew stronger that I thought. Each day my love for him grows. Until...

"Happy anniversary babe!!" I greeted. As he walk closer to me I felt nervousness spread throughout my system.

"Babe" he uttered, I didn't know what to react when he kneel in front of me while holding a red velvet box with a diamond ring inside it.

I covered my mouth with so much shock, i didn't expect nor predict this happening. "Y-yes!" I nervously answered as i hugged him tightly.

" Be my wife, for I love you every seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years and even in century." He stated as he look at me with so much love.

"I love you too forever."

That day is the best day of my life. Or so I thought...

When I got home, everyone in the mansion is panicking. I tried to ask one of our maids upon what is happening when I saw my mom having a hard time breathing. My dad on the other, is panicking while bringing my mom to the car.

Confused about the situation, I look for my phone to call my beloved, in which I shouldn't done.

The night when my mom was hospitalized, was the night apollo caught into a car accident.


I stared at my man with so much regret and worry. It's been a day and he's still unconscious. I feel so sorry for that night and regretted it everyday.

But the moment he wake up, his first words were "Who are you?" By just hearing it, confusion dawn to me. "What's happening?" Was the only question running in my mind.

Days have passed, he asked his parents for me to stay away from him. I was confused and hurt. Just because he doesn't recognize me, he'll asked his parents for me to stay away? I badly want to stick with you. I love you. And i'm willing to wait until your heart remembers my name.


It's been half of the month, how is he? Does he remember me already? I miss him so much, everyday feels lonely without him by my side. I miss his voice. When will you come back to me?

I'm in the cafe near his workplace, reading my favorite book. When I saw him with a girl holding fresh flowers while they are looking at each other sweetly, i was confused at that scenario.

I walk closer to them, not to start a fight but to check if he's still wearing our engagement ring. Sadly he's not. I was hoping for him to recognize me, but he won't even look at my direction. I badly want to hug him, and tell him how much i miss him. But i'm confused, who is the girl? Who is she?

"Hey stop it, you're making me blush." I heard the girl said.

"Well you're stunning when blushing." He stated.

Confused and hurt, I walked away and decided to go home. I was sulking in my bedroom the whole day, i didn't even get the chance to eat my dinner, i can't even feel the hunger. Everything doesn't make sense at all.

At that night, I tried reaching my man's phone. I was panicking when he answered the call, it took a while for me to speak because of nervousness.

"H-hi love." I said.

"U-uh, I think you have the wrong number miss?" He hesitate as he answered.

" You know i love you right? And even if your mind doesn't remember, i know your heart will." I stated as I end the call.


I was busy doing my paperwork, when my phone notified. And there i saw my man's name.

His message says he want to see me and texted .e the address. I was so excited as I get dressed beautifully and even applied makeup.

As i head to the said address, nervousness spread throughout my system. This might be the moment he'll confess, he remember me.

As i walked in, in the fancy restaurant, i saw my man sitting handsomely while reading a book, waiting for my arrival.

"Hey!" I shyly greeted.

"Hey," he stared at me until i get seated. "u-uh, you look gorgeous." He stared at my hand and saw the diamond ring he gave me.

"How are you?" I asked with longing in my voice.

"I'm happy to see you." I smiled at his words. "Where were you when i needed you the most?" I was shocked at his question.

" I was waiting for you to remember me."

" Why not wait by my side?"

" You pushed me away, didn't you?"

"Nadia, I wanted to tell you something very important. I hope you'll forgive me."

The feeling of nervousness came back as I was waiting for him talk.

"The car accident happened, I did have a temporary amnesia. When I woke up the first person I saw was not you." Confusion is evident in my eyes, as I recall. "When I remembered some of my memories, I realized," he inhale and exhale roughly before continuing. " I fall out of love."

I stared at him blankly, while he was staring at me with so much worry. I calmed myself, I didn't get angry nor shout at him. I smiled before talking.

"Why did you push me away?" I asked with coldness in my voice.

"I-i don't know. In my heart, all I can feel is Aleana's love. When i'm with her, I felt like I really do love her. When i'm with her everything feels nostalgic. Everything in her is familiar. I felt like she was the one who's forgotten." His words was a bang in my heart.

" Then maybe, she's the lifetime and I was temporary." I said stopping myself from cracking my voice.

" Nadia i'm sorry." His tears started to roll in his cheeks, and here am I stopping my tears from falling.

"It's ok haha. Do you love her?" I curiously ask.


" Then let's break up." I smile as I utter those words, I stood up and started walking away from him.

"I loved you, i really did." He said. I still love you, I really do.

As I get inside my car, i'm calming myself to not lot my tears fall as I start the engine and drove home.


"Shut up dylan! Your money is never enough you useless man!" I hurriedly get inside the house when I heard my mom screaming, I saw her holding holding her luggage, with unfamiliar man beside her.

"Ysabella please, dont leave us, your daughter needs you, and so do I."

" What's happening?" I blankly said, as I feel my heart breaking into pieces again.

"If you really do love me, let me go!" My mom shouted, and started storming out the house.

" Mom!" My voice halt her midway. "I love you." I said but she didn't even look at my direction nor answered me.

I walked slowly to my dad's direction and tightly hug him, letting him know that I'm here, that he's not alone.

That night, my mom leave me. And so is my dad.

He was drunk when he stormed out the mansion to chase my mom, he said he'll find my mom for me. He said he'll come back with my mom, and we will be complete again.

He really love my mom, I cant find any reason for her to leave my Dad. And I cant find any reason for my dad to leave me.

In his burial I didn't cry. I just prayed silently hoping it'll ease the pain. I want my dad to know that im always here for him, that even in his death he's not alone.


When I got home, I headed straight at my room, closed the door and the silence echoed.

I was in the middle of thinking when it was interrupted by a knock. I open the door to see my nanny standing there.

"Yes?" I smiled as I ask her.

She didn't utter a word and later on, I felt her warm embrace. And there, tears roll down my face. Questions being asked inside my head. "Where are the people who sworn to be by my side?" "Why did they left me?" "Why nanny is the one hugging me and not them?" " Why?"

"Don't bottle up your emotions nadia, nanny is always here for you okay?" She said between her sobs.

I realized, when the world turned its back at me, the people who promised to be by side vanished, but the people I least expected to be with me at my downfall, is now hugging me like im the most fragile person alive.

"Im so tired nana."


It's been almost a year, I'm slowly gaining every piece of me. Im now adopting the life of being a youngest CEO. I'm a successful heiress of Dylan Fernando.

Im now walking the aisle, wearing beautiful white silk dress holding fresh flowers, as the mellow music played. I stare at apollo with so much appreciation of a man he become today.

I smiled at him and he did the same, and so I whispered "congratulations" as I sit in my designated chair.

Everybody stood up when the mc announced the arrival of the bride. After a moment, the beautiful lady in white started walking with her parents beside her. Aleana. The lucky girl.

After the wedding, I was about to go home when apollo called my name. "Mm?" I answered as I smiled at him.

"U-uh, just wanted to tell you that you're a wonderful, strong-willed woman I met in my life."

" Well thank you."

" I hope you already found the right man for you."

" I did found the right man, but that man? He's not my perfect match."

" Take care of yourself Nadia. Thank you for everything. I love you, but as a closest friend."

" I love you too, as a friend." Why did 'my man' ended up as 'my friend'.

"Bye." I bid goodbye to him, and to the world.

November 17, 2020 09:44

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