
My name is Axel, I was given that name by former master John who gave me to his old long time college friend, who came to visit him in Garden District while vacationing in the United States of America. I'm a small energetic, black and white female Shih Tzu poodle, who loves to watch television with my family, cuddling on the sofa and have them playing in my short curly fur, as I'm accustomed to from living with my previous master. I presently live in a very small but busy parish called Kingston in Jamaica, West Indies, I live alone with my master Brenda Blynz who is the Chief of Police in Jamaica, she is seldom home due to busy work schedule, sometimes when it's extremely busy she'll work several days before returning home, lasting even up to five days occasionally, due to the fact that the police force is understaffed in Jamaica and Brenda has to balance and keep the peace in the country with her limited task force when the need arises. Nevertheless, she'll always prepare food for me before she leaves for work, whenever she's not coming home I can know because her sister Linda would always come over with a large black and white bag having the same color as my fur, although she's living just two hundred meters away from us. However, she doesn't treat me even half as well as Brenda does, whenever she's watching television and sitting in the living room suite and I attempt to attach my presence to her she would throw me flying through the air just like a ball out of the sofa. I would always try to seek her attention by playing with her, but she would either ignore me or be throwing small missiles at me, which I would attempt to take for fun by running away and returning, again and again, do the same repeated action for a while until she finally hit me with one of her missiles or I would just get bored and go to sleep for a while or continue on my adventurous journey of seeking some quality attention from Linda.

I was placed in the care of my current master four years ago by my former master, who was an engineer in the United States of America but was offered a better paying job out of the country all the way in the United Kingdom, so he wanted someone responsible to take up the duties of being my master. John was extremely excited to see Brenda on the day of her visit, he said he had not seen her in several years, therefore they were doing a lot of catching up, laughing and chatting up a storm, when he put the situation of needing a new master for me to her, and that he thinks she is the perfect candidate and it was no accident that she came when she did because he was leaving in two days and she accepted the responsibility of being my new master. I think John is the most loving master any dog could need, he would take me jogging some early mornings, long adventurous walk and go playing catch and ball in the park, sometimes we would go mountain climbing, fishing, treasure hunting, and bird shooting, life was so much fun living with John, so I was saddened by the fact that I had to leave my kind loving master. My new master is also a very nice and wonderful person, extremely responsible as John had suggested, she buys me nice toys, plays games and watches television with me, whenever she's home relaxing, she showers me everyday whenever she's home because she loves when I sleep in her bed with her, where she would cuddle me while we sleep, we would go walking from time to time, go shopping and I'd ride in the small compartment of the shopping cart which is so much fun, whenever Brenda is home, while she's cooking she would play music and dance for me, she showers me daily after breakfast then reads to me. Linda, on the other hand, is no fun to be around, because she's dead cold as ice, Linda always reads silently, she doesn't read for me, she plays no music, she leaves me alone and goes jogging, she doesn't even take me to the store whenever she goes there. She's mainly on the phone either chatting or texting, paying me no attention whatsoever, I would always be trying to seek some sort of affection from Linda, but she's always rejecting me, I think she's not fond of dogs because I saw her came over once with a cat, which she gave undivided attention around the clock, she even sang for the cat and I also observed that she spent a lot of time playing with that pussycat the entire day that they were here together.

There had recently been an epidemic outbreak that spiraled the responsibility of my master's work schedule, arising from a state of emergency that had been implemented by the government emerging from a state of panic from the nation which accompanied the cholera epidemic. People began looting all over the island, creating extreme uncontrollable social unrest. The extreme pressure that my master started to undergo had her working for ten consecutive days before returning home, the work got so intense that at once there was no food left in the house for me to eat because my master had no time to go shopping, the main I'm given is Royal Canin or Nutro Essentials, however, whenever she's unable to get the ones I'm used to she would get me Blue Buffalo, which I don't like very much, so I would take twice the time to eat Buffalo than I would the other two, however, there was no food whatsoever left for me because I had eaten it all, so Brenda decided to give me sardines for the very first time because the riot had almost everywhere on lockdown and there was also a shortage of food on the island; people had stock pilled food almost clearing the elaborate supermarkets that were still open, due to the rioting that was taking place. Brenda was overwhelmed from exhaustion, out of her wits when she finally came home, so after giving me sardines she went to nap in the sofa, having sardines for the very first time I was a bit skeptical about eating it, hence, I was playing around with it until I finally tasted it and then I started eating and enjoying every last bit, Brenda woke up about thirty minutes later perspiring like a hog, she called her sister Linda on the phone telling her she wasn't feeling well and needed to see the doctor urgently and she needed her accompaniment. Linda came over shortly and we all went with Brenda to see her medical doctor, upon examining Brenda, the doctor said she needs to take some bed rest because it seems like she's contracting a mild strain of pneumonia and that some additional tests also need to be done. He then wrote Brenda a sick leave letter with immediate effect and told her she needs at least two weeks off from work until further notice, he gave her some medication to start with and told her he needs to see her in four days time, I was kinda happy to hear the news of Brenda staying home because I was so longing to be home with her just like a real family again, but at the same time a bit saddened by the fact that she's getting sick. Upon returning home from the doctor Brenda asked Linda to shower me, after which she send Linda to the store to get some groceries, took her medication then we went to bed where she cuddled me. Four days after returning to the doctor, he confirmed she was indeed contracting pneumonia and her leave would have to be extended for three months.

March 27, 2020 14:03

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Fred Aiken
13:11 Apr 04, 2020

That’s quite a case of pneumonia for her to get a leave for three months. It was a bit campy, but then again I imagine really hyper dogs might have that sort of perspective. I do question, though, the idea of a dog considering its companion a master. Master just seems so much more reverential and hierarchical, and I’m not sure a dog, or any animal, would have that sort of mindset.


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Olive Anderson
05:15 Apr 07, 2020

very interesting dog


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