Adventure Inspirational Kids

There is a good argument for wearing a uniform. As a fashion statement, uniforms project a sense of uniformity, discipline and strength both in individuality and in numbers. There is no good argument for wearing a mask. Clothes don’t make the man. Sure. But. Masks are considered a fashionable piece of clothing nowadays, I guess. Are they age appropriate though. Does it promote a person to age well? Become trendy or fashionable? Are masks-needed and Necessary. Positive contributions to the Art of Aging—highly debatable.

Chances are high, a good amount of persons walk out their front doors each and every day hiding behind a mask. An invisible mask. Hiding this or that. That or this. Why compound the issue? With another worthless piece of fashion which displays redundancy. How come mannequins in mall display windows are not wearing masks? If they are such a fashionable statement.

Life has enough complications without having to re-remember covering one’s faults with each and every step, bite, cough or sneeze. Goodness gracious. If one has ever experienced the practice of confession, the confessional box, in the Catholic faith religion, one already has experience with the practice of shame. No criticism, just a faith practice, a life learning lesson. Rarely did a person run or skip into a confessional. However a life lesson, a “how to” of repentance and forgiveness was offered, earned and at the least learned. Through a process. Through action.

What is the mask as a fashion statement goal anyway? Are we all to pass on to one another, to our neighbors, the practice we are all shameful individuals only worthy of wearing a mask. We do not like you, you don’t like me, you don’t like you, so time to wreak havoc on your life?

In the words of an adolescent, “Says who?”

It seems to many, the Ringmasters of the current Chaos Carnival have been directing the subjects to not like themselves, not like their neighbors. So, it begs the question, what are THEY hiding? Are THEY so hungry for acceptance that is why we all must mask up? Why did you not just say so? Are you so afraid that YOU will be found out? We are getting collectively worn out. Not to mention, broke. If you level with us there is a good chance you can be redeemed. Instead of wearing us all out. We would like our shot at aging well, aging gracefully.

For example, when did it become appropriate, age appropriate, for a young person to wear short shorts, skirts, tight this or that to school? Sagging pants, saggy jeans. High tops, low tops. This has not so much to do with freedom of expression but more to exercise common sense. No? Yes? Perhaps during this most fragile time in an adolescents’ life it would behoove them if the adults in the young person’s life put the kibosh on this questionable fashion behavior. At least maybe until the so-called-legal-age of 18. Or maybe even 26 years old, or is it now 25 years, 11 months, 30/31 days. Ridiculous.

There is enough adolescent stress in getting up each day and going to school to learn math skills. Why compound that stress with mask skills. Acceptance is probably the most important action a young person craves. Why add another face covering to their existence? The wrong kind of acceptance—which really is what mask wearing conveys. It forces all to hide ourselves, bury our problems deep down. Until one way or another, explosion occurs—inwards, outwards…….same difference. Math skill or mask skill?

What young kids actually need is the space to figure out their world without the temptation of being short changed. The stress alone invisibly ages their insides. So, let’s admit. Once and for all the masks are worthless. Worthless shots are not the answer.

Just a fair shot.

Unencumbered by the masks, masks and more masks. Hiding the truth. Because there is a ginormous difference between exaggeration and the truth. Kids exaggerate, it is part of kid-dom. Truth is a right of passage to adulthood. An earned right of adulting, no matter how un popular.

Parenting is not a popularity contest. Adulting should not a popularity contest.

As time goes by, and goal posts change, change and change again, so may a young person wearing fourple masks. Their ability to assess their environment is muted.Robbed of their steely chance at toughness. Personal power powdered. They cannot turn to their neighbor, they were instructed by the Ringmasters themselves, that they were bad. Uncooperative. Cannot turn to parents/carers, they are trying hard to stay ahead of the madness, unfashionably, ahead of the premature aging and mask, mask, masking. Preserving crumbs, any ounce of humanity along the way.

And still teach the children well. So that the children have a fighting chance at a life to age well, age gracefully. And not become old before their time. Sustain their youth, sustain their health and minds one at a time. With few outside distractions, the opposite of decrepit worn out mind games. Like an old shoe.

Even new shoes have to be broken in before feeling comfortable. To continue having a shot at a comfortable walk of life. Once comfort is established, the act of aging gracefully magically begins. However, aging teaches us the life lesson to never get too comfortable—manage your energy as diligently as you manage matters, people, your checkbook.



and unfortunately nowadays,



Even in the most trying of times, we have a certain level of self-control over. Depends on what we individually hope to achieve. Because after the explosion, coming back down may be a confusing, scarey experience. Not to be confused with the “norm”.

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil. Cling to what is good. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everybody. Do not take revenge. If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

To teach our children well equates to masks as useless. A useless tool. Age appropriately, not working, as an aid to aging well, not aidful.

Masks as an aiding and abetting tool is another story altogether. Youth as developing persons do not need to participate in the mask deception. They have enough on their plate to swallow already—physically, emotionally, socially. To offer them a chance to age well and gracefully we need to begin adulting ASAP. To guide them to self-accept does not need to include fashion police masking and taping. Aging well and gracefully requires of us to not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Teach the children well. Revenge is not a useful tool toll.

May 10, 2022 19:12

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