


"GIGI!" The woman with the beautiful orange hair snapped back into reality. Staring at Jocylen who stood in the middle of the platform, wearing an expensive white brides dress. Looking at her in complete confusion. "What do you think?" Jocelyn spoke, her spanish accent being visible to anyone in the room with them. Gigi smiled at her, giving her a slight nod. "I am jealous, you are beautiful, and is getting married in a week, I could never" Gigi chuckled, sighing. 

"For all I know, I still haven't found Maryland, everyone in the neighborhood claims that they haven't seen her anywhere" A frown made its way into Jocylen's face, gently walking down the platform to sit alongside Gigi, who sooner or later was being engulfed by white fabric from the tremendous dress. "Sorry..." She murmured, scooting away from the other. "I have something to tell you, but you can't tell anyone" Jocylen whispered, her expression turning into a serious one under seconds. 

"Promise," Gigi said, more like mumbled as she listened closely. "I don't want to get married to Steven" Gigi's eyes widen, all type of words leaving her mouth, not knowing what to say exactly. "Jocelyn, no... Why don't you break it off, you can't live miserable just because you didn't want to resemble a bad person who rejected their partner in someone's most significant day" Gigi shook her head, just as another statement was getting ready to leave her lips, her phone started to buzz. Quick to take a glance at the phone's id. Flipping it to Jocylen's direction who also took a peek. 


Gigi stood up, running to the edge of the white room. Answering the incoming call. "Hey, Steve, everything alright?" She held silent for a second, chuckling nervously, glancing at Jocylen, who was giving her an expression of confusion. "Why of course she is" and, "No need to worry about that, we are trying our best to stay on budget so you won't go bankrupt" She joked, faking a laugh. "Oh yeah, it's fine, see you later" 

With the final word, she placed her phone back into her purse. Sitting back on the red chair she was once in. 

"What did he say?" 

"He asked if the dress you are getting is expensive" The confused look disappeared in seconds, now looking hurt. "That's great, a little checking up moment wouldn't have hurt either" She mumbled, "Well I say you take this dress, it looks amazing on you as if it was made for you" Gigi spoke, grabbing the ends of it, both the ends of her thick lips curving into a grin. "You're right, let's do that"

The glass door to the mansion slowly creaked open. Jocelyn walked in, the first thing she did was take off her heels. Placing them beside the doorway. It was quiet, like always. Never was there a footstep that wasn't either her's or his. "Steve, I'm home" She yelled, not receiving any answer. Unwrapping the scarf around her neck, climbing up the curved staircase. Across the long hallway was Steve's office, his door was at least three to four inches open. Happily making her way over to his room, lightly opening his door. "I am, exhausted-oh..."

"Did I interrupt something?" Yesmin, Steve's Co-worker, was sitting in front of the extra desk Steve had, working on something on her laptop. Looking from Jocylen to Steve. "Jocelyn, you're back, how was the dress hunting?" He asked, standing from his personal desk, walking towards her, embracing her into a hug. "Yeah..." She whispered, still not being able to process anything. "What is she doing here?" She tried asking, keyword tried. Steve was sleek enough to sneak a hand behind his back, signaling her to get out. "We are working together in a collab for this new product, but she's already leaving, see" He held both her shoulder, forcefully turning her around, making her watch as Yesmin was already by the stairs, leaving.

"Now, what are you doing here so late?" He asked, pulling her towards their master bedroom, sitting her on the bed. "I found the perfect dress quite fast" She wanted to act as if what happened, didn't happen. But it wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last.

Steve seemed to catch on when he quickly sat down beside her. Caressing her face. "Never think that I'm cheating on you, I would never dare" She hated it because he made her feel loved again, making her forget the hateful childhood she had. Tears threatening to fall down her cheeks once he said that. 

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met, if anyone ever left you for someone else, they'll be blind" He kept on saying sweet nothing's to her. To the point where he finally left her alone, heading to take a shower. She sighed, changing into a nightgown. Laying down on their King size bed. No minutes later, she felt the bed dip from the opposite side. "Go to sleep, it's late Jocylen" Ignoring him, she closed her eyes, but not because of his say. Then it hit her.

The first thing she did the second morning, took a taxi downtown. Thanking him as he stopped one street away from a very known building of theirs. Running out, she took out her phone, dialing Gigi's number. "Are you in a shift today?" then, "That's great, ill see you there" Before the other can speak up, she ended the call, turning left, almost bumping into someone. Successfully making into the building, which only consists of people wearing blazers etc. She looked around the place, spotting the main office. There, was Gigi signing people in and out, surprised as they both made eye contact.

"What are you doing here!?" She whispered and shouted, why? Because people who didn't work there weren't allowed inside the building. Jocelyn was fast to quiet her down. "I need you to do me a favor" Gigi was hesitant at first, before giving in. "What?" Jocelyn took a paper out and placed it on her desk. "Look for this ID and tell me it's history"

"Jocelyn, that's illegal, and, isn't this Steven's work ID?" Jocelyn nodded. "He asked me to ask you if you could print it" Gigi nodded, "Of course I can. Um, how is this a favor?" She questioned, pointing at the entire mess. "Not a favor for me, but Steven, get it?" Gigi nodded, "If you want me I could give them to him, he's here right, so you won't have to-" She was cut short, "No", Gigi chuckled. "I knew it" Jocylen kept quiet, not understanding. "You're lying, Jocylen, you are my soulmate, I could easily tell when you're lying" She sat up her chair, taking the papers from the printers before Jocylen could get them. Throwing them to the bin under her counter. 

"Those weren't for Steven, but for you" She stated, Jocylen was just in shock, not being able to process what Gigi just did. "It's OK, I'll tell you myself" Jocylen's heartbeat stopped beating as fast as it did when she heard those words leave Gigi's lips. "Now, what exactly are you looking for on his working history, there's nothing out of place" 



"Did he have a collaboration with anyone here" Gigi shook her head, scrolling deeper into the history, not finding any, except some from last year. Jocelyn took a deep breath in, then out. "Thank you, that's all I needed". Before she left, Gigi spoke up, "Maybe later we could get a coffee and talk about whatever put that upside-down smile on your face" Jocylen placed a small grin on her face, leaving. Walking around downtown, staring at couples who walked past her, laughing happily. She wasn't raised weak, but she is weak. 

"What do you think?" The makeup artist asked, turning Jocylen around to face the mirror. She looked more than beautiful. Even more with her bride's dress. "It's beautiful" She noted, today was her important day. A soft knock was heard on the studio's door, not wasting any second, the makeup artist ran towards it, opening it. Jocelyn didn't want to turn around, but there were a few whispers here and there. Later, the makeup artist informed her there was someone who wanted to see her.

Disoriented, she turned around.

"Ama!?..." She said, completely shocked. "Como llegastes aqui?" Faster than ever, Jocylen went to give her a hug. Maria, her mother, laughed, "Gigi pago por mi boleto" Maria said. "Gigi, of course she did-"

"But we didn't come for that" They cut her short. "She told us everything"


"Break it off with him right now"

"What, no, you don't understa-"

"It's and order Jocylen, or forget about us"

Jocelyn couldn't believe what was happening. She had two choices given, and she knew which one was the right one. She held her bride's dress tight and walked over to the soon's to be husband studio. Steven was surprised to see her with her white dress before they got married. Covering his face. "Jocelyn, what are you doing, I'm not supposed to see you-" When Jocylen was being pulled out by his friends. She said one thing. 

"I-I'm sorry Steven, but this can't go on"

"I don't love you like I used to"

November 21, 2020 03:51

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