
“So you think you’re dead, and you decided to haunt me?” I recapped the story he just told me. I am Nerina the Apprentice Witch, and I wasn’t amused. My outfit was the magic school’s uniform which was for witches; a dark robe, dark hat, and brown boots. My skin is a light shade of blue, and my hair and eyes change color with my mood, which at that time was red with anger. We were near my locker, I had my backpack on, and I really wanted to go home on time.

“We…lllllll, I remember eating lunch, but after that, my mind is blank.” The apparition who is obviously my best friend, Dylan the Apprentice Wizard. Normally, he has light blue hair, green skin, and grey eyes. Wizards’ school uniform includes light blue robes, a cone hat, and grey boots. As an apparition, he looked like a flying cone with arms.

“Your mind is usually blank.” I mumbled, he laughed, and I took a breath and determined, “You probably just messed up a spell. We might as well try to find your body.” I opened my backpack, took out my magic book, and found the correct page. Then, I read, “Looks like I need something that you touched today.”

“I could list off the places I went to today.” He offered.

“Let’s try your locker first.” I suggested. There was a female side to the hall, and a male side to the hall. He decided to pick me up and fly me to his locker which was a three-minute flight complete with me screaming. When he finally placed me down, I snapped, “NEXT TIME ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“How’s that fun?” He laughed as I tried to regain my composure. Surprises annoy me. I looked at his locker, unlocked it with his combination, and found nothing.

“You must have already collected your homework and things.” I pointed out.

“Miss obvious.” He teased.

“Hey, Cloudhead! What’s your girlfriend doing here?” Jack the Giant Apprentice sneered. Giants wear sports clothes, are taller than eight feet, and will often bully everyone. Dylan decided to hide behind me.

“Do you have anything that he has held today?” I enquired. Telling anyone that you are not something is a waste of time.

“Why would I keep anything of his?” He replied and tried to whack Dylan’s head. Two things happened; Dylan laughed, and Jack slapped at the wall. A teacher came to yell at Jack as they headed to the nurses’ office. I swiped at Dylan’s head three times, and he continued to laugh.

“Pllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee, we need to continue.” He breathed in between his laughter.

“I just had to.” I giggled. Then, I asked, “What was your last class today?”

“Swimming.” He answered. We quickly went to the swimming pool.

“You know that students aren’t allowed here after school hours. Why are you here?” The merman teacher questioned as we approached the pool. I explained the situation, and Dylan added, “And we need something that I touched today.”

“Well, at least I can hear him, but all of the towels used today have already been sent to the laundry room.” The teacher informed.

“Any idea on where I should find something that would help?” I inquired.

“You might just have to visit his home.” The teacher recommended.

“But I live three hours away.” Dylan complained. The thought of going back and forth between his home and the school didn’t seem too logical.

“I’ll see if I can do a two-person teleportation spell.” I moaned.

“I’ll take you to the perfect spot.” Dylan sang, lifted me, and took me to the spot. I was prepared, so I didn’t scream. The place was the sports field. My finding instincts rang, and I easily found Dylan’s unconscious body under the bleachers near a box of spiders, and his spell book opened on his chest. The spell was an astral projection type of spell, but he looked under curses instead of everyday use.

“You cursed yourself.” I voiced, and he started nervously laughing. The thing with curses is that the list of cures is not in the spell book, but it is in all libraries. Don’t ask me why people don’t trust apprentices with the cures. I found a levitation spell to use and used it on Dylan’s body so that he would follow me. I released the spiders, and placed his book in his backpack that was still on his back.

“It is odd looking at my own body.” Dylan contemplated. I was about to say something, but Irissa the Genie Apprentice had to find us after her cheer practice. Genies tend to be yellow and difficult to describe as apprentices.

“Well, what do we have here?” She cackled. She thinks that she is better than everyone.

“Could you grant us a wish?” Dylan pleaded. She flew up, poked his shoulder, flew back down, and poked his body’s shoulder. Since genies are naturally and partially apparitions anyways, she can poke him without her hand going through.


“I’d say you don’t. We all have tests tomorrow. But my help will come with a price.” She bargained.

“We want a list of cures for his curse, and what do you want?” I probed.

“I want….. Let me see………” She pondered. “I want a vial of your moondust!”

“Why does everyone want my moondust?” I huffed as I started searching in my bag. The difference between my moondust and everyone else’s is that somehow it is purple instead of the normal white, and I receive an overabundance of it every time I go out to collect some. Sadly, I only had two vials left, so I would have to stay up till midnight to collect more. “Here.”

“And here is your personal list of cures.” She announced as she conjured up a five-foot list of cures. She left, and I started to skim through the list. One example is that if someone is cursed with skunk smell, just have them bathe in tomato sauce. The last sentence was “If not listed, or if all else fails, a true love’s kiss will solve everything.”

“Hmmmm.” Dylan hummed.

“Don’t get any ideas. I see here if someone is unconscious, sprinkle some pixie powder in their hair.” I relayed. “And we are lucky that I have five vials of pixie powder.”

“That’s no fun.” He complained. I placed the list in my backpack, set his body down, took off his hat, took out a vial of pink pixie powder, poured it in my hand, and sprinkled it in his hair. Because sometimes the powder needs some encouragement, I began to comb the powder in with my fingers. I have many vials of powders and dusts, but I often forget a comb. He woke up, sat up, and asked with a mischievous grin, “How am I deserving of such wonders?”

“You cursed yourself.” I began and explained to him what happened since he seemed to have no memory of it. Then, I wondered, “Why did you do that in the first place?”

He chuckled with embarrassment, and I figured it out and punched his shoulder. He wanted to invisibly fling spiders at the cheerleaders. Then, I scolded, “I ought to report you to the cheerleaders, and have them deal with you.”

“But I didn’t go to them, I went to you.” He stated with his smile. I hid my face, did a quick single person teleportation spell, and teleported to my home. He didn’t need to see my blush. The End.

October 23, 2023 22:28

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