
It all started when teenage Joce-Lee Anderson was hanging out with her friends playing a game of cards on Friday night. The new year had just began.People buzzing with excitement and high expectations for the year. Joce-Lee thought this year nothing could go wrong especially with Valentine's day coming up. She knew she wouldn't make the same mistake twice. (Little did she know) Last year's Valentine's day didn't go as planned. To be precise it totally backfired. The plan was to become friends with this boy Joce had been dying to talk to not for the obvious reasons. Joce struggled being social let alone talking to boys. She thought she'd give it a try. So she sent him a heart lolly to his school she remained anonymous. Had regrets after doing such a thing. She wanted to introduce herself thought this way could work.

It turned out like a Cinderella story the boy posted the lolly on instagram asking who sent him the gift. Joce didn't see that in the turn of events. She DM him replying she had . The two met on Friday night. Joce was a bundle of nerves wondering how it would pan out. It went well the evening was great. Then a week later she had to be a genius.She asked him out. Not like a date Joce was totally clueless in that field. To go watch the new Marvel production film at the mall. As you can guess that didn't go swell. She was confused she didn't realize once high school kicks in the boy and girl friendship status changes. Sure you can be friends but gets so complicated.

Joce-Lee had matured since that embarrassing episode in her life.

She decided this year would be different but boi was she wrong.

It was Sunday morning Joce-Lee was getting dressed for church.

Not dressed in a dotty dress; a bow and a cross hanging around her neck like the stereotypes put it but wearing tights;Vans and a jean jacket. The sun was shining through her room a glorious day. She arrived at church with her parents and brother.

Not standing in the auditorium less than a minute. Joce and her friends looked in one direction. Till a certain "Who " walked in.

"There he is "Joce -lee said as she looked into the distance. There was K.J with a black pack was slung over his shoulder.Wearing nothing to provocative but a white shirt ;Jean shorts and pineapple highly ankled socks. (He could shake that look)

Now by this time you all probably thinking the chick has a definite crush on the dude. If you saw a dude with scruffy curly brown hair ;hazel eyes and a contagious smile you'd be checking him out too.Whether your attracted to him or dibs him on being your futuristic Boyfriend.

K.J goes to a Private School and is a youth pro. He is socially confident unlike Joce-Lee . She personally didn't know him that well and sadly was to shy to bother.

Joce-Lee wanted to give him the perfect gift for Valentine's day. Deliver it to him but like a secrete Santa to remain anonymous. She looked it up on YouTube, the most highly rated wanted Valentine's gift. It was SOCKS!!. Joce was in luck Pick n Pay was selling 2 pairs of socks prices at R50.(in my books that a good fifty rand spent)

Joce-Lee thought there was NO way she was gonna give J.K the gift in person. NO way was she going to be that cliche chick that wrote "I love you "on the card. (That's a little to far) So she wrote God loves you,which is undoubtedly true.

While Joce was wrapping

the gift she was wondering would he like the gift?was it one of those lame Christmas or birthday parent gifts?She came to the conclusion she was just overthinking it. It's the thought that counts right?.

Joce -Lee never took Valentine's day seriously. It's basically another day of the year;a money making business and a day to gain 1kg thanks to Lindt chocolates. Though she really liked the idea of giving a gift to someone special even if it meant adding a little mystery to it.

The gift was perfect K.J would have something useful and she chucked in an Aero chocolate.She relished the idea of making someone happy. Better yet it's an extra bonuse for her if he likes it.

Valentine's day arrived and for the first time Joce was Amped up for Valentine's day. To see his expression unwrapping his gift priceless. Joce-Lee ran down the hall of her house to her brothers room and bashed him with a pillow she squilled with joy. "Why you so happy? "her brother asked raising an eyebrow. Joce answered "it's Valentine's day ". Her brother was puzzled but nodded back to sleep.

After inhaling the Valentine spirit and thrill. Unfortunately school came first. First lesson Maths Eeeww this removed sunshine from her life but only for another seven hours. Sitting at the desk watching the clock as time passed slowly ,it would be more entertaining to see a snail race. Finally school ended for the week. Joce went home fueled up with hamburgers and oras. An oxygen tank wouldve been great she thought she was using high levels of energy that were being consumed speedily.Joce got ready for Youth.Glancing in the mirror one last time before leaving for Youth. Do I look okay?, am I making a mistake? Her mind filled with doubts. She thought I'm no LA desperate to date airhead I'm just me Joce-Lee embrace it.Once she was at youth the room filled with teens. "OMGosh"she said K.J walk in wearing a magnum P. I shirt.

She couldn't help but stare at him looking Hella buff and cute but snapped out of it and focused on her game plan.

Joce-Lee left the gift untrusted to her friends to deliver the gift to him.

Joce did not watch the entire episode of what took place but later peeked in the window K.J had the package. She had rightfully presumed, a smile lite up his face surrounded by many laughs.

After that Valentine's day Joce had no contact with K.J it was the talk of town but no great friendship took place. That was predictable ,it's difficult today in the teenagehood society to just be friends with a boy. Sociologists have proven you can remain friends with a boy but not for long.One of you are bound to catch feelings for the other.i value friendship above some temporarily relationship.

Her head was no longer filled with anxiety but unlimitted joy. Joce thanked God for intrusting with someone to bless this Valentine's.

Even though she'd never know what he thought of it.In years to come he'd remember the gift.

Joce-Lee's accomplishment was overcoming the fear of putting herself out there. She used one of the greatest "superpowers" Courage.

She achieved one of her fears to becoming close to a boy.Peoples intense Superstions kill!!. She wanted to becume friends with a boy without judgement.

She'd be remembered as the chick who gave a dude a pair of socks for Valentine's day.

June 27, 2020 06:05

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Tempest Juvano
18:28 Jul 06, 2020

The idea of society and peers not letting a guy and girl be purely friends is very good topic for a story! and it does take a lot of courage to speak to someone you view with admiration. It is so cool to be remembered as a chick who gives a dude a pair of socks as a gift! The writing is quite confusing though - you could work on ordering events properly and separating the paragraphs. Maybe the usage of slang is another thing to work on. Keep writing!!!


Ramona Rennie
20:12 Jul 09, 2020

Thank you for your input. 🤗


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Ramona Rennie
06:30 Jun 27, 2020

This story is somewhat fictional but rings with truth. In today's society it's hard to find true friendship. At primary school it seems easier to have guys as friends. In high school it appears to be challenging and complicated (that's depends on the people) It takes courage to be bold and once you make up your mind JUST DO IT!!!!!!


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