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There’s this girl I had the biggest crush on during my college days. She had brown ebony skin, long spindly legs that were out of a cover girl magazine and a huge rack that I still see in my dreams to this day. She was the only person I ever had the courage to call my bestfriend and it hurt me so much to do so because I so much wanted to be more than that.

We could have been the perfect couple, me with my 190cm height and she being able to just reach my shoulders with her head that bore the most beautiful face my eyes had ever seen. I never told her how I felt, but she knew, and that was how it was for us, there was no need for words because I knew, she knew, and all our friends knew.

It was all an open secret but it was far from enough.

Some people might be asking, “if you had such good chemistry with each other then why were you not together”.

Well that’s because by the time I got to know her she was with someone else. That’s also what I like about her, she was so loyal. Even if her boyfriend was a douchebag who alwaays cheated on her and she a lot of other male friends who would do anything for her, myself inclued, it took her a good while to ditch the dick.

Its really funny how I got to know her. Our dorm was a co-ed block and on that day I was in my room with my roommates when there was a knock on the door. My roommate at the time, Micheal, suddenly sprang up from the bed to answer the door like his life depended on it. It got me really shocked and I just had to pay attention to him, and that’s when i saw her. Her smile when the door was opened was like the morning sunshine on a cool winter morning, bright and warm. I was blinded.

I was in my junior year in college and she was a sophomore. She still retained some of her youthful innocence in that smile that I had the urge to go over to her and steal it from her face with a kiss.

Micheal invited her in for it was already quite obvious who she came to see and he was finding it difficult to hold himself in, with how he was strutting around like a beast in heat. To be honest it was very amusing because I knew Micheal had a girlfriend and she was very clinging and nagging. I know this because I have spent many uncomfortable nights with the two of them having turned my dorm into a cheap motel room. Not like I hadn’t had any thought about her myself.

I couldn’t get her off my mind and I tried all that I could short of going over to see her myself, untill I finally workrd up the courage to go over. That was when I got the worst news at the time that dashed all my hopes and short lived fantacies. That seemed to seal my fate and it was very ironic cause I had tortured myself into thinking I stood a chance over my roommate when all along I was just tooting my own horn. At least Micheal already had girl to snuggle with at night while i was left pitching tents.

Maybe because I wasn’t about to give up because although things didnt go as I intented we ended up building a different sort of relationship. You know how I said that we were perfect for each other to the extent where everyone thought so too, well it just so happened that that day was the start of a very sweet and very bitter relationship.

From that day onwards our special relationship progressed at the speed of light and we got so close that we could be comfortable telling each other our personal secrets. She would tell me things like, when she lost her virginity and to whom or which boy was asking her out and if she ever cheated on her boyfriend. But i’ll never forget the day our relationship really took off.

Feb 14th, lovers day, and no I did not get to take her out on this day. Ironically neither did her boyfriend. It was some random boy that I never got a second look at and I remember I was the one who sent her off on her date, like I hadnt tortured myself enough as it was.

For what it was worth, she returned to me that night and for once I didn’t have to pitch my own tent because I held her thightly in my arms and we cuddled till noon the next day. From that day onwards our relationship went on to the next level and we not only told each other our own secrets but also those of our friends. From whom we both disgusted to who was cheating with whom and everything that went own in our own circle of friends.

Chad was my other roommate and he was one of our favorite topics of discussion. Calling him a womanizer was a gross understatement cause he went after any and everything that wore a skirt. The only difference between him and Micheal was that Micheal had a stable girlfriend and Chad could never keep one long enough. To be honest I kind of envied Chad. I mean to be able to get all the girls he did, it was testament to his skills.

Chad was this black dude that was thickly built and while he could not be compared to a body builder, his tall height and well defined muscels gave him a great advantage though he wouldn’t compare to me in either height or size.

The thing about chad was that he didn’t restrict himself to the single girls. No, any skirt and I mean any skirt was never safe from him. I once heard him joke saying that even an ugly girl was the same to him, that it only mattered when the lights were on, but when they were turned off, then everything was fair game. I mean seriously he only stopped short of being a pedophile and he at least knew how to keep himself clean and stay protected, if not I would be to stay in the same dorm as him.

He was not only a notorious womanizer but he was also an all out pervert. Remember when I said single girls were not his only targets, well guess what, when Micheal’s girlfriend or any other unfortunate girl for that matter comes over to spend the night, well micheal is a very heavy sleeper and he was not a morning person so when his girl was getting ready in our bathroom, chad would be outside the door peeping through a crack in the door and jerking off. I could swear that the crack was getting bigger by the day and I had to do all that I could to keep vinnie away from my room.

One night, I let her stay over night, and I greatly regretted it when I felt a hand trying to go over me to her and that sent shivers through me. Since then I stopped sleeping in my room all together.

I guess there are some people whose close circle of friends mirror each other. to some extent. I and vinnie were like that. Chad was to me what trish was to vinnie.

Throughout the time when I was with vinnie I never gave up hope that we would end up together because what’s there to doubt. We were good together and I knew she was having problems with her borfriend, so it was only a matter of time, I told myself. Boy was I wrong.

Over the holidays we lost touch with each other and don’t ask me how that could happen cause I can only say that nothing was ever meant perfect.

When we got back together during the new semester, I was shocked to find out that she had aleady broken up with her boyfriend, but that was not all cause miraculously or not she had gotten another.

I was heartbroken. I mean, there was my chance but I lost it over a little time away from each other. What could I do but move on and that’s what I decided to do, and my next candidate was naturally some one I already knew.

Trish was vinnies good friend from the same major, she was not the best but

as such I also came to know her. When I say that she and chad were of the same feather, I mean’t that she was a well known nightcat. Why you ask me did I decided to pick her rebound relationship, well I guess it’s was because I thought it was going to be easy, but I was dead wrong. While it was known that she liked men, not many knew that she had a certain standard for which she chose her men.

As no two leopards could ever have the same spots, so as no two people could ever be the exact same. The difference between trish and chad was that she liked rich men. She liked men who could cater to the expensive lifestyle she had, but for all the money she had, she was very stingy and could never seem to bear to spend any money on her accessories. She always liked to come over to vinnie’s to borrow this and that which she would not bother returning or would either return dirty. Another difference between her and chad was that she had a very dirty lifestyle.

This could not be considered a secret because everybody knew that micheal and his girlfriend were too cheap. They were cheap to themselves and cheap to others too. I mean what does it cost to go rent a motel when couples want to do their business together. Instead of staying by themselves in comfort, you go ahead to inconvenience others. They gave me by far the worst impression ever.

Like I said it wasn’t a secret, but was known to all, but there was this one time when sandra, micheal’s girlfriend was away on a trip, micheal returned to the dorm with sandra’s bestfriend late in the night right before the dorm was about to be shut. I was just about to bunk down when he came begging for me to give him and the girl some time alone together. I mean for real, it was almost 12 pm and the dorm was about to be shut, and don’t get me started on what was going to be going on inside cause we all knew.

It’s not like it was the first time that this had happened but at least he and sandra used to give me a heads up so that I could find a way to sort myself out, and that was not the last of it . They were literally having an affair right under my nose.

Don’t get me started on sandra, her’s was a whole other case altogether. When ever micheal was not around, i’d notice her dissing him to other men that sayimg he doesn’t take care of her and that he wasn’t good enough for her. She’d even go as far as to say that she knew that he cheats on her but that if it was not for the fact that she was in love with him, she’d have already dumped his broke ass and gone for the other rich men who were after her, all this while I was around the area, like I didn’t even exist.

Seriously, there had been so much drama going on between them that I was starting to doubt if the were delibrately putting on a show for me to see or if it was just one big game of charade that they played all for their own benefit. What I did know was that those were just the tip of the iceberg compared to all which secrets I know that they kept to themselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I have secrets of my own that I keep close to my heart and i’m not saying that i’m better than everyone else. No, I do have my dark side and the only difference between me and everyone else is that I don’t let anyone else find out about my secrets. Sure there will be the occasional slip ups but those would only amount to nothing worth mentioning, to the extent that not even the girl that I like knows most of my secrets. Either way, this is not a book about me and my secrets, it’s a book about a boy who lacks a strong presence to the point that others let their gaurd down around him and let go of the deepest, darkest, and uglest side of themselves. Do you have any secrets you would like to share or do you want to know mine, but before I share more, i’ll still have to ask, “CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET”.

August 15, 2020 23:53

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1 comment

23:58 Aug 15, 2020

this is my first story and most of my inspiration was gotten from my own experience during my university days. so i hoping for some honest reviews.


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