Fiction Holiday Romance

Isabella runs to the scene, she nearly bruises her leg but manages to escape the 

huge stone on the way. Breathing heavily, she challenges the young marketer from 

Crimpy Crump bakery--A bakery situated just four buildings away from hers.

"Oh no! Stop there," she said.

"Ah ah, what is the matter madam?" Joe, the young marketer asked, he actually knows 

Isabella wants to hijack this new customer again.

"Why should you come here to steal my customer away?" Isabella asked.

"Oh, funny, your customer indeed, someone who was even asking whether any bakery is 

located around here."

"So? He was actually looking for my Bakery but missed the way," Isabella argued.

The customer, who is parking a white Van, keeps looking up at Isabella, he is dumb 

founded and wonders who this woman is. Isabella, who actually never knows the man,

pretends as if she has known him before as a regular customer.

" But Mr Thomas, why couldn't you call me that you missed the way instead of allowing 

this nuisance to keep you waiting here?" Isabella asked, tagging the anonymous man as 

Mr Thomas.

"Eemmm... Eem... I," The customer stammered. He is so carried away staring at Isabella, 

perhaps her curvy shape and undescribable beauty had kept the man dumb founded 

earlier. Isabella is a good looking lady in her late twenties, she is so active, agile and 

garrulous as well. She owns a local bakery named Isacream bread along John Meyer's 

street but she will never give up on any customer for the notable Crimpy crump bakery 

situated on the same street. 

"Hello sir, yes sir, she has stopped our customer again," Joe made a phone call to his 

boss, Mr Williams, the CEO of Crimpy crump bakery. 

"Hey! how dare you? Am I the one that stopped your customer or were you not the one 

trying to hijack mine?" Isabella rushes at Joe as though she were to punch him, Joe 

dudges, avoiding her troubles. He then looks toward the narrow way that leads to 

Crimpy crump bakery, seeing Mr Williams coming towards the scene, he smiles 

sheepishly. A good looking man in his early thirties, Williams has a jaw dropping 


"Then what's the problem?" Williams asked.

"You've gotta ask your apprentice or your servant or whatever," Isabella answered, 

snubbing Williams.

"Hey, woman, mind your manners and don't ever talk to my company's ambassador 

anyhow," Williams answered strictly.

"Hey! Ambassador indeed," Isabella laughed and clapped ridiculously.

Williams neglects her and faces the customer.

"Good morning sir, I am Mr Williams, the CEO of...."

"Hey! We know already that you are a CEO, you don't need to remind us," Isabella 


" Mr Thomas, please let me direct you to my notable Isacream bakery and offer you the 

best of the best breads" Isabella said, twisting her body seductively.

" Lol, I advise you not to fall for that sir, the only thing her bakery can offer you is some 

bread made of flour, water and salt," Williams replied ridiculously, he catches a glimpse 

on Joe and they both burst into laughter.

"Really? Ah, I don't want such tasteless bread for my consumers," The customer said, 

looking lackadaisical.

"Don't mind these clowns sir, a trial will surely convince you" Isabella said, looking 


"Sir, I don't think you need to waste your money on a trial when there are some specially 

made bread here for you" Joe said. He opens the basket he is holding and hands over a 

loaf of bread to the customer.

"This is to convince you sir, have a taste," Williams said, he is already smiling, knowing 

that the taste of the bread is so tempting and irresistible.

" Oh wow! This is.... Oh my God, this is so lovely, was it baked from heaven?" Asked the 

customer. He almost bites his tongue due to the taste of the special ingredients added 

to the bread.

"Lol, it didn't fall from heaven, it was made by my Crimpy crump Bakery," Williams said 


"So? Sir, you shouldn't let them fool you into buying from them until you've tasted the 

best of the best produced by Isacream bakery," Isabella said. She quickly rushes to her 

nearby bakery and picks a loaf of bread.

" Yeah, I'm back, have it sir," she hands over the white dry bread to the customer who 

hardly perceives any aroma from the bread.

" Ah ah, are you sure this is a bread or some cassava flakes baked together?" The 

customer said after eating a little, he spits out the remnants from his mouth.

Seeing this, Williams and Joe laugh the more.

"Perhaps, that is the real manna from heaven," Williams said with contempt.

Isabella feels so embarrassed and shamefully stumbles toward her bakery.

"By the way, I am Mr Albert," said the customer.

"Oh, I think she addressed you as Thomas earlier," replied Joe.

" She was actually a doubting Thomas," Williams added.

They all burst into laughter.


   Isabella had a restless day and now still couldn't sleep during the night. She is right 

here in her bakery, thinking really hard about what she is supposed to do to make her 

bread better than those made in Crimpy crump bakery. Isabella couldn't afford lots of 

ingredients and she has only two workers, an old woman who just need money to feed 

herself and an orphan, a young boy of about age fifteen. She really couldn't afford 

employing highly skillful workers.

"Hmm, I think some butter and egg will make a great change," she said to herself.

" But I really don't know how to fix those stuffs with flour, anyways, I must give it a trial"

"Perhaps, a trial will result in a superb ultimate bread!, I'm gonna show those people that 

I'm the best," she smiled to herself and then starts to prepare the bread.

Isabella really doesn't know the adequate amount of butter she is supposed to use, 

neither does she know the right quantity of eggs to mix with the flour. She disorderly 

mixes lots of these stuffs and then suggests something.

"But why does my bread look white and theirs look yellow and attractive? I guess 

that was a work of some palm oil, oh wow! I get it, I'm gonna add some palm oil to 

the flour"

She pours some palm oil and mixes the flour thoroughly.

"This is the time to claim back my customers that have gone astray," she said, 

smiling to the hot oven.


    About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Isabella is really being troubled by her retailers 

who have come to return many loaves of bread, claiming that their consumers are not 

satisfied with the taste of the bread.

"... And what the hell have you added to your bread today?" An angry retailer asked.

"Some special ingredients, some charming spices," Isabella answered.

"This is not any charming, this is bull shit!" Added another customer.

"But, take a look, it's quite fine," Isabella argued.

"... Fine with the palm oil taste?" Another customer shouted.

"Not palm...."

"Not what? Are we blind or have we lost our sense of taste?" The customer interrupted.

"And I wonder why the bread smells like raw egg, so irritating!" Another customer added.

Isabella looks helpless, she realizes she has to stop arguing and apologise to the 

customers. She can't afford to lose all these customers, and also, she cannot afford to 

refund all their money. She had already gone to the market earlier that morning to buy 

some flour, sugar, salt, butter and eggs-her charming ingredients.

She really couldn't have thought that the customers will return the bread this day 

because of the compliments given by the customers earlier in the morning when they 

saw the fresh yellow loaves of bread.

"Okay, I'm really sorry, I know you guys are always right," she said earnestly.

"Sorry about what? Just refund my money and take your charming nonsense!" An angry 

customer said.

Just then, a young man drives a Peugeot car along the way, he is just coming from 

crimpy crump bakery and he has some bread at the back of the car. The alluring aroma 

coming from the bread almost swallow up everyone right there. One of Isabella's 

customers runs towards the man and stops the car.

"Hello young man, good afternoon," he greeted.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The young man responded.

"Please, can you tell me where you bought those bread?"

"Oh wow, but how do you know I have some bread in the car?"

"The aroma of course... It almost swallows me up"

"Lol, anyways, I got them from crimpy crump bakery"

"Wow, crimpy crump? Where is that located?"

" Not far, some buildings away on this same street"

"Alright thanks, I will be there in no time"

"Okay, bye"

The customer returns to Isabella with more threat that she should refund him.

"Hey, woman, just refund my money now, I've got some crimpy crump special bread to 

buy!" he shouted.

Isabella feels very sad to hear this, she however tries all her best to apologise to the 

customers. However, on hearing about Crimpy crump bakery, most of the customers 

threaten more to be refunded in order to purchase the better bread.


   It's another December, Isabella is quite happy and looks forward to attending the 

annual holiday festival in her home town. She is from the Zulu tribe of South Africa. To 

her, this holiday means business! The festival which always brings the people back to 

their home town has been a favour to her business each year. She usually makes some 

mad money from the sales she makes every year at the festival. Does that mean people 

really enjoy her bread? Perhaps, but no other food is always available than Isabella's 

bread and some fried fishes. Most other people come with more lucrative goods such 

as gold, jewelries, beads and clothing to sell.

  The festival itself is called the "festival of gold" in which every attendee is expected to 

bring gold, no matter how small to the god of the seas, who, the people believe to be the 

one guarding them and providing for their needs.

"I'm gonna make some cool cash again," Isabella said to herself, being very happy.

    It's finally the 1st of December, The annual festival begins with the blow of a heavy 

local trumpet, followed by the beating of the Tom-toms. The annual festival always take 

place beside the sea in the town. This is for the people to pay their sacrifices to the god 

of the seas. 

The chief of the town announces."Hail the god of the sea!"

"Hail!" The people responded.

"Hail the god of the sea"


"Haaail the god of the seaaaa!"

"Hail o hail o hail o haaail"

Isabella hardly hears that, her concentration is really on marketing her bread to the 

hungry men. However, she is very surprised to see many of the men already holding and 

eating some bread. 

"What could have happened? Where did they get those bread?" She thought to herself.

Hardly had she walked some feet when she sees Williams in a large van. He has also 

come to this festival with thousands of bread stocked in the van.

"Hey, is this not Williams? Does that mean he is also from this town?" Isabella thought to herself.

"But, God why? Why is this guy always a barrier to my business?"

"Hey, what should I do now?"

She walks and passes beside the van, Williams sees her and decides to greet.

"Hi pretty," he greeted, smiling sheepishly.

"Mtcheew," Isabella hissed and walks away.

"Hey, I am...."

"Whatever," she said, snubbing him.

The festival continues, now, it's time for people to offer gold to the god. Many rich 

men who believe in this superstition have brought some kilograms of fine gold to offer. 

Children and women are dancing happily and singing praises to the god of the sea. As 

the collection of gold continues, suddenly gun shots are heard. Some hoodlums have 

come to rob the people and steal away the gold. They start shooting people in a violent 

way, This leads to a pandemonium and people run for their lives. The hoodlums gather 

the gold and set the whole place on fire.

While trying to escape, Isabella stumbles and fell on the ground. She is really hurt 

but no one cares to help anyone this time. The whole place is already on fire and any 

one who lingers for the next few minutes will get burnt. Isabella groans for help. 

Williams sees her from far away and quickly runs to save her, risking his life. He lifts 

her upon his shoulders and runs. Dark smokes coming out of the whole place blurs his 

vision but he manages to run towards a little boat placed beside the sea.

He lies Isabella in the boat and rows the boat away. He actually really doesn't know 

the direction to go but he just keeps rowing. Suddenly, a bullet shot from the scene hit 

him on the right shoulder. He groans loudly. Seeing this, Isabella puts off her shirt and 

ties his shoulder with it, she now has only her underwear on her. Williams feels weak 

due to the loss of blood and isn't able to row the boat anymore. Isabella collects the 

paddle and keeps rowing until they find an island where she stops the boat.

"Oh wow, we've found an island here" she said.

"Thank God we escape," Williams added in a low voice.

"Ouch, I'm feeling some deep pain," he groaned.

"I am gonna help you remove the bullet"

"But how?"

"Just with a scissors I've got here with me"

Isabella unbuttons Williams, she stares at the muscular chest which looks so 

seductive. She can't help but rubs the chest with her palms.

"You've got huge ones," she said, smiling.

"Uhn, thanks"

Williams looks at the beautiful curvy body of Isabella as she unties the shirt and 

skillfully removes the bullet. He really doesn't feel much pain, seeing Isabella on 

underwear and this crazy short skirt is enough an anesthetic for him.

"You've got a beautiful body shape," he said, gently rubbing her back down to her waist.

"And so you do," Isabella added.

"Ouch! That's a little painful"

"Sorry, it's out now"

She shows him the tiny bullet and once again ties his arm with the shirt to reduce 

blood wastage.

"Oh wow, so we are here all alone together on this strange island," Isabella said 


"I wonder how we are going to go back home 'cos no single creature lives here"

" Do we really need to go back home?" Isabella added, rubbing Williams cheeks.

"Of course, how are we going to survive here without food and with this salty    water?"

     "But, I'm going to survive here with just looking at your face," Isabella said flirting at him.

    "Oh really? Perhaps my face looks like some crimpy crump bread?"

    "No, like some isacream bread"

They both laugh. Isabella moves close to him, grabs his hands and lies his back on the sand.

"What are you doing?"

"Wanna take some warmth from your body"

She lies on Williams, with both heads so close, she stares into his eyes.

"May I ask you something?" She said.

"And what's that?" he replied, holding her shoulders to reduce the pressure of her body.

"Why did you decide to save me from being burnt?"

"Uhnnn," Williams Huffs.

"... because I love you," he said.



"Please say it again, please say it to me again"

" I said I saved you because I love you"

"One more time please"

"I'm not gonna say it anymore"

"But why?"

"Cos now, I want you to tell me why you also decided to help me remove the bullet"

"Hmmmm," Isabella breathed heavily.

"I did that also because I love you"

"Oh wow, you really love me?"

"Yes, I love you"

"But why did you behave to me like an evil spirit most times at John Meyer's street?"

"And why did you also steal all my customers away with your crimpy crump bread?"

"Hmm, I did that just for you to improve on your product, if I haven't done that, would you 

have known that your bread need to be better? So, I did that because I love you''

"And so, I behave like an evil spirit to you also because I...."

Williams moves his lips toward hers, he doesn't allow her to complete that statement. 

Isabella cannot resist the kiss and it lasts for almost half an hour. 

After this, Williams writes a poem on the sand and reads it to Isabella, it is titled "Before you"

Before you life was just black and white

before you I didn't believe

before you I didn't smile

but now I find life's best treasures in the eyes of a beautiful damsel


now i believe,

and now I smile,

now I've found love upon an island,

and jou beside the waters!

   They spend the whole day together happily in love playing hide and seek game 

around the hills. In the evening they gather some sticks and make camp fire with stones. They wrap up into each other to share body heat. The following morning, Some men come to fish around the island. Williams 

narrates their story to them and they direct both of them to where they will get a ship 

back to their city. They arrive back at John Meyer's street and never compete for 

customers anymore, instead, Williams gives Isabella some orientation about how to 

make her bread taste better.

"But why do you decide to reveal the secret ingredient to me?" Isabella asked.

"Because I love you," replied Williams.

The end.

December 11, 2020 09:38

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