Ride or Die

Submitted into Contest #203 in response to: Write about two friends getting into a fist fight.... view prompt


Funny Friendship High School

Amanda and Alica were born as twin sisters and grew up to be best friends. At the young age of five the sisters grew closer as they started school. They always looked out for each other, they were each other's (ride or die), and dared anyone to bully the other. In the second grade, the counselor of the school and the mother thought that it would be a great idea to separate the twins in class. So they put Amanda in one classroom and Alicia in a different classroom. Amanda did well with the separation but Alicia did not so much. She started crying and took off running out of the classroom and down the hall looking for Amanda. Once the

teacher caught Alicia the counselor decided to wait until they were a little older to separate. As the next few years passed and the twins grew older and found new friends the closeness they once shared had started to faint.

It came time for the twins to enter high school. Amanda still watched after Alicia making sure no one was causing her sister any trouble. High school girls can be so mean and she was not about to let anyone mistreat her best friend. Alicia succumbed to peer pressure and often found that she was the topic of her twin and friends. Amanda's heart began to ache, for she thought how could my own blood betray me. Soon trouble would find them when Amanda would start liking a boy at school. The boy would call

their home for Amanda, and they would meet up at school before class. Amanda cares so much for Alicia and her feelings let her tag along. But not long into the relationship, she would find out that her own twin started liking the same boy as well. Amanda thought this can't be and told their mother what was going


Well of course their mother tried to talk some common sense into Alicia and tell her "You can't like the same boy as Amanda!"

Well, that scolding from Mom went in one ear, and out the other Amanda thought because Alicia didn't listen to a word of it. Alicia was confrontational and always wore a chip on her shoulder thinking no one was going to get something over on her. One day in PE class all the girls in the gym were sitting there. A friend name

Brooke walked over and would say "HI" and tap Alicia's face. This

happened for days in PE. Then one day something came over Alicia a few minutes after Brooke had said Hi and slapped her like every day. Alicia got up marched over to where Brooke was and slapped the living daylights out of her. Amanda was floored what was Alicia thinking, she thought. Amanda yelled over to Alicia

and said " WHAT ARE YOU DOING? She was only playing with

you!" Needless to say, Brooke never bothered Alicia again.

One Sunday afternoon coming from church their family was on their way home. Alicia was driving and Amanda and their mom were in the backseat. The next thing Amanda and their mom knew was it felt like a dump truck had hit the car. Amanda looks back because

she saw something out of her peripherals flying by in her passenger window. You would not believe Amanda if she told you low and behold a huge cow was spinning in the road. Amanda starts screaming "YOU HAVE HIT A COW"! Alicia is still in shock because it is dusky dark and did not see a thing. The car was a total wreck in the front. Their mom asked their cousin who worked for a body shop to fix the car. When their cousin John arrives he brought a coworker by the name of Daniel. Daniel was a 5'11 dark hair blue-eyed dream. Amanda noticed him right away and would do anything and ask anything just to come to where the car was being repaired. Daniel took a liking to Amanda as well. Over the next few weeks, they went on their first date and it seemed to go really well. The more Daniel and Amanda hung out the more liking of him Alicia did. Alicia did not have a boy whom she was interested in at the time. Now that they were the age of sixteen and able to actually date, Amanda found herself going out with Daniel every


One Saturday night upon arriving home after Daniel dropped Amanda off she heard Alicia crying to their mother. Amanda being nosy or should I say concerned eavesdropped outside Alicia's bedroom door. Amanda listened so carefully and was so careful not to make a sound, then it all happened. The words she thought she would never hear Alicia speak again came from her mouth "I like Daniel too!" Before their mother could even speak Amanda burst through Alicia's bedroom door and ran right over and punched Alicia right in the nose! "NO!" Amanda was yelling you can not

be doing this to me again. Alicia was taken by surprise and once realized what had just happened jumps up and lays into Amanda, both were swinging their fists. Their mother was crying saying "Girls Girls" stop don't let a boy come in between you too. In the meantime, Alicia is yelling to her mom "Why does she always get the good ones!" As soon as Amanda hears

those words from Alicia she burst into uncontrollable laughter. She realized just how she had punched her twin right in the nose over a boy who may or may not even care for her. Amanda apologized to Alicia because she knew in her heart she had been in the wrong. Alicia at first was not so forgiving. Over time Alicia forgave Amanda for the silliness that had come of her liking Daniel and soon found her own boyfriend.

Now Amanda, Daniel, Alicia, and her boyfriend went on double dates. Amanda thought finally I don't have to worry about my twin trying to steal my boyfriend.

Author: Amanda Inman

June 16, 2023 19:48

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Delbert Griffith
12:15 Jun 24, 2023

Twins, right? LOL You have some formatting errors and a few minor typos. Also, you might consider this: "...the closeness they once shared had started to faint." Maybe this should be "fade." "...not believe Amanda if she told you low and behold a huge cow was spinning in the road." I think this should be "...lo and behold..." "...was crying saying "Girls Girls" stop don't let a boy come in between you too. In the..." I think "too." should be "two." Cute tale, Amanda. Clean it up a little and you'll see that it reads better. Believe me, t...


Amanda Inman
13:29 Jun 26, 2023

Hi, I appreciate the honest feedback. Thank you.


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