The Creatures in the Walls

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars.... view prompt

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Oliver Seru was a highly unusual boy. For one thing, he hated his family, and they hated him. For another, he really wanted to read but forced himself to read in the dead of night to avoid teasing from his brother Jack. It was nearly midnight, and he was lying on his stomach in bed, a flashlight in one hand and a large leather-bound book (Astronomy 101) propped open against the pillow. Oliver pushed his round glasses up the bridge of his nose, moved his flashlight closer to the window, and gazed at the glimmering stars. His eyes glistened as a shooting star came his way, “Make a wish Oliver,” he whispered to himself. Oliver closed his eyes and thought to himself, “I wish my life was interesting.”

Moments later, a thump came from behind. Oliver swiveled his head around only to see his father’s large mustache and meaty fingers smothered in gravy, “Bed Now! I better not be up here again for yer sake, “he bellowed. This sort of talk wasn’t unusual for Oliver. His family bossed him around every day. “I think I’ll go to bed” Oliver muttered. Mr. Seru scrunched his eyebrows, “because ye know what’s good for ye, “he rambled.

The next day Oliver awoke from an unpleasant sound. “What is that ungodly sound?” Oliver mumbled while scratching his hair. Oliver slipped on his blue slippers and round glasses.  The sound was high-pitched and terrifying, “Oliver, Oliver” it echoed in a whisper. Oliver’s eyes widened as he neared his closet. Nothing could stop him from opening that closet. Oliver grasped the bristled handle and tugged it open, only to find it empty. Moments later, a hand jolted out of the pitch-black closet. Oliver stood stunned. The hand came from nowhere. His jaw dropped. The hand held an envelope. Oliver gazed at the envelope.

 The font was emerald green and handwritten From your future self Oliver tore the envelope open to see what the letter said inside.

Release the creatures from inside the walls before you find yourself on the other side.


You can never be too careful.

Oliver’s eyebrow raised as he read the letter. “This can’t be one of Jack’s pranks. He’s not smart enough,” Oliver muttered. The hand reached and slammed the door shut with no explanation. 

Moments later Oliver heard a quiet but frightening knock on the closet door. He opened the door and saw nothing but a key and keyhole. The key appeared rigid with several hedges. Oliver Seru had been engraved on the key by what appeared to be teeth marks. On the back wall of the closet, the keyhole shined gold. Oliver snatched the key. His curiosity got the best of him as he slid the key through the keyhole, “perfect fit,” he whispered. The closet doors behind locked shut as he opened the back wall. What Oliver saw behind the door was ever so frightening. Creatures unseen to the human eye. First, he saw a slender woman with blue skin covered in stitches and hair constructed of yarn. Her smile had the effect of knives jumbled together. She wore a torn dress smothered with mud. Her eyes bulged. To the woman’s right stood a tremendous wrinkled green creature with yellowing teeth and very scant clothing. The third was an all so familiar face; himself. Untidy hair, bright green eyes, and knobby knees; this had to be the most unlikable version of me” he thought to himself. The identical boy glanced at him; “glad you could make it.” Oliver’s jaw dropped.

Oliver stood dead silent. “What is this? It just doesn’t make sense,” he thought to himself. The identical boy spoke: “I am your future self, Oliver. Honestly, I was surprised you were frightened when I handed you that envelope. After all, I wasn’t scared when I was in your shoes or my shoes; I don’t know how to phrase it, “ he murmured while scratching his forehead. Oliver stared himself dead in the eye, “Trust me if I was scared you’d know it.” The woman in the torn dress raised her hand in order to speak. “Yes, Beatrice” future Oliver exclaimed politely. “Are you going to tell the boy what happens if he fails,” she said while choking. Beatrice always sounded this way, for her tremendous teeth make it difficult to mutter even the simplest of words. “Um yes Oliver, there’s a great evil you’ll soon face. Before you change your mind, keep in mind the note and the poor souls that live in the walls are watching your every move.”

“Why me?”

“Because it is me who failed last time, which means if you fail you’ll never leave the inside of these walls.”

“Fair enough” Oliver muttered reluctantly. “You’re about to be tested. Our freedom rests in your hands,” the huge green creature spoke. “All you need to do is grab the key from emperor Cobal; slayer of creatures,” said Beatrice. “He lives in the walls upstairs. Best you kill him,” exclaimed future Oliver.  “You can’t lose. I went left. Go right.”

“Take this!” hissed Beatrice, producing a sword that was still dripping with a greenish goo that smelled like feral cats.  

Oliver ran up the spiral staircase into battle with the evil creature of the wall, sword in hand, ready to slay the beast of the wall. This is a sure thing, he thought to himself. My future self makes the mistake, and tells me the way---I’ll get out. " 

Oliver reached the top of the stairs. All he saw was a creature lounged in a brass chair. “You aren’t the Oliver I know” he shouted. Cobal stared him dead in the eye. His eyes were blood red and terrifying. Cobal’s pupils were cat-like as well as his whiskers. “I assume you’re here to kill me” he shouted in a deep voice.  Oliver stuttered as Cobal chuckled showing off his chalk-white skin, and snake-like head. “Go ahead kill me! It won’t solve anything you’ll still be stuck in these walls just like the last Oliver.” Oliver stood still. One would have thought he was paralyzed.  “I just need that key around your neck.” Cobal jolted to his ear and whispered: “ You don’t have the guts. You’re no hero, your just a scared little kid holding a sword.” Oliver jolted the sword towards Cobal’s pale chest; “You have no idea what you’re talking about you monster” he shrieked. Cobal swiveled his body just dodging the sword. “Nice try young buck but I have to say the other Oliver did it better.” Sweat ran down Oliver’s neck as he leaped onto Cobal’s shoulders. “To slow!” Cobal snatched Oliver's knobby legs with his enlarged fingernails and slung him on the ground catching the sword as it flung through the air. “Is this interesting enough?” Cobal screeched as he stabbed Oliver in the chest. Blood gushed to the floor. Oliver’s body grew cold and Cobal’s smile grew wide. There was no more life for Oliver. 

Moments later outside the walls yet another Oliver lay staring outside his window at the stars awaiting his death. This was a paradox!

July 25, 2020 03:45

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1 comment

Iam Danger
14:43 Aug 01, 2020

Very creative!


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