American Drama Creative Nonfiction

He couldn't help wake up terrified, sweaty and shaken, like he does every time he's had an hectic day, which is five days in every week, but the rest two days are not left spared either, they are just not as terrifying. He jumped off the bed in a hurry to get ready and leave as if being chased out of his house. For a successful therapist with many renowned books authored by him and awarded for, he sure lives in a house far too quiet and calm in style; and for a young, handsome, well fit man at 28, his relationship status isn't amusing either. He is one to fancy just his company and no one understands why; Why a bachelor with so fine physique and wealth would decide to stay solo.

"Hope you remember your interview is for 10 a.m." a message from his manager popped in his phone. "You also have a session with Miss bricks later in the afternoon and every other of your schedule I have planned; your secretary would relay them to you.Please Don't be late."

He finished up and left for his interview. His chauffeur who has been waiting patiently for him, welcomed him and they began on their way. "Mr Carson, I presume you had a good night rest?" James, his chauffeur asked. He replied with a positive nod and a smile that looks opposite of his true feelings. He then requested a stop at the coffee shop before his destination. Few minutes to clocking 9, they pulled over at the coffee shop. He wore a face cap and sunglasses to his casual corporate wear, so as not to be recognised. He went into the coffee shop still insecure that he would be recognised, consciously ignoring and unavoiding every gaze while walking towards the counter to make his order. "I would like a Caramel Macchiato please" he ordered with his head bowed; for a guy with morning aches, he sure needs some sweetness. The lady over the counter lost attention for his order, and all on him, she kept looking like she's seen him before; her eyes were all over his Christian Dior grey polo shirt and black cap. Ma'am! He exclaimed, unsure of why he's gotten no response; she replied stuttering "Ye….Ye..Yes". He repeated "I would like to order a Caramel Macchiato". This time she took it down and replied appropriately "please have your seat sir, I would have your order to you right away".

While waiting for his order, he couldn't help recall his dream, or better yet the nightmare that seems not to get off him. "This is your order sir!" the waitress interrupted. "Thank you" he replied. She smiled and took steps to leaving then she returned with question "Are you Mr Carson...Jeffrey Carson?" His startled self couldn't help but look up at her. Knowing the reason for his expression, she helped solve his puzzle; She whispered "if you are going to come in disguise, don't come wearing the wears with one of your book name tagged at the hedge of it, plus your glasses couldn't cover up your beauty mark at the top of your brows". "She is one crazy fan" he thought. She grinned and added "thank you very much for all that you do and the lives you've touched by your books and sessions; I am surely one of those people and so is my mum; I have read all your books and now I find life more of a gift than a burden, thank you". He replied with a broad smile, which unlike the other smile of the day was sincere and had a little frightened touch "I'm very glad to hear that". He signed on her apron and left before another notices. As he stepped outside, a voice from the shop shouted "Mr Carson, I will be sure to tune to your interview by 10, thank you". Knowing fully well who it was, he didn't look back and walked faster. As at now, people from the coffee shop were gasping, whispering to themselves "Is that Mr Jeffrey Carson?" "Can that be him?" "Oh! It's him" "How did we miss him" A crowd realising what had played out, took to their heels to meet up with him, and he also took to his heels to escape them, which he did as he soon got into his car and it drove off, disappointing the number of fans running towards him.

"It's few minutes to 10, where in the world is he, and why is he not picking up"? His manager wouldn't stop panting and trying to look calm. "If no one kills me, he will" now with his palm on his forehead, still trying to not look tensed. Before he made another panick statement, voices came from behind him "that's Mr Carson" " he's finally here" "what an amazing looking man he is" "I wonder why he's still single". "I don't like it when you do this, you show up late and not give any notice beforehand; I was considering canceling the interview" his manager said to him in anger". "I am here now, and I'm not even late; there is five minutes to spare" he replied. Knowing what next Charles, his manager would say, he interrupted "I really don't need a wardrobe change, I am good to go this way, so let's get on with it".

"Good morning again everyone, and welcome back. We are glad to be hosting on our show today Mr Jeffrey Carson, the therapist and author himself" the interviewer began. To Jeffrey "Nice to have you". Jeffery replied insincerely "It's nice being here, thank you for having me" left to him, he would have loved to prevent anything that meets the public's eye, except his books or one on one session with his patients.

"Mr Carson, within the time of my first interview with you and now they've been quite a lot of achievements. The work of your words, in writing and audio has really brought about a lot of impact in people's lives; they've been testimonies from people who read your books and attended your sessions; some say you've really changed their lives, they feel like they are living a whole new life entirely. What do you have to say to that?" Jeffrey replied, looking at the interviewer, then later at the screen "I feel really encouraged and proud; their changed lives elucidate the fact that I'm doing well enough at my job and that matters a great deal to me."

Looking more excited, the interviewer carried on "That is great! So, you just published a new book titled Spot the Problem, Grumble a solution; can you tell us a bit about the book"? It seems the interviewer transferred a bit of excitement to Jeffery, "Yeah! The book is mainly about people pointing out a problem without providing a solution; People tend to always complain about issues they see as problems, without having a way to help make the problem better, leaving others feeling bad and insecure; So yeah the book is just basically about advising and giving details about complaints to be made and ways to helping others solve them". At this point, the interviewer was lost flipping through the book, giving Jeffery a chance to also get lost in his thoughts, zooming out of the world into a scene in his nightmare, mummuring to himself..."where did she go to this time...whe...wher...where would she have...." "Yes!" He shuddered to the repeated call from the interviewer. "I'm sorry Mr Carson, you were lost there for a minute; hope you are okay! I asked what motivates your writings?" Jeffery blurted out "Nightmares!" Now, everyone had an expression of both confusion and surprise, except his manager, who's expression was more of concern. In the moment of covering up his mistake, he ended up telling a tale of how the troubles of the world is the nightmare he gets inspired to write about and find solutions to. The interviewer buying his cover story, like everyother of his fans, concluded "Oh! This means that you pick the challenges of life as your guide to changing lives through your books; That's really fascinating"...he added jokingly "at this rate, you'll never run out of motivation" and they all laughed.

"We would have really loved to have more time with you, but the time is far spent, but before we close this, one last question that your fans, especially the ladies have been on about...Are you in a relationship with anyone, or planning to be?" He replied, though sincerely, but in a way that seemed he was humouring his last reply "Yes...in my nightmares". The interviewer laughed and so did he and everyone in the studio with the manager excluded; he had a feeling that the reply wasn't a joke. "Ladies, it seems apart from his dream lady, our eligible bachelor is very much available; who would the lucky one be?"... winked at Jeffery and thanked him for honouring their invitation and Jeffery returned the thanks.

2 minutes into the road on his way to his office, now riding with him, is his manger. Charles, couldn't help looking worried "You still have those terrible dreams right! What are they about, tell me about them, let me help you through them" he said. "Why or how should I bring to your knowing something I myself don't understand and surely know that you won't understand!" was and has always been Jeffery's stern reply. Charles not giving up on a No for an answer this time "how can I understand if you don't...". Jeffery interrupted "When I know how to solve the puzzle, I would bring the pieces together; right now, I would bend low on the problem, because I don't have a solution to it yet". He looked at Charles and away smiling audaciously knowing that he just quoted a line from his latest book, not minding that he's got another battle to fight at night. For a man that changes people's lives, he sure finds it a big task to leave his old life. What that old life might be, is another tale to be written by Mr Jeffrey Carson.

January 08, 2021 23:30

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