
It was late at night and the cold breeze sorrounded the streets when Alice Andrei a writer of a young age finished her 9th story, her dream of becoming a writer came true due to his supportive parents Ester and Dan. It was always Alice's dream to become a writer. They lived in a quite neighborhood somewhere in Chicago. Alice grew up in a happy family they lived a simple but happy life, few minutes passed as the smell of curry enveloped Alice's room, "You haven't eaten yet my Girl your pen could wait but your food couldn't." Said Mrs. Andrei while putting the sweet smelled curry in Alice's table.

"Oh mom, I didn't notice the time I cant imagine if I would miss this delicious dinner." Alice immediately replied.

"Knock! Knock!" Is my Queen and Princess here? Your King has arrived". It was Dan Andrei Alice's father a loving husband and a father.

"Surprise!" Dan added while putting the favorite food of the family- pizza.

"Dad wants us to gain more weight mom!" Alice jokingly said.

"Well, no one in this family should never left behind so might as well we should gain more weight altogether! Hahaha" Dan said while stuffing the pizza into his mouth, everyone laugh, a scene you would always see at the Andrei residence a picture of a perfect family.

The next morning, strong winds and heavy rain fall upon Chicago. "Can you make it dad? The news said that there's a storm coming." Alice said. "I can handle it my princess, Daddy will drive carefully." Dan replied.

"Take care Dear, our dinner will be your favorite beef stew." Ester said. "Ohh? I can't wait to come home early. I'll be home before you notice it." Dan added while entering his car.

The winds grew stronger and you can't barely see the way it was too late for Dan to return home when suddenly

a car appeared in front of him then something unexpected happened, his car fell off the cliff, few minutes had passed when the Ester and Alice heard the news, they immediately drove at the scene but its already too late, Dan was already dead before they arrive. Alice never thought that something as terrible as this could happen to them. The incident left Ester devastated which made her weak and became ill, it seems Alice's beautiful dreams turned into nightmares.

Days passed and an unknown person went to their house the man introduced himself as Ben Fenderson. The person has a brown eyes and a fair complexion. Same as Alice! But Alice never heard or saw the man before.

"Can I come in?" Ben said.

"S..sure." Alice replied.

As they all sat in the living room the man said..

"I know you will be surprised by what I have to say but we've been looking for you, I'm your Dad's brother we are your real family."

Alice's eyes widened as his words seemed like a bomb in Alice's head.

"You've got to be kidding me." Alice said as tears almost fell into her eyes.

The Andrei's didn't mention it to her because they didn't know who left her and where would they find them.

Ben showed Alice a picture of a man and A woman who is holding a baby- its was Alice. The man in the picture looks like Ben it was Bradley, Ben's twin brother and the real father of Alice. When Alice's eyes stuck at the woman in the picture Ben immediately said..

"She is Samantha your Mom shes a very hardworking and strong woman"

"You were just a baby at that time when you and your parents were being chased by our enemies they want to kill you so they decided to leave you here so that you will not be harmed but unfortunately your parents died and it was too late when we found out that they left you it was few months ago when we confirmed that it was you all along". He said.

Alice felt a mixture of sadness and joy that day, sadness because she was not with her real family and joy because she was considered the family of people she was not related to.

"The only ones left in our family is me and your Grandma- Amanda Fenderson." Ben said

The following day they visited Amanda, as Alice stepped in the doorway Mrs. Fenderson run towards her kissed her cheeks and gave her a warm hug, how she wish she could bring back those times where she would carry little Alice in her arms.

The whole family gathered in the wide green lawn and as they talked they decided to bequeath Alice the long-cherished business of her late mother- a Clothing line.

Alice has no idea on how to run a Clothing line she didn't even know how to wear high heels because shes always in her room either in front of her computer or in her table holding her pen and a paper but deep inside of her she also wanted to take care of her mother's business she wanted at least feel how it would be if she was with her at that time. Until she decided to face the change that's about to happen in her life.

Alice seemed like a fish who tried to fly, she studied again worked hard and tried to learn every single details she even practiced on how to walked with 7 inches heels, she studied on how to carry on the business she never think of , but the willingness of her heart made it possible.

Few years later with the help of the Fenderson Ester regained her strength and recovered and she continued to support Alice.

It was 5 days before Christmas and it was also Alice's 23rd Birthday as the family celebrates Alice left a message, " To everyone who's been with me my Family Fenderson and to my mother Ester thank you.. I've earned more than a material wealth and that is you guys, for me family is something that anyone would fight for even if its beyond someones comfort zone."

December 18, 2020 08:57

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