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Romance Drama

Time is a fleeting concept, it never waits for anyone, your person or issues doesn't concern it, it fulfills it's only mission which is to move and push the world to it's end. She had read on a website the various type of people who were wrapped in the veil called time, it had stated that they were humans who keep on pursuing time despite failing numerously, there were those who tire out and decide to accept their present destination as their final stop and they were the lucky ones, those who always had time by their side, they didn't have to struggle to keep up with time. She noticed one group of people to that was missing, she doesn't know if it was a mistake or simply because this group of people weren't acknowledged, people like her, who are constantly waiting, people who sit on a bench and watch life pass them, those who were stuck in limbo,people like her who were constantly forced to wait by destiny. She checks her watch, it was quarter past seven, he was supposed to be here an hour ago, but as usual he was late.

She watches as people pass by the tiny coffee shop she was in without a glance, she wonders how it would feel to simply run along with time, not to sit around and wait

"Hello ma, do you need anything else" , she turns and looks at the waitress who had interrupted her reverie, she had previously order a cup of coffee, but it had sat so long on the table it was cold and she knew she had to order something else, or risk getting kicked out, she smiles at the waitress and speaks

" I'll have a cinnamon bun and another cup of coffee"

The waitress writes her order on a notepad that was firmly attached to her uniform and leaves, she checks her phone, there were no missed calls or texts messages, she wanted to call him and ask where the hell he was but she already knew what his answer was going to be, excuses and apologies.

When the coffee was delivered, she brought it close to her nose in order to inhale the strong aroma of the blend, she had drank enough coffee to last her two lifetimes, she became addicted to coffee when she met him, they had been married for barely three years, when he pack his things and suddenly told her he was going back to the army, she had looked at him in shock, the tears that flow from her eyes were uncontrollable, she had begged him to stay ,it wasn't that he wouldn't but he couldn't, he had felt the thrill that came from the being on the battlefield, the adrenaline that pumps in your body when you ran from the enemies gun, the power he had when an enemy was under his feet, the control it gave him,he couldn't sit still anymore, he had to be out there, that was the only place he had felt comfortable. She had accepted it in good faith, he had promised her he'd come back home, every night she would sit on their front pouch with a cup of coffee listening to the radio, she wanted to awake in case anything happened, she needed to be awake when he came back home, so she waited.

Wars always leave behind scars, and her dearest husband, Albert, wasn't exempted, he had grown up in a community that was marked with blood and Gore, in order to survive, you needed to fight, that was the only way to earn your place. Albert has lost his family to the demons that strikes at night, men on black clothing and hideous mask, so he had never really had a home, he had gone to the army immediately after his family death, he never went back home because he didn't have a home anymore, they met each other at a bar house, he was a solider drinking away his sorrows and she was a barmaid trying to survive. It wasn't love at first sight, he had been adamant and unwilling to fall in love with her but he married her,so it had to count for something. After their wedding, she began to notice little things, sometimes he actually forgot she was there, he would go about his daily activities and the moment he noticed her, there would be a look of confusion then later recognition in his eyes. His break at home from home were gradually become shorter, he gradually became used to having her around, not just a fleeting image but as someone who was going to be by his side forever, he never said it out but she could see the relief that raked through him whenever he came home to meet her. It wasn't easy for her, but she remained steadfast to him because she understood that he wasn't used to having someone to return home to.

Life was a roller coaster with them, it was never easy, their marriage had always been unorthodox, It wasn't based on love, at least for Albert, what kept them together was need, his need for permanence and for a family of his own. He was at home most days than not after the birth of their first child but still she didn't feel his presence, he was at home with her but she feel his eyes straying everywhere, like he was waiting for an opportunity to run away, to escape the walls that were trapping him, to leave her. She was scared if she didn't give him the opportunity to go, he would disappear one-day and never come back, so she did the most crazy thing she had ever done, she told him to go back to the army. He jumped at the opportunity, he was barely able to conceal his excitement, she had smiled sadly, this is good, she thinks, it wasn't great but it was good enough for her.

She checks her phone, it was late, the coffee shop would close soon, and he still wasn't here, she was tired, all she wanted to do was go home to rest but she decided she was going to wait a little, thirty more minutes, then she would leave. 

Waiting, to her, was hardly ever physical, it was more of the fact that she had to wait nineteen years for her husband to tell her he loved her, that she had to sit by the damn door every night waiting for him to come home, that he was never around during the birth of their children, that had always abandoned her at her most desperate moments, but she couldn't still leave him, she wishes life would stop giving her love love ones to wait for.

"Ma, we are about to close", the waitress from earlier said to her, distracting her from her thoughts

"Ah sorry, let me just pay up and leave" she opens her purse and drops the money on the table, she keeps a tip under the mug for the waitress, she picks up her bag and the file that has been lying on the table since she came in, as she steps out of the coffee shop, she sees Albert's running breathlessly towards the stop, as he gets to where she is, he smiles sheepishly and runs a hand through his hair,

" Yo, Kate, sorry, I had to make a quick stop, I've got a surprise for you when we get home"

 She was angry, but she couldn't help the small smile that grace her face, she had waited three hours for him but as long as he always back to her at the end of the day, then her wait was worth it.

Posted Jul 09, 2020

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26 likes 7 comments

Leo Chilson
06:23 Jul 16, 2020

I could not get past 1/4 of it. Sentences were too long and confusing! I was totally lost trying to figure out what the writer was trying to present. Story needs to be proof read several times before presenting it there are grammatical errors, punctuation errors, and it was rough. The secret to a good story is a flow and there is no flow in this story when the waitress comes and ask her if there's anything else, it should have been broken up into the waitress speaking, and then again with her answering...and then her thoughts. I just scanned the rest of the story and there was the same all the way through I could not follow it I never figured out what she was trying to say there was confusing. Needs to work on making the story flow from one scene to another...not just for the bunch of words together. The two most important things that I would point out are... number one... need to proofread at least three or four times. Find and correct the errors in punctuation, and your Grammar, and then your separation of sentences and paragraphs. Number two...when you read it to yourself, can you fill can you see it in your head what's happening, and what's being said? if you can't do that, it's not working!


Adah M.M
07:16 Jul 16, 2020

Thank you for your corrections, it means a lot. I didn't really proofread the story, I just wanted to put it out. I will be sure to do better.


Adah M.M
07:42 Jul 16, 2020

I just read it again and I see the mistakes. Please it isn't so much of a bother, I would really appreciate it if you criticize my other stories.


Jenna Melancon
20:18 Jul 17, 2020

I hate to say it, but I couldn't get through it. The run-on sentences wore me out. If you get around to editing it, I'll try it again. :D


Adah M.M
22:04 Jul 17, 2020

Thank you for the comment. I appreciate it. (✿ ♡‿♡)


Nandan Prasad
03:30 Jul 17, 2020

Hey, good story! As someone has already said, there are a lot of corrections to be made, but otherwise, the concept is extremely beautiful. The emotions of the character are caught very well. Keep writing!
Also, would you mind checking out my stories if it is not too much trouble? Thanks and good luck!


Adah M.M
13:31 Jul 17, 2020

Thank you very much. Your feedback is really appreciated


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