
Once there lived a girl named Neha in Canada. She had a very pretty family of four people. She was living her life happily with no disturbances. She was so happy about how her life was going on except one thing. It was her emotion and her sad feeling that her father had never been her birthday. She wanted to share this with her parents and also wanted to ask them if her father was there when she was born but she couldn't because she did not want to hurt them by asking this. The reason for her dad not being on her birthday was he works in a ship as a caption and comes only during April, May, June, October, November and December and the other months he goes to work and her birthday is in February so he couldn't make it.

Though she lives a very luxurious life and her dad bought her everything she wanted, but still, she wasn't happy about this particular thing. Sometimes she wants to suicide and doesn't want to live but at the same time, she wanted to live such a beautiful life she has got. To get rid of this suicidal mind she cried and cried every day because of this but her parents or her sister never knew about it. On her every birthday she waits if her dad will come as a surprise and wishes her happy birthday but that never happened. The most worse thing was she was not able to express or share this with anyone and she was so depressed about it.

After that years passed and when she was 15 years old she got to transfer to Chennai since her father's main office had been transferred there. Since Neha's sister Nithilya was in the eleventh when they transferred here it was really uneasy for her to learn new things and it was really tough times for her. Neha helped her sister in everything and also encouraged her a lot that she can do it and sat all night with her when she was studying as Nithilya would get diverted from what she is doing and she wouldn't be able to read properly.

Neha joint in a new school and on the first day of school she felt very weird on seeing the people and their names was so different after that everyone became a good friend of her and particularly there was a boy called Nithin who was so similar to what Neha did. After that Nithin became a good best friend of Neha and they both were always together. People use to tease them that they are committed but on Raksha Bandhan, Neha tied a Rakhi ( a festival or a special day celebrated by Hindus )on Nithin's hand in front of everyone who teased them. Neha shared everything with him as Nithin did except the feeling that Neha had that her dad has never visited her birthday.

Years passed and after that, they both finished twelfth grade and they became busy in their college admission work and did not communicate with each other for three months. After that Nithin called Neha on her birthday and they both went out for lunch. They spent some quality time together and after finishing their lunch Neha started crying and said the thing which she was worried about on all her birthdays and then he left Neha in her house and Nithin went home.

Years passed and Neha's wedding was confirmed and she was so happy about it. The broom was a doctor and after their marriage Neha made Nikhil (Neha's husband) meet Nithin and they spent quality time together. After that Neha left Nikhil and Nithin and she went for shopping. Nithin was talking with Nikhil and at that time Nithin wanted to say the thing which Neha has been worrying about on all her birthdays. Nikhil felt so bad after hearing that and felt so bad for her and he didn't know about it for so many days. After that, they talked with Neha's father and said him everything.

After a few days, it was the day before Neha's birthday and she was sad. She called Nithin and talked to him for sometime and lastly she said 'my dad is not coming on my birthday, at least you come as my dad and I would be really happy' for that Nithin said 'you will never spend your birthday without me and I will do something unforgettable on your birthday and which made Neha very happy . She had her dinner and was waiting for her husband Nikhil.

It had been a long time and she felt sleepy so she called Nikhil and asked 'where are you' for that he replied 'I would be a little late, you sleep I will come after finishing my work' after that she said 'bye' and went to sleep. At 11'o'clock Nikhil came silently into the house and locked up the gate and he got some cake for her birthday. He made everything ready and exactly at twelve' o'clock he went and woke up Neha when she got up she got surprised seeing her dad, mom, her sister, her boy bestie Nithin and her best friend Thaniya who were all standing behind Nikhil.

Everyone shouted surprise and they said happy birthday to Neha. She got up quickly and ran towards her dad and hugged him and said I love you Dad and came back and hugged Nikhil and Nithin. Her dad said 'sorry for making you cry all these days on you birthdays' and she said 'no dad'. Her dad also said that 'I will answer your question now Neha that I was there when you were born'. Neha cried and said 'Thank you dad' and hugged him again. They had cake cutting and everyone was really happy. She thought that she has got the best life in the world and they all had a great time together.

After that Neha's dad said everyone that 'I have a surprise for everyone'. Everyone came and asked what is it but he said 'I have two surprises for my sweet little daughter and it is also for my wonderful family I have got'. He said every one to pack some dresses for fifteen days. Then everyone went in a van, after a long time they reached that place and everyone got down and Neha's mom went and asked him why are we here and he gave a document in her hand and said 'we are owning this land which is of 20 cents and we are going to build our dream house as you all expected . Neha became so happy on hearing this and she went to her dad and hugged him.

After that they went and saw the land and they also talked about building their new home which is going to be in the new land and then he said 'Guys , don't forget that I have another surprise for you and then they went to the airport and then went on a flight which goes to Mumbai from there they went to the Barbour and said everyone that 'Guys, we are going on a trip to Switzerland and from there we will be going to Los angels . After hearing this the whole family was in shock and everyone was so excited and happily traveled together.

-based on a true story

August 23, 2019 16:14

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