Contemporary Fiction Romance

The next morning hopped in soon than expected for 25-year-old Shawn Wilson. He wasn't able to make more of his sleep like he usually does after accomplishing a late-night project. He needed a strong coffee to get this tiredness away. His eyes incredulously rose over the alarm clock beside his table. "Shit he was going to get late again." He negatively shook his head shooing away from his sleepiness.

"30 minutes later"

With slow steps, he made his way towards the love of his life. He remembered When he had first seen her, his breath ceased and He felt like killing himself. Rosaline johnson had beautiful, brown drowning eyes. A gorgeous face and a hot figure to get lost in.

However, after knowing her he got to know that, her personality was even more appealing.

'Uggh'. He mentally slapped himself for thinking about her even when she was in his arms reach.

His eyes curiously stared at her standing figure again. Although he couldn't see her face, he was sure it was her. Of course who else would be there if not her. This was their hidden place of meeting each other. It was located in a secluded area of hills outside the city. And the area was filled with flowers and trees. Today was her birthday and she wanted to start her celebration with him. Since her parents never even once liked him. They decided to keep their relationship hidden.

Her bareback shone in the little sunlight as the golden rays starting to peep in the world, falling over her shiny back making her more beautiful. Birds were chirping in the background. While the first rays of the sun Were cool and bracing to the eyes. There was nothing that could have been more pleasant to his senses than the sunrise.

With slow steps, he made his way towards his Rosie. The moment Rosaline sensed movement behind her. She turned around Her smile dazzled him for a moment. While his eyes incredulously rose over his smoothed face glancing at her turn around. He can't help but admire her flawless skin.

She was indeed more like the princess of unknown territory that he would want to know in life.

He grinned mischievously at her, he knew the morning of her birthday was going to be one of the best of their lives.

Shawn's body started to get hotter With their closeness. The fire that was ignited by her was extremely hard to ignore. So without wasting a minute, Shawn kissed her ferociously making her shudder beneath his touch. His thin fabricated shirt did nothing but let her know how hot he was as it brushed against her body. Turning himself over, he sucked her lips again as if tasting something delicious.

Though Rosaline wanted him to stop however she knew it would be their last day of togetherness. So she accepted his kiss without any rejection. Biting her collarbone roughly he started to leave his marks on her. There was no Greetings exchange between them. Yet, she understood it was his way of wishing her birthday. They were secretly dating for two years now and the physical intimacy that most people shared with their boyfriend in New York was never between them. And No, it wasn't because they weren't attracted to each other. They were! But She always wanted her first time to be special with him. And it was today.

Her heart thumped loudly as the gust of wind played with her black shiny hair and as if noticing that, Shawn gripped it and latched their lips once again.

Her eyes automatically shut as he traced his hand over her cleavage feeling her heartbeat. Shawn had a few one nights stands in his life. But she was the first woman who could bring out the animal side of him. She was the very first woman who he had wishes so much to touch and taste. Shawn took her to the small mattress that was placed in the corner of the cliff with a new bedsheet and there were beautiful roses scattered on it. Placing her on the mattress he looked down at her again. Looking no less than a Greek goddess, she laid there hugging her chest that was nearly exposed because of his kisses.

"Happy birthday my love." He wished while hovering over her.

"Thank you, Honey." She replied. While trying to take out his shirt off him. However, Shawn pinned her hands above her head while digging his head in her neck.

"Impatient hun?" He murmured in her neck.

While She stiffened, in her 24 years of life. She had never been this sensitive before.

"Please Shawn." She stared through his blue eyes, perhaps She knew he was trying to foreplay. However, what he was not aware of was their time was limited.

Her words were his undoing. He suddenly kissed her lips entering inside her mouth and tearing her backless dress.

Everything happened in a blink and she didn't even notice when she was lying under him. Naked and plastered to his aroused body.

"You are all mine." Shawn declared with a rough kiss.

On the day of 17th of September, her birthday, They made love to each other till dusk.

However, when Stars started filling the sky like pale corn into freshly turned ground. It was as if the promise of life turned into darkness. They separated. Shawn left Rosaline at the gate of her building with a fiery kiss. While Rosaline was spent beyond the limit. Yet, she was still happy about it. The ultimatum that her father gave her to break up with him has proven to be a catalyst for their physical intimacy. But she would be leaving soon and she didn't have the guts to tell him about it. Her father had already forced her to leave the country and marry someone else. Perhaps Some lovers are never fated to be together.

While on the other hand, Shawn was beyond satisfied. But he didn't even know what he felt today would be the only affection he would be able to get from her. When Shawn reached home, he saw their photo that they have taken on a lake with each other and the moon. Before sleeping he kissed the picture of Rosaline While murmuring, "Good night, My love."

November 19, 2020 18:09

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