Christian Bedtime Creative Nonfiction

Mr Sun

Oh, Mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,

Please shine down on me.

Oh, mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,

Hiding behind a tree.

These little children are asking you,

Please come out so we can play with you.

Mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,

Please shine down on me.

Oh, Mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,

Please shine down on me.

Oh, mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,

Hiding behind a tree.

These little children are asking you,

Please come out so we can play with you.

Mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,

Please shine down on, please shine down on,

Please shine down on me.

Stella saying this rhyme with her kids and enjoying their selves at the beach by watching sunrise in the morning.

    beach is the best place to everyone of us we like, by watching that place we feel ourselves happy and joyful. People who don't like how to swim they all like to sit there and enjoy the view.

   this is the story going on mother and sons who are enjoying their holiday trip.

   Cherry asking question about sunset and sunrise. Mummy why daily Sun coming and going. What is sunset and sunrise.

   then, Stella told sunset and sunrise represent our lives__ how they begin which sunrise, and how they end with a sunset. When the sun rise represents birth and rebirth. While the end of the day represents the end of a journey.

   and also she is saying by watching sunrise and sunset gives you a better sense of gratitude for the earth. When you are caught up in the natural beauty of the earth( like a sunset), you get rid of yourself of any distractions and feel higher levels of satisfaction and gratitude for what is happening in front of you.

   oh, because of sun we are getting energy, happiness mom? Cherry asked that question.

  mom told, absolutely my son.

Then lucky asked, how we will get energy mom?

Then Stella replied.... Healing. The sun can recharge you. It is composed of ultraviolet light which the body needs for optimum health. The sun stimulates the production of melanin, stimulates the metabolism is good for helping glands that take care of internal secretion.

  because of Sunlight, we can get, peace, beauty, gratitude, healing, natural source of vitamin D, good for nervous system, produces the incidence of major diseases.

  great mom, because of sun we are getting this many benefits without paying money to sun, wow so great mom.

Then mom thought, Cherry and lucky are sleeping up to eight o'clock in the morning. So I need to make them to woke up at 6 o'clock daily.

  then she continued, by telling not only with sun, we can get some more benefits in our lives lucky and Charan....

is it? What it is mom? Both asking enthusiastic way.

Then mom replied....

Watching the sunrise this is a great way to welcome the day! If you move into a mind set of gratitude while watching the sunrise, you are setting yourself up with positive energy to help motivate your day. And also some studies saying it is good for your eyesight also.

  rising early helps set up proper meal time for optimal energy levels. When we rise early, we tend to eat breakfast earlier, which leads to & earlier lunch and supper. It is better for digestion to eat early in the evening. So Your Body Can digest food properly.

rising early also assists in getting hey good night sleep.

Making a simple change, such as Rising with the sun can make an enormous impact on daily life.

 ok mom, I know mom, you woke up early in the morning, that is why you are always charming and feel like energetic. We both also want to change our woke up time. 

Then mom felt happy about the decision....

I love you sweethearts...

God's creation to humans is like that my sons, God created everything for our best. After creation he felt it is best. Best always best. Woke up early in the morning and watching the sunrise enjoying our day positively and end up with sunset I am taking rest.

 mom, why sunset.... Because of sunrise we have so many benefits with sunset set also we have benefits?

Yes my son's... Sunset also known as Sun down.

The time in the evening when the sun disappears/ Daylight fades.

Watching sunset helps you feel more energized. Watching Sunset helps to slow down your perception of time. Watching sunset helps you feel more satisfied with life.

Human body should go on with both sunset and sunrise both are giving equal benefits...

Sunset have more psychological effects that enhance long lasting satisfaction of life photo and physical benefits and have proven to relieve stress.

Every sunset is an opportunity to reset....

There is a sunrise and sunset every single day and they are absolutely free.....

Don't miss so many of them....

mom, today we learnt a lot about Sun..

Thank you mom...

mom, daily we are staying in home in between walls, like robots.... We build our house with so much money... Watching TV, playing with friends......so on....

But more than those we are getting peace and happiness here.

Here we are not sitting in between walls...

But we feel happy here....

God's creation was so beautiful mom...

He gave everything the best.

Thanks for the valuable words mom. We love you( Cherry and lucky cherished happily with mom)

The played sand castle, running, jumping, swimming, catching of fishes.... and playing with other people without knowing them.

........ They had their snacks and slept sometime there and at the end of the day return to home. Kids were so happy and also devar tired. They slept fast on their beds.

Then stella felt happy about the day and felt glad about her sons, and later.....

Before sleeping she wrote her dairy....about the day she spent with kids...

and she wrote a poem like...

the star around which the Earth moves

& that provides light and heat for the earth..

O Sun, before humans God created you.

Your colour is white....

But, you emits all colours of rainbow,

under the illumination of Sunlight...

 you are representing new beginning and hope,

like Flowers representing purity and beauty...

You are representing our life's also...

You are coming and going make us happy...

God, you gave the best to us...

Thank you God..

For the world so sweet.

June 24, 2021 09:58

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Sharon Williams
13:30 Jul 02, 2021

Hello Hima. Critique circle here. Your story had an almost spiritual feel to it. I am wondering if the poem at the start is a traditonal piece of poetry, or did you make it up? It feels like something that mothers would sing to toddlers. There are a few punctuation errors. For instance, when you write someone's name it should start with a capital letter. Hope this helps, and good luck with your writing.


Hima Bindu
02:16 Jul 04, 2021

Yes, thank you... please encourage me like this in my future stories also...I'm from india, so may be mistakes may come. I'm apologizing for the mistakes, but please encourage me by saying if there are any mistakes. thank you


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Akshita Arora
07:41 Jul 02, 2021

Nice story, but there was some punctuation mistakes, some grammar mistakes (it happens sometimes while you are in a rush). put quotation mark for every dialogue. I prefer you to reread before submitting it. Otherwise a good story of loving nature and it's a feel good story


Hima Bindu
02:19 Jul 04, 2021

Hi Yes thank you, I'm new to write stories in English. I'm basically telugu language girl. Please apologize me, but by telling mistakes i can give better writing, thank you. Please do the same to my future stories also. Thank you


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Abbey Long
07:20 Jul 02, 2021

I like the story! There are a few SPaG errors, and you need to include quotation marks around speech, and each new paragraph starts with a capital letter


Hima Bindu
15:31 Jul 04, 2021

Yes, thank you, next time ill make it right


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Sony Raj
04:06 Jul 02, 2021



Hima Bindu
12:52 Jul 07, 2021



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