
"Honestly speaking guys, I would give just about anything to rape Michael B Jordan and make sure I carry a part of him everywhere." 

Tiara said dreamily, earning some questioning stares from all of us.

She shrugged, and we all burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

We heard the head girl speak from outside and hid under our desks.

"I could swear I heard laughter coming from this classroom," she told someone who was walking with her.

"Same here, they must be hiding somewhere."

The girl began moving around the classroom, searching under desks.

She eventually reached the corner where Tiara, Kim, and I were hiding. 

"Please move down for sports," she said while her hands were on her hips.

We all put on some pitiful looks, then moved to the sports ground as we had been told.

I hated sports.

And they were not a fan of me too.

I tried all the sports in the school until volleyball was my last option.

And no matter how much effort I put in it, I was just never good enough. The ball would go up when it was supposed to go straight. Back when it was meant to go up.

I gave it a year and eventually gave up.

So during sports, I would hide in class and read. Today was no different but thanks to my friends, I was caught. 

I reluctantly moved down to the volleyball court, thoughts of an escape already forming in my head.

"You know if you give volleyball a genuine second chance, it could give you one," Kim said, breaking the silence.

"I tried girl. Sports are just not for me." I replied dryly.

"Well, you certainly do not expect to be a champion when you walk in with that sour attitude," Tiara supported Kim.

"Spare me the motivational speech. It is quite easy to say when you two are the Lebron Jameses of volleyball."

"Sweetie I started playing volleyball in Grade 5 and I was the worst then. It took me two years to improve." Kim added.

"Can we go to the courts in peace. I will just lay low."

They did not persist after that.

When we got to the court I scanned the field and by the net, practicing his serving was Liam.

I stood still, staring at him.

"Guys how come you did not tell me Liam plays volleyball."

The two giggled mischievously.

I did not want to perform badly in front of my crush, so I decided to stay far away from everyone, to avoid being noticed. 

I watched silently as the game progressed, and the coach taught the new kids how to serve.

Then someone dropped a ball, and I started laughing.

"Kelly, I did not see you. We missed you, come and join us."

I smiled awkwardly and gestured thumbs up.

There was no way I was coming out.

I shifted and went and sat amongst the basketballers.

Noticing how I hadn't come yet, he scanned the court for me.

His eyes landed on me.

His friendly grin turned into a menacing frown, his gigantic eyes popping out of his head.

"Kelly! I said come and play," he yelled.

Now all eyes were on me.

I reluctantly stood up and came to the court.

"Listen everyone. Over here is a player who was once was determined."

He paused for a while.

"Then she gave up when it seemed hard."

That was awkward.

He made me stand in the queue with the first years.

One by one, they served the ball and it was now my turn.

Everyone around me seemed quite intimidating.

Even my crush was staring at me.

Some girls in my class kept their eyes fixed on me.

Some wanted me to do well, others hopped I would make a fool of myself.

Others could not care less and were just looking forward to a good laugh.

This isn't something I am good at.

I wonder why people keep insisting I try again.

It's not for me.

I looked at everyone again.

Intimidated by the stairs.

"Sir, I can't."

I sighed getting out of receiving position.

"You can't or you won't."

I kept quiet for a while thinking about the statement.

Maybe I can never get it right in volleyball because I believe I can't.

I breathed in and out.

"Bring it," I said with the confidence I did not have.

He threw the ball and I kept my eyes fixed on it till it was close enough.

Flinging my clenched fists forward, I managed to hit it and it went flying over the net.

Mellisa our master player couldn't even catch it.

I had done it.

"Let us do that again," the coach said clearly impressed.

He threw the ball again and I hit it again.

Better than the first time.

He tried it again and I still managed to get it to go over the net.

Everyone started clapping their hands and for a minute there I felt like the best.

"Wow Kelly. Keep practicing and you might just make the nationals team."

I smiled at those encouraging words and ran over to Kim and Tiara.

"I did it!" 

"Yeah and guess who is looking at you."

I knew exactly who they meant.

Liam was looking at me.

I began blushing uncontrollably.

We continued practicing and though they are times when I did not do well, I knew I would make it if I kept trying.

I was not willing to give up.

I gave volleyball a second chance and it gave me one too.

The children's rhyme kept ringing in my head.

Try try try again

If at first, you do not succeed try try try again

I was happy I gave volleyball a second chance and came from the courts looking forward to the next Thursday.

While we were walking back to the classrooms, Liam came by.

"That was great Kelly. Really I like the way you play."

I smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks, ey. My friends helped me out. "

"They are certainly for keeps lol. See you around?"


He jogged away and caught up with his friends.

"The only reason you played well is, Liam was watching."

I giggled at that.

Yes, I gave volleyball a second chance to impress my crush.

It worked perfectly.

August 11, 2020 13:14

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Jacey Lee
15:33 Aug 20, 2020

I liked this story, it was entertaining and made me smile while I was reading it. As someone who plays volleyball myself, I was intrigued by the title and what this story was about. A few tips though: -Some of the sentences were lacking punctuation, or didn't flow as nicely, sometimes its better to substitute words such as 'did not' with 'didn't'. -I really enjoyed the way you described volleyball in the characters eyes, and it would've been so cool to also get better descriptions of other things in the story, such as what Liam looked ...


Ronica Gapu
13:28 Aug 22, 2020

Thank you I will be sure to keep it in mind when writing the next stories thank you loads🤗


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10:56 Aug 20, 2020

The story is in sync with the propmpt. Could it be the author wanted to do it in verse? She does well since Liam was watching!


Ronica Gapu
13:30 Aug 22, 2020

Thank you 😁😁and yes it is kinda describing what I'm going through if that's what you asked lol


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Marlon Dhlora
11:47 Aug 16, 2020

Shame 🚮 😂


Ronica Gapu
13:30 Aug 22, 2020

Why hello brother


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Leeroy Dosvora
10:46 Aug 16, 2020

leeroy was here


Ronica Gapu
10:54 Aug 16, 2020

karma point for replying😂😂


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