American Contemporary Romance

Love. A word so powerful that bore the brunt of desperation and heartbreak. That can have emotions resurfaced. Love not only is the strongest feeling of all but also the genre explore by the greatest authors of all time. Two people in love are like the plant and the sun, each utilising the other to the fullest and yet those emotions between them, that energy proves all other historic love tales left unexplored by the most typical of all people. But the greatest relationship of all is missed by authors of all time. That is th relationship of Love and Change. Tales are yet to be based on this yet and I wonder when mankind will actually stop letting them win everytime.

This story is more about, let's say change. Change is a word that probably has more experience in aspects of life than our grandparents ever did. Change remains still. While the world around it moves faster than the streets of New York, it is the only strong constant that remains undefeated. The main protagonists of our story were madly in love and even so the fact is quite obvious, they both wanted change in their so-called relationship. They wanted the most common happiness of all, being alone. They never had the chance to explore the surprises of the world in their own company and how it ends for them is probably what pur future is.

A relationship is quite complicated and something which is somewhat above my understanding. Like our younger years at school, love and change are the basic foundations of what we call as a bond. It takes time and strength to build these basic foundations and Roland and Margo were quite successful in doing that. They were in love for five years. Before that they were best friends who trusted each other. 

Somehow during the past few months something uncanny was going about in Roland's behaviour and Margo's sharp eye caught the fact almost immediately. She tried talking him out of it, but for the first time ever Roland broke the first rule of their friendship and hid a truth about himself from Margo. Though she needed time to process the harsh truth she gave Roland the space he needs. 

It was their sixteenth friendiversary and even though they did not like to celebrate little moments of glory, they absolutely loved this one. Margo made a lavish dinner and baked a glorious cake and waited for Roland. He did not come home for the rest of the night and that's when change enters the play. Margo was suddenly taken over by a feeling. She wanted to step out of the monotonous routine of life and do something exciting. She put on her coat and went to Times Square and stood there for about five minutes. She started walking towards Central Park reached there in about ten minutes. She sat on one of the black benches and started reading a book. She was quite clueless of what she was doing so she started reading a book to clear her mind. She had no knowledge of when she fell asleep.

She woke up to the calls of Roland. He was there beside her with a cup of coffee. She smiled a dry smile and took a sip of the warm coffee. "Where were you last night?" Margo asked him. "I was with mom. She needed help with accounts. I tried to call you but couldn't reach through." replied Roland as if he were reading from a script. Margo questioned no further and they came back home. She tidied up the place and left for work and so did Roland. Margo, after last night realised what she had been missing all these years. She wanted to be alone, explore the amusements life has to offer. Roam about freely in the darkest of nights and fall asleep in New York. She wanted her personal space which none she nor Roland ever tried to create.

Probably Roland wanted it too and hence hiding the truths from her. He once went to a party at one of his friend's house and while he was walking bake home unable to find a cab, a cold breeze brushed past hus hair. He took a deep breath and stared out into the horizon. He saw the whole of New York at night with those dazzling lights. He remembered how he and Margo often came up here and spent the nights talking. But quite to his surprise he found more happiness in doing that alone. He craved his own company. That's when he realised what he was missing out. He was missing himself. He did not tell anything about this to Margo. Maybe he thought she would take it personally. She wanted to tell this to Roland but she also wanted him to come to her first. But none of them did and all that caused was a change in their relationship.

They grew apart and fought often. They talked less and maintained a distance. This was what change caused, Roland wanted to experience a part of his life by himself. His resolutions towards himself were very clear but he preferred to keep all this away from Margo because he didn't want to hurt the love between them. Margo had the same problems but feared of the same. Then the worst happened One fine day Roland told Margo about how he wanted to take a break from their relationship. Margo tried to figure where they went wrong, they both knew the answer to this but were afraid of the truth. They were both tired of running from the reality, so they gave up.

They let love and change win over a perfectly happy couple yet another time. This is how it ends; every love story. It isn't a sad ending. It is just that love and change have such a strong bond that they don't let petty factors such as trust get in the way. Maybe this is what the future has in store for all of us. Maybe this is destiny. Is it ?

January 07, 2021 17:16

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