Rainy Day Spent Indoors

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



 It is July 29th, 2019 and it is 3:17 A.M. A lonely man decided that he wasn’t going to go anywhere that day even though it wasn’t raining outside that day or actually at any time that day because it was the only day that it never rained on. It is certainly a phenomenon indeed and other people usually go out on this day, all day long because it is the only day that it definitely won’t rain and they don’t take any chances. Many people leave very late the day before so that they can go to a nice hotel then make their way to the beach, amusement park, pool, park, or somewhere else that you can’t really get a chance of going to if it’s raining all the time. It is just a little vacation that people can’t wait to go on every time this day comes because they want as much fresh air as they can get and most of the time it is only up to 20 days out of the whole year so they spend their time to the fullest.

             He didn’t feel the best that day to even really get up anyway so he stayed home and just prayed for the next day to be sunny as well. He wants to be sunny mentally meaning for his mood to be uplifting in a way that will take him from being very sick to his stomach from how unmotivated he is to eat or do anything because of not getting the right frequency of sun rays to hit his skin to make him feel wonderful from the positive hand on his shoulder giving him strength to feel alive again and not to feel like dust clumping up into this being full of sadness. He also wants it obviously to be sunny outside meaning to be filled with fresh air that once you breathe it in you get a little surprised from but it turns into a refresher that makes you feel ready to do anything, the sky having a bright sphere full of energy that will spread throughout the surface full of people that get overwhelmed by its power that make even their souls smile in how much love it has been given. 

              He was in the bed at this time still with his blankets pushed to the ground in front of his bed except for the one wrapped around his head like a hijab which he has always done since he was a small child for some reason, eyes sealed shut from crust building up during his slumber, and his whole body scrunched up into a ball with his hands in between his legs wearing his soft white onesie that looks like it doesn’t fit him because it looks a little baggy which he doesn’t really mind. He woke up this early because he felt a small water droplet fall onto his nose and then more consecutive droplets fall down. His eyebrows angled upwards from the irritation and confusion he was having then he flipped over on his stomach, drool falling down his chin as he reached to sink his teeth on the fitted sheet giving out a big nibble then grinding his teeth side to side on the sheet from frustration of opening his eyes. 

             Then flaring his nostrils from being so upset started rubbing his eyes with his very dry and rough hands then he let out a loud cry from how scared he was of if he would ever open his eyes ever again. He started to lift up by elevating his elbow on the bed and his other arm over his eyes just in case there is a big bright light emitting from the sun that rarely gets to surprise people with an even bigger gift awaiting their day. But after all it is usually covered by other substances such as the little section separating the sun from layered clouds accompanied by homes with windows and curtains most of the time the sun is just not close enough to home for people and instead is grouped up with dark clouds that is just squeezing it making it hard to give the people what they need. 

               His eyes soon opened and he was still confused on what was going on because when he did this he didn’t get hit with bright light and of course he wouldn’t because it is 3 something in the morning which he didn’t know but confusingly there were water drops hitting off his sleeve and now seeing that his hands were moisturized. He knew it couldn’t have been sleep paralysis because he could move even though he still had bad pain that was twisting his stomach inside and out at every moment he was thinking about how bad it hurt but he couldn’t really stop how negative his thoughts were becoming because the pain was just too much. He also just knew it wasn’t a dream although it seemed to be an illusion of if the rain was inside his house or outside but he was very certain that it was weirdly inside. 

             He then took his arm from over his eyes, looked up, and was horrified from the sight on his ceiling. It was a human skeleton that had a crocodile skull on its side latching onto the ceiling wearing an unzipped jacket with the sides glowing in light green hanging down from it loosely swaying side to side in the wind and water droplets or whatever it is coming down fast continuously in a row after each other. Next to it was a huge brain that was weirdly not hanging down it was just latched onto the ceiling as well as if it was solid. There was spreaded out cloud-like habitat that it was laying in between, it seemed to be made out of collected dust, dead skin, and all the other things that were around his house that weren't exactly in a pile or noticeable which also poured rain down without stopping. 

              This was an even harder thing to escape from because he always slept in his attic which was very close to the ceiling and he had no idea if this creature was a light sleeper, a heavy sleeper, had powers, or if this was the real reason why people don’t stay home on this particular day. From the horrifying creature that allows it to rain indoors and to sleep on people’s leftover dirt in their houses each year on the same day that people always thought it never rained on but come to find out there actually is no day that it technically doesn’t rain on. He also questions if this is the monster that also makes it rain even worse outside for it to cover up the hero, Sun so that it can only be satisfied not the many people that it is making heartbroken. 

            But he knows that he must try something because it’s not like it will answer him and he also really needs to get up before something really bad happens and to also get or eat something to ease his stomach pain so he plugged his nose with his fingers so that he doesn’t breathe in the dust then sunk himself into his bed moving sideways very slowly. He believed that it wouldn’t follow him but if it did he would try his best to defend himself and he may have to kill it because he doesn’t want it to try to attack him first and not being able to defend himself before getting an attack in or something like that. But first just in case no one would believe him from words once he tells people around the city he is headed to get his phone first to take a few good pictures of that thing to make sure the news goes around to see what they shall do about this occurrence. 

          He climbed down the ladder next to his bed safely without waking up the creature and he was surprised to see more clutter on the ceilings with even more high pressure water he thought it would just be in the attic that rained and it kind of felt better up there but there was no turning back now. As he walked to get his herb medicine which was on the counter in the kitchen but he must pass through the hallway before he could get it and his phone, his blanket on his head began to get drenched which was choking him. He took it off with his curly shoulder length hair popping out then getting drenched in an instant and then he suddenly had the instinct to put his arm on the wall to walk through the hallway because the rain was coming down so hard that it was getting hard to stand up and walk forwards. It was so bad that it was affecting his brain from thinking correcting and it was basically bullets hitting his head.   

        When he made it to the counter he fell with his hand on the counter pulling down his phone, medicine, and snack bars then before he could pick up his phone he felt an extreme heat rush up his back and so he flipped over to see what it was and he saw the sun with a huge creepy smile in his window which disintegrated him from the heat to the bone without him even getting to defend himself. Then some of the dust from the ceiling molded onto his skull creating a crocodile skull that turned into firm bone, his pajamas turning into a jacket with baby blue glowing on its sides, water droplets coming down his back bones making a huge puddle on the floor, and his brain going through the skull and increasing in size. Then it grabbing him and going through the house soaring through the sky finding its next habitat and this makes it only 3:20 A.M. Which is the time of the man’s death that no one will ever know about from being part of the fear that these creatures that might be weaker than human life but will never know from not being confident to kill it themselves. I guess in the end he became a rainy day spent indoors just like the one in the house he used to own when he was alive.

March 23, 2020 17:05

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