Submitted into Contest #256 in response to: Write about a moment of defeat.... view prompt


Horror Suspense Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The woman awoke, her eyes darting open to impenetrable darkness, a black void that offered no solace or familiarity. Her breath came in short, panicked gasps as she tried to move, but a sharp, searing pain shot through her wrists and ankles, immobilizing her. She realized, with growing horror, that her hands and feet were bound with spiked wire. The cruel barbs bit deeply into her flesh, sending waves of agony through her body with even the slightest movement.

Naked and sprawled on the cold, hard floor, she could feel every cut, every bruise, each one throbbing with a relentless ache. The coldness of the floor seeped into her bones, adding to her discomfort. The air was heavy with the scent of iron and the coppery tang of blood—her own blood, she realized with a sickening lurch. Her skin was slick with it, each drop a testament to her struggle against the merciless restraints.

Every sound seemed amplified in the oppressive silence: the ragged rasp of her breathing, the faint drip of blood hitting the floor: her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing in her ears like a drum, a relentless reminder of her precarious situation. She could taste the metallic bitterness of fear on her tongue and the faint, acrid scent of sweat mingling with the blood. Each sensation was heightened, raw, and vivid as she lay there, trapped and vulnerable, every fiber of her being screaming for escape.

The frigid air bit at her exposed skin, raising goosebumps and causing her to shiver uncontrollably. Each involuntary tremor sent fresh waves of pain through her body, her muscles tensing against the floor that seemed to seep into her very bones. The fear was relentless, wrapping around her like an unforgiving cloak.

Bugs crawled over her bloodied skin, their tiny legs tickling her most horrifyingly. She could feel them exploring every inch of her body, their presence sending waves of revulsion and helplessness through her. She tried to shake them off, but every twitch only brought the sharp sting of the spiked wire, the barbs digging deeper into her flesh, reopening wounds that had barely begun to clot.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind of terror and confusion, each more desperate than the last. She tried to scream, but a gag stifled her cries. The rough, musty fabric was forced deep into her mouth, soaked with the metallic tang of her own blood from where she had bitten her tongue in her panic. Each breath she took through her nose was ragged and shallow, each exhale a soft whimper of pain and fear.

The pressure in her bladder became unbearable, a cruel reminder of her body's needs even in this nightmare. Finally, she could hold it no longer, and she relieved herself. The warm urine pooling beneath her brought a fleeting moment of comfort, a small reprieve from the cold. But as the warmth faded, shame took its place, a deep, burning embarrassment that added another layer to her suffering.

The darkness around her felt alive, pressing in on her, suffocating her with its weight. She could hear faint scurrying sounds, the distant water drip, and the oppressive silence between her labored breaths. Every sense was heightened, every sensation amplified to an almost unbearable degree. She was acutely aware of the rough texture of the floor, the sticky wetness of her own blood and urine, the relentless bite of the wire, and the persistent, horrifying crawl of the bugs on her skin.

In the depths of her mind, a small, fragile hope flickered. She clung to it desperately, searching for any sign of escape or rescue. But with each passing moment, as the darkness and cold pressed in on her, that hope grew dimmer, leaving her feeling more isolated and terrified than ever before.

Her body trembled with sobs. She focused on the rhythm of her heartbeat, the only constant sound in the oppressive silence. Each thud in her chest was a reminder that she was still alive, though it felt more like a curse than a blessing. Time lost all meaning as she drifted in and out of consciousness, the agony worsening each time she awoke, her body growing weaker, her spirit more broken.

The skittering sound of tiny claws reached her ears, and soon, she felt the rats brushing against her legs. Panic surged through her as she felt sharp teeth sink into her flesh. She thrashed wildly, trying to shake them off, but her bonds held her efforts. Each desperate movement drove the wire deeper into her skin, sending jolts of pain through her already broken body. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably, her cries muffled, her strength waning with each passing second.

Exhausted and defeated, she eventually lay limp, unable to fight any longer. The rats were relentless, their biting and clawing a constant torment. Despair gnawed at her, eroding what little will to survive she had left. The silence around her seemed to mock her isolation and helplessness, every nerve in her body screaming in protest. Her once sharp senses were dulled by the relentless onslaught of pain and fear.

Acceptance began to wash over her, a numbing wave that dulled the terror and the pain. She surrendered to her fate, the struggle over, the battle lost. The darkness that had once been her enemy now seemed almost comforting, a promise of an end to her suffering. Her sobs quieted, her tears slowing as she let go of the fight, her body and mind too shattered to continue.

In those final moments, she felt a strange, almost peaceful detachment. The rats, the wire, and the cold floor faded into the background as her mind drifted away. She found herself floating in a void, free from the pain, the fear, the relentless torment. Her heartbeat, once a reminder of her cursed existence, now became a gentle lullaby, leading her into the embrace of the darkness.

And in that darkness, she found a semblance of peace, a respite from the agony that had been her reality. She was free, in the only way she could be, having surrendered to the inevitable and found solace in accepting her fate.

As the hours dragged on, her vision dimmed, and the pain became a distant echo. She no longer had the strength to struggle, her body and mind surrendering to the void. The oppressive darkness seemed to close in around her, a heavy blanket of despair that she could no longer fight. Through this suffocating blackness, a door creaked open. A thin sliver of yellow light sliced through the dark, casting a dim, eerie glow over the room.

A shadowy figure stood in the doorway, their form obscured by the blinding light behind them. Each step they took forward resonated with the beat of her heart, louder and more menacing with every thud. She tried to cry out, to beg for mercy, but the gag stifled her voice, reducing her pleas to muffled whimpers.

The shadow loomed over her, a cold touch against her neck that sent a shiver down her spine. Her eyes widened in terror as she realized what it was—a knife. The icy steel pressed against her skin, a chilling reminder of her imminent fate. She struggled weakly, but her strength was gone, her body too broken to fight back.

In one swift, merciless motion, the blade sliced through her throat. Sharp agony flared for a brief, excruciating moment before giving way to a suffocating numbness. Blood poured from the wound, warm and thick, as her vision blurred and the world around her began to fade. The last thing she saw was the shadow's impassive face, devoid of emotion or mercy.

As the darkness claimed her, she felt a strange sense of release. The pain, the fear, the torment—all of it began to fade into nothingness. The world faded to black, and she slipped away, leaving behind the agony and terror that had been her existence.

June 22, 2024 18:29

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Mary Bendickson
23:59 Jun 23, 2024

Way too dark.


Darvico Ulmeli
00:21 Jun 24, 2024

Yeah. I know. Thank you for reading.


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22:10 Jun 25, 2024

Mm. I was so hoping for a happy ending. A rescue. Some comfort and reassurance. Why go through all that with his victim and then finally . . . kill her. What had she done? What had happened before her capture. Fantastic portrayal of evil written in line with the prompt, an emotional roller coaster captured so well. Too horrifying for me. And I will now read another offering and hope I enjoy it better. A sequel? When she's dead? I am curious.


Darvico Ulmeli
22:17 Jun 25, 2024

Then you should read the sequel. Or more...


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Linda Kenah
20:21 Jun 25, 2024

Darvico, you captured pure evil with this one. Very well written to make the reader feel her terror as it mounts throughout the story. Until it doesn't. Yikes! It's dark. It's sad. It's horrifying.


Darvico Ulmeli
20:37 Jun 25, 2024

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.


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Trudy Jas
02:20 Jun 24, 2024

Wow! Where did you go? Yeah, a rescue would have been nice. But ... Just one question. In the end is the "one swift motion" merciless or in actuality merciful?


Darvico Ulmeli
04:13 Jun 24, 2024

For her was merciful. No more suffering. Not because the killer was a merciful. She pray for the death. There will be a sequel soon.


Trudy Jas
04:53 Jun 24, 2024

Right. That's what I meant. Now you really have me curious. Are you going to follow her to heaven, or if he going for another victim? :-)


Darvico Ulmeli
06:52 Jun 24, 2024

It's more about the killer than her. But, I like the idea to follow her to heaven.


Trudy Jas
11:58 Jun 24, 2024

It would get you out of the doghouse with Mary. :-) BTW. I forgot to tell you how well this is written. You captured her fear, fight and subsequent surrender very well.


Darvico Ulmeli
12:47 Jun 24, 2024

I have transferred my own thoughts about being in that kind of situation. It terrifies me. Mary would forgive me. She knows that I write horror stories, too. This is only the first of the victims. There are more of them. With much more gruesome deaths. Thanks for liking.


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