Unexpectedness of the Town

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt



30 miles away from a bustling city lived a small village. It was in the middle of nowhere, but it was renovated to the point where the town can be a city itself. This was done so that the village people don't feel so isolated from the rest. Out of the bunch, there were two children that stood out.

"I got it!" called over Eric. The two kids were playing a simple game of catch. It was with a ball found in someone's dumpster. They didn't know why it was there, because it was in perfectly good condition.

"Now pass it back over-hand!" said Jackie in return. As the ball shook, glitter was being emitted from the hole where air goes through. It got onto their clothes, but it was just brushed off. Although it was strange, they ignored it.

These two had done basically everything they could to entertain themselves. Nothing exciting happened in their simple area, but they were still grateful that nothing bad had occurred too. It was just a day being put on replay with some changes, and was put on repeat for 5 years. One day that all changed.

"I hope something different will happen at some point," said Jackie in sadness.

"You can say that again," said Eric.

"Time for lunch kids!" says Eric's mum.

Jackie was adopted by Eric's family, because she was found when they were out of town. She was left in a baby carrier/cradle resting next to one of those wooden seats with a note. It said, 'Please take care of this baby. Her name is Jackie I hope she is kept in good hands.' Luckily, she was around the same age as Eric, so they got along well, and were treated like twins.

Both of them walked from the backyard grass to the concrete so remove their flip flops. As they did this without recognition, they headed over to the sink in the kitchen to wash their hands.

"We have hamburgers today," mum said.

"Thank you!" they say at the same time.

They spent around 15 minutes eating, then headed over one at a time to take a shower. While one person was doing this, the other would be reading a book. They were reading the same book because every book in their small bookshelf was finished. They had bookmarks put in different chapters made from paper and were designed with markers and colored pencils. Neither Eric or Jackie  wouldn't dare spoil anything because they both knew they had interests in reading very much.

Suddenly, after Eric was the last to shower and get dressed, their was a strange noise. It also suddenly started to get darker. Eric and Jackie go outside to see what was happening. At the moment they opened the door, there was a strange atmosphere.

Things had been bustling around wherever you looked. It was what looked like pixies of all colors, making the sounds of ringing bells as they flew using their wings. On the ground were many glowing-neon bugs that are from the sizes of small rocks to the length of tree branches. Large vines and roots were very outgrown to the point where it’s wrapped around every tree.

It was if they were being delusional. They try to call over their mum to show her what was going on.

"Look outside! It's real!" The 10-year-olds were trying to discuss with their mother but she was too busy doing chores and housework that she just believed them like a nice parent and told them to go ahead and play outside if they wanted.

The two walked outside to obviously explore the area. As they looked around, it was like they were in a dream.

“We must be going crazy. Do you know what is happening right now?” Eric panics to Jackie.

“No, but I think it’s pretty cool. At least this is not like we’re doing the same old things over and over again like everyday,” she said.

They continue walking further deep into the strange forest-type area. There was this ringing sound that passed through the ears of Eric and Jackie.

“What is this?” asks Jackie in confusion.

“Do you think there is something it’s trying to  tell us?”

The ringing in their ear still starts to continue. It turns out to actually be one of the fairies passing by. Once it actually caught our attention, it sounded as if the ringing turned into it speaking real words. It said things like ‘It’s nice to meet you. My name is Crystal. I’m like the chief of this place. What brings you here?’

“Um.. we heard this noise. I can’t recall it but it intrigued us, As we came in, we stumbled across you.” said Eric. “By the way, this is my sister, Jackie.”

She waved and Crystal, the fairy, fluttered her wings as a return of politeness.

‘Would you like to see our village?’ is what we would recall in the very quiet voice.

The two of them agreed and nodded to her question. They followed wherever she was taking them, so see their own miniature village. As we walked along a path, there was always something new to see, whether it was creatures or interesting plants that had never been seen before. When they finally made it after a short walk, they took a look around. It was like a huge workshop. Other pixies were at work, bringing over materials, crafting, building, and every other job that requires labor. It was a pretty efficient system they had. People were always on the move and it was if they had a planned schedule for everything. But this started to remind Jackie of her own reality. Although everything was so organized, they never had anything unexpected or surprising. It was the same thing, that is most likely to happen everyday. Just like Eric and Jackie’s life.

“Hey, have you ever considered changing things up a bit?” Jackie was trying to persuade Crystal.

‘But why would we ever want to do that? Everything is perfect, and functional,’ she answered.

“Why don’t you guys talk to each other, maybe have a group meeting at some point to check on each other’s well being? Eric adds on, trying to help out Jackie.

‘That seems like a good idea, I was always trying to look for something that can help everyone out without hurting our work process.’

Eric and Jackie smile while they glimpsed at each other, feeling accomplished. In a time span of half an hour, a new schedule was able to have been made that can fit in short check-ins with everyone, because in the end, we all need that little bit of support.

“I think it’s getting pretty late,” says Eric. “Do you think we should go now?” Jackie nods her head. “Hey Crystal, do you mind showing us, the way back, we have to start heading home now.”

She happily agrees and leads the way back to their house. After a short walk, the ‘twins’ turn their heads to wave at the fairies that gathered to say ‘thank you’ and have a last goodbye.

In the next moment, the forest that once stood in front of their house had disappeared. They were confused, but wondered if that’s what happens when you find a magical place, it’ll eventually go away.

Jackie thought about what they had done for the fairies a few hours ago and thought that it should also be applied to their life. It was time to make friends for a change. Lookout for any worries, concerns, new ideas, accomplishments, etc. This had worked very well.

A week later, there had been a schedule where Eric and Jackie’s new friends met up somewhere in the middle of their small towns to see how they’ve been doing. It was like a safe space to share everything and anything. This helped build strong bonds and friendships for the future, when independence comes in. But it doesn’t mean that they all separate and live their own lives. They will always keep in touch and enjoy the little moments in life. The small town had become an entire army, filled with joy.

September 27, 2019 04:52

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