
It was sunny. Again. The weather had been amazingly nice the whole week. Not too cold, not to hot, just warm. Some clouds here, some sun rays there. However, the weather forecast in your phone said rain. Rain everyday. Paris did not have a single sunny day, according to your phone. Raining all the time, which was extremely inconvenient because you wanted to exercise outside. Go running, do some yoga in the park, your lifelong ambition, of course because you were extremely sporty and loved to move and to keep fit and blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, this week the weather had not allowed it. Unfortunately, yeah. Sadly, of course. Obviously instead of staying home, wrapped in a blanket with some hot chocolate in your hand you would prefer to go outside to sweat, release some endorphines, strain your muscles, sweat some more, like you have already said, your lifelong dream.

You told yourself that the weather forecast was right again. That it was going to keep raining, your mother however was not having it. She thought that you were just being lazy and did not want to exercise this week. She could have not been more wrong, you just wanted to exercise, truly, but if the weather was not having it... As if you did not enjoy physical activity like it was a glass of water in the desert. As if running ten kilometers was not your motivation to live. HA. She just did not get that the weather was not appropiate. That it said that it was going to rain. You can not simply exercise while it is raining. It is basically a law, and you do not want to break the law. But she did not get it. Tragic.

So yeah, once again you were relaxing in your cozy living room enjoying a Disney movie and feeling on top of the world when your mom started saying again that the weather was ideal for a nice jogg.

-But mom-you said- the weather forecast says that it is going to rain and that the temperature is going to be really low! I do not want to freeze to death. Do you want your child, your heir to freeze to death?- you were not dramatic. Not at all.

Your mother sighed, but nevertheless desisted and left the room, letting you be in peace. The evening arrived and the weather could not have been more different from what you had described. Sunny, a bit windy but nice. Hum, the weather forecast was quite wrong. Again. Not your fault.

But this time your mom had had enough. She said that you were going out the following day because it was good for your health.

So you can see yourself, prepared to exercise, with your new trainers, your unused shorts and top and your fitness watch. You looked like the incarnation of athletics itself. You could have been your country's candidate for the Olympics. AND WON. Well, lets be realistic, maybe, you thought, that is crossing the line a bit. Or a lot.

You start running and you are feeling great. The wind in your face, the floor under your feet, the sun in the sky and your willpower and Will to live evaporating. Nice. Suddenly and out of nowhere IT STARTS RAINING. Huh. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT? Well, obviously, not you. Using your last energy source you made the biggest effort of your life and start sprinting towards your house. You get home completely drenched and absolutely exhausted. Swearing not to move ever again. You changed your clothes and got in something warm, hoping to get the cold out of your bones. You looked out the window and, not for the first time, thought about how wrong the weather forecast had been. Usually, it was a laugh for you to see that it said rain instead of what you were actually seeing that was not rain at all, but this time, oh. THIS TIME it had had TERRIBLE consequences for you. This was going to leave an emotional scar. Your mother, however, found the situation hilarious and said that it was pretty ironic the way the weather had twisted the events. Your mom had such a sense of humour.

You decided to look at you forecast app to see if this time it was right as it always announced rain. BUT SURPRISINGLY, IT WASN´T. It said sunny. SUNNY. Your soaked clothes and hair thought the opposite.

-This app is trash-you thought- it is always wrong. It was obviously raining and there it said that in Paris it was sunny. Huh. HUH. Paris, Texas it read. You would have sworn you lived in PARIS, FRANCE. Well, after profound research you have found out that apparently, there are two Paris. PARIS, FRANCE, AND PARIS FUCKING TEXAS. And you had been reading the Texas forecast for a while now. Not the Paris one. What an absolute idiot. You wanted to bang your head against a wall and never stop. NOW IT ALL MADE SENSE. It looks like the weather forecast had not been wrong AT ALL. You bow to keep this story a secret never to be told so embarrasing it is.

You serached the right city, and made sure you actually had done it not like the previous time, and the weather announced matched the one you had just experienced. What a relief. Things were finally looking good for you. YAY. Now you were able to look at the weather for the week like a normal human being which is always great. From then on, your weather forecast was always spot on and much to your disappointment you could go outside to exercise forever and ever.

Disclaimer: I know that the weather in Texas is usually extremely sunny and nice and that in France it does rain quite a lot and it is usually cold, but lets forget that for the sake of the story because I could not find two other cities that could do the part.

June 25, 2020 17:52

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