
I get to school again with regret just like the day before. Not sure if I'm wanting to spread the news with my best friend or not. But first i should probably let some of my readers know what's going on here. So all through my school years up until now I've had the same old enemy. Her name is Veronica Lodge. Every little bad thing that's happened these past years have happened because of her. And you see i also have had the same best friend for years now. Brittany Smith. But recently i came out as bisexual. And well me and Veronica have had a thing going on between us that Brittany might have a real fit about. And i think today's the day i tell her what's been going on. Even if it's risking our friendship over. So i walk up to her and tell her to meet me in the math room during lunch. Lunch comes by and i see her go in so i follow. Once i get in i start bursting out everything I've been meaning to tell her about. And for a minute there's silence in the room. So i ask if she's okay. But before i could say anything she cuts me off and raises her voice to say "It's over Grace. We're over." Then she leaves the room. I then start to follow her out into the halls. But i then realize that she isn't going out into the cafeteria like she should. She starts heading towards the back area of the school. Now everybody knows that only one group of kids hangout there during lunch. The Legacies. Veronica's in that group. I start to panic. Thinking of ways i could stop this from happening. But of course I'm too slow to do anything about the situation. So i hide behind a brick wall and start to listen. Brittany then shouts "Veronica!" Veronica then turns around and to be surprised to see who's behind her. Her and Brittany have always hated each other since day one. Brittany then starts to confront her of what i said earlier in the math room. But here's a twist. Veronica denies everything that Brittany had said and shouts at her to go away and never talk to her again or else someone could get put in danger. Everyone could tell she was lying about the whole thing. Even the rest of the Legacies could tell. Maybe she wasn't ready to come out or maybe she changed her mind about what's been happening the past couple days. i couldn't really tell. But i do know that she'll need to speak up or someone else will. There's only one other person that's actually witnessed this happen. Zoe, the backstabbing, son of a bitch, sister of mine. She knows literally almost everything about me since i was born. Even when i don't tell her, she always finds out one way or another. Zoe's a year older than me and has a mind of her own. Just like in 2009 when we had a family dinner, Mom and Dad had asked her to wear something nice that night. Instead she came down the stairs in her AC DC crop top and gross, yet stinky black ripped jeans. She smelled just like the bathroom trash bag after tampons and pads were stuffed in it because of Mom's everyday periods. Her friends came busting through the front door wearing the same idiotic clothes that she was wearing. I'm not sure if i should even be sharing this information with my readers but whatever the case is i hope you guys have a fun time reading about it. Maybe Zoe could share the information that she has to Brittany so i don't have to lose her even more as my best friend. Because i think that was the hardest heartbreak I've had since Jake. I learned that despite the many sports that I have experimented with, I am the MVP at bench-warming. I make a mean latte, often topping my creations with adorable foam cats. I adore Broadway musicals and am always ready to showcase my dancing at a flash mob. I passionately believe in advocating for human rights, actively engaging in Amnesty International’s initiatives. And, I discovered that I am not only an advocate for but also identify with the LGBT+ community. To say that I have figured out all of who I am would be a lie. Unlike the world of fantasy, there is no single defining moment, no Excalibur, no Sorting Hat, that marks my complete evolution. My niche in the world constantly changes, but what remains steadfast is my commitment to a life of service and adventure, albeit it isn’t as cozy as the blue armchair. I'm not really sure how to conclude this story but i can say i am more than grateful to have shared this with you even though it is fake and a fiction novel. I'm only 14 and actually have had nothing this dramatic happen in my school life as a child. i hope that doesn't make this story less interesting than it already is. I hope you had fun learning more about the switch up as the story went on. If you guys ever do want to get in touch with me and want to know more about what happens you can reach me at my snap: safiyyah2018 and my email: collisaf000@esd401.org

This is my first time using Reedsy and hoping to get to know more about most of my readers. Love you guys! This book is based off the TV show Teenage Bounty Hunters where a sister named Sterling has a secret hookup with her worst enemy April from her christian school. And Sterling's sister absolutely hates April and her reaction to knowing about the situation just breaks Sterling's heart. But again thank you all for reading this. I'm just trying to say some things so i have enough words to submit this so sorry if you're reading all of this right now.

November 15, 2020 00:03

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