
So here I was on day number who knows what during the quarantine of the corona virus. I’m a typical bored 15 year old male being bored with the quarantine. I tried to read, and watch movies but they were boring to me. Sadly even my beloved play video games were getting old. I figured today would be boring as per usual. I was wrong though, today I met her. She changed it all. My first love, my first...


Me: (To myself) I suppose I’ll just play another match of this boring game and see if I can rank up.

All I mostly do with my time is play video games online with strangers from all over the world. I log in and of course our wifi is out. I lazily toss my controller down onto my bed and journey downstairs to confront my mom about our wifi. Go figure, my little sister knocked the ethernet cord out of the wall while crawling around on the floor. I pick up the delinquent and yell after my mom.

Me: MOM! Lexi knocked the ethernet cord out again! Did you forget to put the baby gate up? My mom looks up at me from cooking the nights spaghetti dinner and sighs. She is on the phone and I just bothered her. She puts the phone down, and turns toward me.

Mom: Brandon put it up yourself, and she’s one, what do you want me to do? Besides you need to stop playing those games all the time and study more.

While paying no mind to my moms comment or concerns, I carry Lexi into the other room, place the baby gate up, and head upstairs.

It’s finally game time! I load up my game and begin to play with my usual online friends. We instantly start barking orders and random one liners at each other.

Friend #1: Deacon, up in the corner, he’s around back.

Deacon: Got it,

Deacon takes out an enemy.

This continues for awhile but lets just skip the typical weeb stuff, the important thing is her. I’d say maybe an hour or so of gaming in a public gaming with my usual regulars when she joined. A noob but skilled.

Girl gamer: Hey everyone!

Deacon: Oh geez, some bubble gum girl wants to learn to play....

Girl: My name is Macy and I know how to play.

I watch as Macy mercs Deacon point blank in the game, literally jumped down from a ledge up above and got him with a knife. Who does that? Apparently she does...

Deacon: What the!?

The whole clan busted out laughing at Deacon’s expense. Shortly after... no one was laughing, she got us all one by one. The moment she shot me with a shotty up close, I knew I loved her. I guess you could say it was love at first defeat. One of the hardest weapons to use in the game, but she mastered it. Her giggle was attractive.

Macy: *He, he, he. Snort. He, he, he.*

Over time we grew closer and closer as the days went on. I did everything in my power to make her like me. The type of thing where you lose who you are and become them and all things they love to please them. Everything she was into, I made myself like and did extensive research on any topic that she would speak about. I had even got her to add me on social media. Every day I looked forward to gaming with her.

We would game for hours and hours talking about anything and everything in between. I would wake up every morning and check and see if she was online. When I wasn’t gaming with her I was thinking of her and looking at her pictures often. After a couple months I summoned the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Me: Will you be my girlfriend?

Macy: Of course! I was wondering when you were going to ask me! *He, he, he. Snort. He, he, he*

From that moment on I let myself fall even deeper into either love or obsession. You can take your pick. So we started having a long distance relationship, I lived in Montana, she lived in New York. We planned to meet in person one day, but sometimes even the best lay plans don’t come to be. This was sadly the case with Macy and I.

One day I waited all day to play with her and she never logged in. I checked her social media accounts and she hadn’t logged in there either. I just thought maybe she was sick or something, but when days past and she still didn’t login I became worried. Everything was going good in our relationship so I didn’t understand why she suddenly went ghost mode on the virtual world. I wrote her a letter even and never got one back.

I wrote her on every outlet that I knew, no reply. More days went by and still no reply. I checked obituaries in her hometown and nothing, it was as if she just disappeared without a trace. I’m now a grown man. 36 years old, and married with two daughters. Even now I still wonder what happened to her, and sometimes I check her social media to see 15 year old Macy, still hasn’t changed her profile picture and still hasn’t logged in. I’m sure I’ll always wonder about my first love and what happened with her. I just hope she is okay, and that she is somewhere happy.

My wife: Who’s she? (She says as she leans over my shoulder while im staring at Macy’s profile picture)

Me: Just someone I use to know.

My wife: Oh, that’s interesting she looks just like that girl that killed her family in New York a long time ago.

I turned and looked at my wife in shock.

Me: What?

My wife laughs and wraps her arms around me.

My wife: I can’t believe you never heard of that story. What were you raised in a barn? You know, the girl that was talking to some boy online and her family canceled her membership to online gaming. So the girl killed her whole family. It was savage, bludgeoned them all with a hammer, then lit the house on fire. That girl could be her twin, but that couldn’t be her that happened like 20 years ago.

The End.

August 09, 2020 02:42

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