Every will have its own way

Submitted into Contest #41 in response to: Write about an animal who changes a person's life (for better or worse).... view prompt



In this 21st century, we may see that many of us literally have pets in our homes. What are pets? Pets are animals that lives with people, but it is not forced to work and is not eaten, in most instances. In most cases, a pet is kept to entertain people or for companionship. We may ask ourselves "What benefits do pets bring? Why should I keep a pet for myself?". There are many health benefits of owning a pet. Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress and bring happiness to their owners.

Let me prove you that's true by sharing you a story of mine. When I was little, maybe around seven, I love playing football. My father was a football coach and he trained me very hard. Every evening, around 3 to 5, I trained with my father at the field in front of my house. Sometimes, my father would bring me with him to play with his football team. Eventually, in my middle school, I was selected to play for my team and this news really was no suprise for me back then.

As the saying goes,all good things have to come to an end. I had an accident before my match during my high school. I was really devastated and depressed. I thought my life without football and this made harder for me to think about it. I felt really guilty for shattering my father's dreams of me becoming a football player in the national team. The doctor that was treating me that day told me that my legs would be fine but I won't be able to play well like before. I was truly depressed and sad.

I thought there was no way when eventually my Harry Potter showed up. You may be wondering who is Harry Potter (not the boy who lived). He is none other than my pet dog. My father gifted him to me on my fourteenth birthday and I truly love to have his company. This dog of mine is quite different. If I didn't bring him for a walk or run, he would start making a sad face. Although I'm in this state, when I see his sad face, I would feel bad and I would try to cheer him up. I would bring him with me for walks every morning. As the days went by, I felt my legs was slowly getting well. I felt less pain in my legs. I would feel energised every day. Two weeks went by with this same routine as I have nothing better to do other than football.The day after that, I went to get a checkup. The doctors were shocked to find out that not just my legs had healed but also my muscles were getting a bit stronger. I was happy to hear this news.

I quickly took my phone out at that moment and dialed my father. I told him the good news and he informed me to join the team the week after. When I get back home, I treated the dog of mine with a bowl of his favourite dog food. I trained really hard the week after and this gradually increased my progress. My father was really proud of me. After 3 years of continuous training, I managed to get into the national team. I just managed to achieve the dreams that I thought that was impossible for me.

I knew without the Potter dog of mine, I'm nowhere near to cure. By having my Harry Potter, my life has been better and full of joy since then. Dogs have a positive influence on human health and emotional state. In addition, dogs increase feelings of well beings of devotion, ensure safety and even safe people's life.. Dogs also have feelings that can cope with humans. If you feel sad, they can comfort you. They know how to make you happy. Sometimes dogs need attention, that’s why sometimes dogs do things like, nibbling your slippers or gnawing your fingers. But dogs do little things that make us smile. They always bark to greet you at the door; they know when you need them.

I know that most of you will be thinking. Why having a dog when you have someone to talk to? If you are having a pet, firstly, you will exercise more.On those days when it might be easy to skip a workout, looking at your dog standing by the door waiting to go for a walk can give you the push you need to get out there. Taking your dog for a 30 minute walk every day can greatly improve your health. Secondly, you will have someone to spend time with you. Not everyone are free nowadays especially during the weekdays. You can spend your time with your dog more often. This can make you feel less stressed.

Besides that, you tend to feel safer when you have dogs at home. The Potter dog of mine bark if an intruder come and knock at my doorstep. He would be growling the entire time at the intruder who he didn't recognize.Just knowing that you’ve got a dog who can use its keen sense of hearing to detect anyone prowling around can help increase your sense of security, which is good for both your mental and physical health.

Another fun fact is having a dog may improve your social life. Not only does walking your dog help you to get exercise, it might also help you get a friend. People are more likely to stop and talk with you when you’re walking a dog. Going to the dog park or taking your dogs to run errands can also lead to strangers striking up conversations with you about your dog. In conclusion, pets tend to make your life happier and better just like me. Try having a pet of your own. You would also learn appreciate many things that you weren't grateful before. Dogs have many capabilities that we as humans should learn from. Every will have its own way.

May 15, 2020 08:59

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Evelyn ⭐️
17:00 May 24, 2020

Cool story! It was very detailed and amazing! I can't wait to read more of your work! Keep writing and stay safe! -Evelyn


13:41 May 25, 2020

Thank you so much Evelyn...Your comment has given me courage to write more and better next time. Stay safe and take care


Evelyn ⭐️
15:16 May 25, 2020

I'm glad! You too!


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Sam Kirk
02:14 Jun 17, 2020

That's a fun story. I like the choice of name for the dog. He truly was magical! There are a few grammatical errors but I encourage you to keep writing. Stay golden.


04:08 Jun 17, 2020

Thank you so much Sam! Your comment has made my day! You too! :))))


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Ranya Navarez
16:17 Jun 09, 2020

This was very fun! I did find a lot of grammar errors and words missing, and it definitely did read more like a personal persuasive essay, but I enjoyed it!


01:29 Jun 10, 2020

Thank you so much, Ranya!! I'm glad you liked it!!😊 Thanks for the feedback! Guess I was rushing to submit this essay...and I never check properly, but anyway thank you for telling me!😉 Have a great day!!❤️️


Ranya Navarez
15:54 Jun 10, 2020

No problemo! Glad I could help!


03:22 Jun 11, 2020



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Alkaa Sharma
11:35 Jun 09, 2020

Great job


13:16 Jun 09, 2020

Thank you so much, Alka! I'm glad you liked it!😉


Alkaa Sharma
13:42 Jun 09, 2020

Welcome anytime 😊


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Agnes Ajadi
16:41 Jun 07, 2020

Nice story! I really love it. Keep writing.


01:48 Jun 08, 2020

Thank you, Agnes! I'm glad you loved it! ❤️️


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Jubilee Forbess
15:13 Jun 06, 2020

Love it! It almost read as a personal essay more than short story but that’s fine too and you did it well.


15:33 Jun 06, 2020

Thank you Rhondalise Mitza!! I truly enjoy reading your stories posted here. Keep writing and stay safe!


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Roshna Rusiniya
15:42 Jun 04, 2020

It was such a fun read. I loved the name of dog! Ha ha. Loved the last paragraph too. Keep writing!


02:54 Jun 05, 2020

Thank you Roshna!! Your words encouraged me a lot. Your stories are really nice to read through. Keep writing and stay safe!


Roshna Rusiniya
03:02 Jun 05, 2020

You are welcome. You stay safe too!❤️


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Batool Hussain
07:32 Jun 30, 2020

So-so so good Mind checking out my new story? Thanks


07:33 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you Batool!😊 Sure, will do! Keep writing! :)))


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Miles Gatling
12:36 Jun 08, 2020

Great story! Fun AND educational 😊👍


13:48 Jun 08, 2020

Thank you so much, Miles!!! I'm glad you like it! 😊😊


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