Moon Of Scars... A story that last only for one day...

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who returns as an adult to a place they last visited as a child.... view prompt



someone told me that... Do the things you need to do today because tomorrow may be too late...

I admit that is true, especially for an old lady like me that was diagnosed that tomorrow will be my last day on earth that's why I'm here at an old graveyard doing some picnic in front of mom, dad, grandpa and grandma it's kinda weird because it's raining but I'm the weirdest it's been how many years when I last visited this place if I'm not mistaken I was only 5 that day when mom and dad died and I was 35 when grandpa and grandma died but I didn't visit them even once just today because it's my last day and I don't want to regret it suddenly without me knowing my tears start to fall down along with the rain...

If only... If only I can bring back time I want to make everything right... I want to change the mistakes I did in the past... I want to say the three words I want to say to someone... If only...

I stop talking to myself when a large red moon appears before my eyes then everything turns into black, darkness fills my eyes... A red moon...

(Year 1951)



because of your voice...

after hearing grandma's voice I stretched and fix the things that I need for school when my eyes saw the raindrops over my window it's pouring outside that's the reason why I overslept I really hate rainy days well, for a moment I reach my hand outside the window and feel every raindrop that falls in my palm it's cold...

" Andy! Why aren't you getting ready?"

I saw grandma in my room with flipper in her hand and it looks like she's going to hit me with that...

"Oh! Grandma! give me a minute it's still raining outside..." I beg...

"The rain stops Andy so get ready"

I look at the window and saw that the rain stop and the sun arises...

"Get ready or you'll be late"

I left the window and went to the bathroom as grandma leaves well I didn't take so long to the bathroom so after a few minutes I'm already fixed.

I was about to go down when my eyes saw something at the window its a guy with a red hair I've been so curious so for the last time a look over the window...

His hair is really red I wonder if it's natural... just like the moon I dreamed this morning and an old lady crying under the rain... Who's that lady? And why would I dream about her?

I suddenly hid when that guy looks over my direction that was close...



I'm already eating my breakfast right now and I'm still thinking of that guy...

"Andy? Is everything alright?" I just nodded and hurriedly finish my breakfast...


I leave the house and went to school but that guy is still in my head, I'm just walking starting from our house to school it's just near anyway...

As I reach a shop near our school the rain starts to fall down, I stayed in a sheltered place and wait till the rain stopped but why would it rain so suddenly? The sun just rises! Remember! Ahh! It's so...

I heard our school bell gosh I'm late!! What to do? Ahhh!

"Please can you please stop for five minutes?" I ask the rain like I'm crazy but luckily it stops thank you very much! I run towards our school when the sky turns dark like it's night and I'm alone at the road

I'm scared What's happening?

I'm shaking because of fear when to rain starts to fall down again, my five minutes is done...

I closed my eyes and start to cry did the sun was eaten by a giant dragon?

Somebody help me, please...

"This is not the moment you need to scream and cry... Look at the waters"

I look under the road and I see a red moon in its reflection it is an eclipse I turn around and I saw the red hair guy and he was about to look up to the sky so I cover his eyes with my hands

"Sir Willson said that you'll be blind if you look up at an eclipse"

"Andy!! What are you doing outside get in! You too Axel!"

We both laugh so loud and begin to introduce ourselves he's name is Axel Lunar strange but familiar...

"Sir!! One more chance! I was late because it was raining so hard!"

"You don't have an umbrella?"

"I do but..."

"How bout you, Axel?"

"Because of her"

I was shocked... I don't know what to do so, in the end, we both write a report about the eclipse we saw.

Hours later school is over it was a tiring day because of... Speak of the devil

I saw Axel walking home so I rush towards him to give him a punch when he said something...

"I'm sorry..."

I was shocked it's a sincere sorry so I forgive him in just a second I don't know why but my heart aches for a moment why do I feel like I know him... Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong... Why...

"You alright?"

"I'm sorry..." I cried... Cause I just remembered that I'm here to say to him that...


"Andy, what's wrong?"

I just smirked after seeing him cry he still the same

"I love-" I was about to say it when I disappeared and woke up at the graveyard I'm in year 2020 again I cried really hard and loud as I can... Why? Did I make a mistake again?

"I'm sorry axel!"

(One day after)

So if your thinking that this story is a tragic story it's not... I died happily...

Oh! And before I end this story that year 1951 is the last day Axel and I met... Axel is not an ordinary person he's like an alien with red hair but I still like the way he Is, even if he always forgets about me because just like an eclipse it passes away in a short time.


I was about to leave the graveyard when I saw someone so familiar... Then I cried and rush over him...

I felt so young again...

"I love you, Axel"

July 24, 2020 12:41

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