Merry Bloody Christmas

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Horror Christmas Crime

Merry Bloody Christmas

 Linda was sitting on police station while staring at nothing with no emotions. In front of her police 

officer was sitting uneasy by her attitude, kept asking questions.

P.O:’’ So… how did it all start?’’

 She chuckled darkly, than turned her cold gaze toward the officer. By her sharp gaze the officer gulped

hard, shivers spin down his spot. At that time he felt like he was talking with criminal instead of the victim.

 Linda:’’ It has all started with the dare...

 Flashback. Christmas day

 Linda ’s Pov

 Weather was so cold while snowing heavily. I was walking in a thick forest with my friends, searching 

for so-called “haunted house”. Well I usually don’t believe in that kind of rumors but some idiot friends of 

mine were dragging me there. That’s because, I had lost in one game with my group at the Christmas 

party and another group gave us dare. The dare was celebrating Christmas in the haunted house. Uhh I

wish I could just celebrate the holiday on my lovely bad with TV. Suddenly Lisa smacked my head.

 Linda :’’ Heeeyy “

 Lisa:” Earth She, I was talking to you whole time and you were just daydreaming. What a friend. Uhh.. 

anyway. SHE aren’t you scared?”

Linda looked at her with serious look.

Lisa:” What? Aren’t you scared even a bit? She we are going to the HAUNTED house, not just ordinary 


Linda:” So what?”

Lisa just stared at her and mumbled “Such a cold heart”

 Time skip… 8pm

 They stood in front of the door but nobody dared to open the door. Then Linda sighed and pushed the 

door. When she stepped into the house she felt cold wind and dark aura. Linda just stood still feeling 

someone’s dark stare. Suddenly she felt hand on her shoulder as she flinched by sudden touch.

She looked at her back seeing no one apart from her friends.

“ So what now? Shall we start exploring the house”- Jungkook said in exciting tone and started wondering 

around room. “ HEY KOOK WAIT FOR ME” Taehyung shouted while running after him. “ Ehh these kids “-

said Namjoon while shaking his head. “ they are idiots without any question”- said Rose while face-

palming herself. 

 Time skip…9pm

 They explored some rooms and found cozy room to sit. Lisa was behaving differently, feeling something 

is really wrong. Others didn’t mind it as they see Lisa as a scared cat. Jungkook was filming all the events as they had to prove that they were actually there. Others were just sitting quite. Suddenly Taehyung 

broke the silence:” Hey Kookie why don’t we go upstairs and record there too, since we didn’t go there ?” 

J:” Yeahhh sure. They are just boring”. Taehyung and Jungkook ran upstairs.

 Jungkook’s Pov

 I was filming in a corridor. View was so creepy. Suddenly I saw dark shadow on my camera.” T..t..tae…” 

But I didn’t hear any sound so I turned around in order to face Taehyung, but there was no one to be 

found. Then I gulped and frozened at my spot as I heard whistling. I was sure it wasn’t being made by 

Taehyung since I know him and it was voice of the women. Than I saw one door slightly opened. I walked 

there without knowing anything. Next thing I saw made me shocked. There was Taehung laying on a bed 

with opened eyes. I heard dark chuckle then turned back and…

 Linda’s Pov

 We were just talking until we heard loud scream. We were shocked and I heard sobs. When I looked at 

Lisa I saw her crying. Without wasting no time I hugged her and patted her back-: “Shhh it is ok. I am here 

don’t worry” Lisa hugged me back tightly.

Namjoon” ok girls I will go and check what happened. Don’t move. I will be back soon.”

Lisa: “ w..whait N..namj..joonnn”

Linda:” Lisa he is strong. It is alright calm down hmm,” 

 It has been half an hour but there was no sign of Namjoon nor other boys. Lisa fell asleep while hugging 

me. Then Rose said:” She..umm...why didn’t Namjoon come back yet? Shall we check him out?” “Uhh I 

don’t now but I am curious about it. Ok then I will go and check, you sit with Lisa ok?” “w..what..n..noo I 

wi-“ “ Rose that’s it. Stay with Lisa” “ but Linda..Lindaaa I just went up without listening to it. I am sure 

something is off. While walking upstairs, I saw a clock on the wall. Then I shifted my gaze there and stared without blinking. It was 11:30. Which means after half an hour we can go out of here. I totally forgot 

everything and just stared at the clock. Somehow it remind me of my childhood which was filled with dark 

memories. Abusing , feeling hatred. Tears rolled down on my cheeks without me releasing. I flinched as I 

heard Lisa’s loud voice. I started running down wasting no time. When I reached there I saw Lisa breathing 

heavily with pale face. I ran to there and asked:” Lisa lisa look at me.” Than she looked at my face and 

said with low yet cracking voice:” R..rose…s..she” than got that there was no sign of Rose. Then one thing 

got my attention. Red liquid on the floor. At first I was confused then it hit me “ Blood” I said in low voice. 

I was totally shocked. I stand there without knowing what to do.

 Present time…

Officer:” So you didn’t know what to do? At least you could call someone ”

 She chuckled and said while smirking :” Haha what a dump. You even don’t know what I felt at that 

time. I wasn’t at normal situation. But if you want I can make you feel it.” Officer gulped hard at her 

respond. He didn’t know what to say as he was totally scared. Then he said: 

“ How did you manage to escape or let’s say go out alive. Everyone was missed but not you. So how?”

Linda:“ Well, you have to be patient and listen to the story till end.. so then…”

The haunted house 11:45pm Linda’s Pov

After some minutes I closed my eyes shut and deeply breathed. Than I said-:

“ Lisa what happened? D..did you see anyone? d..did you e..end up…….uhhh how did you end up 

with such situation?”

 After not hearing any respond from Lisa I opened my eyes and saw Lisa was trembling while sobbing. 

Since she was really sensitive I understood that I couldn’t get any information from her. After sometime I 

heard bang of the clock. It showed 12:00 which means Christmas. I bitterly chuckled and said:” Merry 

bloody Christmas.” Then I slowly got up and started approaching main door while holding Lisa…

 Present time... Police office

 Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the officer. On the other hand officer looked at her trying 

to figure out what she means. 

Officer:” Ohhh…umm what about Lisa? What happened to her?”

“ As I said she was really sensitive. She stayed in an insane asylum for some days but she couldn’t make 

it. She committed suicide”

 Officer was speechless for a moment then he said:” Umm we will try to sort out everything. Do you have 

any clue who could be all behind it”

She poke her inner cheek with her tongue as she said:” So-“

 As she was at the edge of responding door burst open making both officer and She look at the direction. 

There was middle aged man breathing heavily while panting and holding a file. Then he said-:” officer can 

you look for a minute. I have new information about recent accident. Officer narrowed his brows at 

confusion. Then nodded and the middle-aged man put the file on the desk. Officer observed the file and 

within a second his eyes widened as if they can pop out at any time. That’s because the information was 

all about Linda and it said that Linda was mentally unhealthy and had brain issues due to her past. Then 

the man whispered in officer’s ear-:” they also found records that was made by that Jungkook boy. And it 

showed Linda. Which means all the details are against her. The murder was herself but because of her 

trauma she couldn’t remember it” after hearing that officer started shaking and didn’t dare to look at She. 

But he acted cool and taking deep breathe he finally managed to look at her face. As officer opened his 

mouth to speak… 

 Author’s Pov

 All the officers were busy by their work unaware about the situation inside one of the rooms. Then 

suddenly emergency signal started to work. Everyone was shocked and started to run toward the room. 

As one of the officers pushed the room, he let out loud gasp as widened his doe eyes. Then others entered 

as well and frozened at their spot. There it was: two men lying on the ground as floor was covered with 

red liquid. On the table that words were written ” Merry bloody Christmas” 

 The End.

December 30, 2020 06:39

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Keisha Taylor
17:30 Jan 15, 2021

I couldn't get through much of it. I got confused easily. When the person started referring to her friend as "she" and then it seemed to have switched people without any transition and I didn't know what was going on. I def suggest proofreading or maybe a better translator


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Colin Devonshire
04:29 Jan 07, 2021

Your story was spooky enough, I enjoyed reading it, except you need to proofread. Well done anyway, my choice of reading!


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