Romance Adventure Drama

Margaret finally worked up the courage to travel alone. She planned an adventure for fourteen days. She never fathomed she would do a solo trip to Costa Rica. The itinerary was set, plane tickets brought, and days off approved from her job. Could she do this? Take this voyage alone. It has been a long time Margaret has done anything just for her. This was her stepping out of her comfort zone. A week before the trip and reality settled in. Are you crazy Margaret said to herself. A fourteen-day expedition through the Rainforest. She quickly ran through her mind all the possible things that could go awry. Stop siking yourself out Margaret responded to herself, you got this. The day arrived for her departure. Margaret had to be at the airport by 4am. As she gathered her things to exit the apartment, she suddenly took a slight pause. She could not put her figure on it, but she felt something strange. Margaret quickly dismissed her inkling and slowly closed the door to her apartment and made her way down the stairs to the cab.

Margaret arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport. She made it through the arduous process of checking in, checking bags, joined the undesirable TSA line and slowly moved to the check point. As she became the third person on the line, she stepped forward and took an unexpected pause. Margaret had that same feeling again, of something surreal, but she just kept going. Finally cleared, she looked at her boarding ticket and it was Delta Airlines gate 54 seat 20A. Margaret sat in the waiting area at her gate and strolled through her phone until it was time to board. Margaret clasped the handle on her carryon and boarded. She moved through the plane, got to her seat, placed her carryon luggage in the above heard compartment and sat down. She positioned herself and put her travel pillow around her neck while she prepped herself to fall asleep before the plane took off. As she repositioned herself the vacant seat beside her was suddenly occupied. Margaret turned her head, and it was Samuel. Margaret had not seen nor spoken to Samuel in seven years. Margaret regrouped from her sudden shock and finally found the words that swiftly escaped the doors of her lips and said, “of all the gin joints in all the towns, in all the world, He walks into mine”. Mags, Samuel responded “you haven’t changed a bit, always with a flair for the dramatics”. Margaret began to spiral internally, why after all this time? Why now? Why here? Of all the … before she can finish her thoughts Samuel slowly turned Margaret's face toward his and said “Mags, I know your thoughts are spiraling right now”. Ugh, Margaret hated how much he knew her. She took a deep breath as she mustered the strength to speak and blurted with frustration. Why? A little louder than expected which stole the attention of the other passengers as they passed. Samuel responded, “I don’t know why”? That response was so emotive, Margaret internalized. He not only did not know why they ended up on the same flight, on the same day, at the same time, in the same row, but he also did not know why things ended the way it did. Margaret did what she always does, withdrew, and became aloof. Samuel shoulder bumped Margaret and said you are doing it again, shutting down. I don’t know how or why but I am glad. Samuel, with annoyance, Margaret said it has been seven years and all you can say is “I don’t know why but I am glad”. Samuel responded “ok, let’s say it is fate”. Margaret riposted; fate took seven years. “Here goes that sarcasm” Samuel responded. “Yes, maybe we needed seven years”. Samuel paused and with a twinkle in his eye uttered “Pura Vida”. Margaret knew exactly what he meant, and it infuriated her. She was frustrated that she had to spend the next five hours on a flight with Samuel. Margaret was eager for the flight to land in San Jose so she can get as far away from Samuel as she can and put this nightmare behind her. For the next five hours Margaret found solace in the silence.

The flight landed in San Jose, and with a sigh of relief Margaret exited her seat and said to Samuel “I cannot lie and say I am glad, but I do wish you the best”. As she disembarked from the plane she looked back and saw Samuel gazing at her with a smile. Margaret turned around and resolved to put this unexpected encounter behind her. Her transport was ready to take her to the Xandari Resort & Spa. Margaret was psyched for what waited for her, she was keen but frightfully so to embark on her ultimate wildlife adventure. Margaret checked into her accommodation and met the travel manager for the fourteen-day tour. He told the traveling group to settle in and the orientation dinner would be at the hotel dining room at 6:30pm. Margaret reached her room and took a minute to take in the view. This trip was on her living list, and she could not believe it was happening. She surveyed the room and the breath-taking scenery of the mountains out her window were indescribable. While she took a moment to mentally absorb her experience to commit to memory, she could not help think about what Samuel mentioned on the flight, maybe it was fate. She quickly brushed it off and got ready to explore the resort and relax by the infinity pool before the orientation dinner. 

Margaret was getting ready for the orientation dinner. She slipped on a floral blue and white flowy dress; she styled her hair with an updo with her signature butterfly hair pin to tie in her whole attire. As she walked into the dining room, she greeted the fellow travelers she met as she checked in this afternoon. As she walked to the reserved table, she met…. Samuel. Margaret was taken aback. Samuel approached her, he gently drew her in towards him and whispered in her ear “do believe in fate now”. Margaret was flabbergasted. She had to admit this was more than a coincidence, it might actually be fate. Throughout the orientation Margaret could not help but think about what this all meant, why did her path cross with Samuel again after seven years. She could not bring herself to even think about what ended it all, but she could not stop the feeling of fate. Samuel shoulder bumped Margaret and told her to get out of her head and just enjoy the moment. Margaret resolved to do just that. For the next fourteen days Margaret and Samuel were inseparable. 

Their escapades led them to explore wildlife viewings at eight national parks, engaged in a cloud forest canopy tour, went to the sloth wildlife sanctuary, did day hikes taking in the views of the beautiful mountains, decompressed in the hot springs, relaxed on the pristine beaches, dared to explore several volcanos, participated in sea kayaking with dolphins, and experienced snorkeling at night in the bioluminescence. It was a venture to remember. Throughout the expedition Margaret felt safe with Sammi but dangerously so. She felt her feelings emerging, but she quickly realized they never left. It was Sammi but something about him changed. It was Sammi but it was not Sammi. After the last excursion Samuel leaned in towards Margaret and told her to meet him in the lobby tomorrow at 7pm. Margaret went to bed with the anticipation of tomorrow.

The next day Margaret received a knock at her door. It was room service, breakfast was served with a bouquet of Osa Pulchra and a note which read “My Dear Mags, this is the beautiful and rare flower in Costa Rica which reminds me how beautiful and rare you are”. See you tonight at 7pm. Margaret’s heart fluttered as she flopped down on the couch. As the sun set, Margaret’s heart started to beat louder and louder as she got ready to meet Sammi at 7pm. Mags, what are you doing as she referenced herself with Sammi’s nick name for her. Are you ready for this? Do you trust him? Do you want to give him another chance? Are you willing to give him your heart once more? Is it worth it? With one last glance in the mirror and a smile Margaret made her way down the stairs to the lobby to meet Samuel standing and waiting in anticipation of her arrival. 

May 09, 2024 00:36

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