If there were no humanity

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Start or end your story with two characters sitting down for a meal.... view prompt


Fiction Teens & Young Adult Sad

It was November. I perched on a wooden bridge by the sea, watching the sunset over the water. I was so depressed that even the picturesque view couldn’t help me. The scene reminded me of my childhood days when I used to watch the dusk with my grandma. She was the one who made my early years exquisite. I remembered how bleak last year was for me. The heart-wrenching story began that it was Sunday; I was having morning tea on the couch in the solarium listening to the chirping of birds. Suddenly my phone rang. An old, gravelly voice came from the phone: my son, Rayan, you promised to dine with me today, hope you remember. Please don’t postpone it again. I said no, grandma, but I have the burden of work from the boss, so... she cut in, but you promised, dear son, and what about the birdseed? It is about to run out. I will try to meet you next weekend, I said and hung up. I thought I have just a single day to relax, why should I spend it with an old, boring lady. Then I went to hang out with my friends. Adam was my best friend who always advised me to take care of my grandmother because she lives alone. I replied to him that I don’t have enough time to meet her, but to this day, I never forgot even a single month to pay for her expenses. The reply was the same as ever I did, and the conversation went on. The day after, I left for the job, entered my cabin, and sat down in a comfortable chair. The peon knocked at the door, came with an envelope in his hand, and gave it to me. I opened it with great curiosity and got the news I expected. It was my promotion letter from the boss. My happiness knew no bounds. After all, I put a lot of effort into this promotion. I immediately called my friends and invited them to my place for a celebration. It was midnight. The party was over. Adam and I were strolling in the garden at my home. He stopped and started staring at me as if I had stolen his money. I asked what happened, man. He answered concernedly, so you didn’t invite your grandma again, may I ask why? Even though you know she needs you, her autumnal age needs your support and care, but you... Ah! Not again, please, it’s my happy day; I don’t want to hear anymore, in spite, you have any problem, then you may get out of here right now, I shouted angrily. He got up at once and left the house. It was the last time we met. Everything was going as before. But one day, when I went to work, I saw a notice pinned on the board about an urgent meeting by the administration. I went to the conference room, the conference was going on, and I joined. The CEO informed us of their decision. Just as I heard him, I felt the ground slipping under my feet. Everyone was shocked to hear that the company was about to wind up. The decision was final, and my worst days began. I decided to stop sending money to grandma until I got a new job. A quarter year passed, but I didn’t get a new job even though I had applied to every local company. I had run out of my savings and was now in debt. The next day I went to Adam to ask for some financial help, but I found out he was in a foreign land. I regretted losing a true friend. I had no choice but to despair. I thought, why not spend some days with grandma. I called her, but she didn’t receive it. I went to her door, but she didn’t open it. Luckily, I had a duplicated key with which I opened it. Just as I entered, my first glance was of an empty cage. I was unable to understand why she freed the birds. She had been bringing them up for years. I diverted my heed to grandma and called her loudly, but there was no answer. I started looking for her here and there and then finally found her sleeping in bed. I breathed a sigh of solace. I sat down on the bed beside her, held her hand, and said, I am back, grandma, need you. But there was no response, and in a couple of seconds I realized, there was no life left in her. She was dead. I got blank. The disobedience, rudeness, and ignorance that I had done to my grandma began to revolve before my eyes. But now it was useless because she could never come back. Although I had not yet come out of woe, I saw a letter placed on the table. I picked it up and started reading what she wrote before dying; my dear grandson, you will receive this letter when I die. I want to tell you that you are nearest to my heart, I love you more than anything I have, but you never understood and chased after money the whole life. Dear son, money can’t buy happiness. I never needed the money you sent. If I needed anyone, it was my only grandson. I have saved the money that you used to send me. You are the sole heir of the capital and the property where you stand. It’s all yours. It’s time to realize the true meaning of life, and it is when you live for others. I hope you understand. Take care of yourself to take care of others. Goodbye! The tears in my eyes had no end. A few weeks later, I was distributing meals to the elderly at my home, which was now an old home. I heard someone calling me from behind, so I looked back and saw it was Adam. We had a lot to talk about, but first, I apologized to him, and he hugged me tightly. Then we both sat down for lunch together. That day, I realized what life is, the meaning of humanity.

July 01, 2021 16:09

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Deborah Cabral
20:12 Jul 04, 2021

It was very well written, I loved it!


Laiba Nadeem
01:49 Jul 05, 2021

Thank you! Deborah.


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Nighat Nadeem
05:58 Jul 05, 2021

The story gets really emotional w hen he started reading letter. I like it!


Laiba Nadeem
06:03 Jul 05, 2021

Yes, that's what I want to show. Thanks for liking it.


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