Horror Thriller Mystery

Well, Alex investigating but nothing's working. Of course not, said Lisa lazily. Who are going to find out who's killing everyone on our own. We need to contact the police, said Rita. NO! said Lisa. we need to deal with this on our own we don't no who this murderer is, and if this person (whoever he or she is) finds out we could endanger ourselves and those around us. Take Eliza for instance, said Lisa with a sad face. Yeah we cant risk that happening again, said Alex. All of them bowed their heads sadly. One of them was less talkative. It was Esther, the shy and quiet one of the group sat in stump in the corner feeling deflated. Her best had been murdered that very week. Her friend (Eliza) went investigating alone. She was on the way to their meeting place when she was hacked to death. Esther actually witnessed it. I watched in horror as the murderer hacked her from behind, said Esther with tears running down her cheeks. The person just snuck up on her, she said. I didn't want to get killed to so I ran in the bush's and watched it all. He (or she) tripped her up first and then chopped her left arm clean of, said Esther later. She screamed for help but no one ( except for Esther, who didn't know she was there) was around too help. He or she, then began to cause maximum pain. By hacking of both her arms and legs he then left her on the side walk, a bloody mess her limbs lay there in a heap on the ground as the murderer ran away. Eliza, screamed Esther. Her last words where. I Love you bestie, then she was gone. Esther ran from the shock to tell the rest of the group the terrible news. You know, said Alex too Esther. We aren't really friends after the break up but your bestie was best friend to all of us. Yeah I know all to well., said Esther in a annoyed tone. I was just making sure there was no hard feelings, said Alex. Why would I hate my best friend, said Esther suspiciously. Uh no reason, said Alex nervously. Sorry to ruin you two's soppy moment but we have things to do, said Lisa. Here are the assignments for today, said Rita as passing out the pieces of paper. Right Alex and Esther, said Rita . Me and Lisa will do the computer work and you guys do the outside investigating. Ok, said Esther. See you guys later , said Alex and of they went. Rita, said Lisa. Don’t you think Alex is a little too sad. What do you mean , said Rita. I mean were all sad but he’s a bit to sad , said Lisa. Ok but lets focus on the problem at hand Lisa, said Rita. Right lets see , Lisa pass me Esther’s description of the murderer, said Rita. Here , said Lisa. Meanwhile the other girls were looking for a match Alex was still sulking around . With magnifying glass in hand he scoped the scene were Eliza was killed. Hmmm, said Alex as he looked on the sidewalk. Her body had been buried days ago but it felt like she was still there. Ugh nothing, said Alex in a angry and disappointed tone. With sadness and despair he rushed back to the hideout to give his report. Let me guess, said Lisa. You got nothing. Yep nothing shrugged Alex as he went to get some water from the mini fridge. Ahh, he said as the liquid poured down his parched throat. Wait a minute where’s Esther, said Lisa. its been three hours since we sent both of you out. Yeah where is she. Said Rita with a suspicious tone. She’s probably sulking around, said Alex with a smug smile. She’s doesn’t seem herself know that Eliza’s you know. Shut up Alex, said Rita. It seems to me like you enjoy all of this pain and suffering. Yeah stop being such a snob , said Lisa. Well lets go looking for her. Said Alex. If got three no four flashlights in my bag. Take one each , he said. Ok lets split, said Lisa . We tap our ear pieces if one of us finds her and re-group at base. Ok , said Rita . And of they went . They searched and searched but neither of them could find her until. Ow , said Esther. Don’t mind your foot stupid with been looking all over for you, said Alex angrily. I know you haven’t felt like doing anything since Eliza was murdered but you going missing isn’t helping the cause. Then Esther came out of the shadows with blood on her hands and she started laughing like mad. Hahahaha, she laughed. Alex looked to his side in horror to see Rita and Lisa lying in a pool of blood and guts. You’re the one who’s killing everyone, said Alex horrified. Yes dummy, she said. You and Eliza thought you could get away with it didn’t you. You thought the secret would die with her didn’t you. As she spoke a cold sweat trickled down Alex’s spine. What secret, he said nervously. That you broke up with me too be with my best friend. Of course not he lied. Dot worry I got my revenge on so called bestie and now its time to kill you too. Rita and Lisa saw me ranting and tried to warn you but I made sure they didn’t get so far. HAHAHAHAHAHA,she laughed. You left me when I lost everything stole my best friend and excepted for us too be friends. Now you will pay the price. She lifted her axe and swung it down on his shoulder. AAAHHHHHH, he screamed in agony. Then he slumped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Then everything went black. When he next woke up he was tied too two pillars. He’s arm had been replaced by a metal tube. He looked up and saw her with a dagger. Cling clang cling, was the sound of her knife as she sharpened it . Please Esther, pleaded Alex as the sound got louder and louder. Its time., she said. For you to get what you deserve. Then she lifted her knife in the air ready too stab. No, Alex screamed. Then a loud sound came from upstairs. Ne-NAW NE-NAW NE-NAW, went sirens from outside. Put your hands up, came a voice .It was the police! Your under arrest for the murderer of Rita Adams, Lisa Smith, Eliza brooks and the attempted murder of Alex Roger. GET UP, said a voice, Esther get up. What happened, said Esther. Um I don't know, said a familiar face. Eliza your alive, said Esther in amazement, But I thought you were dead. Wow you must have had a crazy dream girl, said Eliza. Come on your mom baked cinnamon rolls.

July 25, 2024 18:39

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16:07 Aug 02, 2024

Interesting story! Apart from some mistakes, which sometimes hinder the reading flow ("no" vs. "know"), this is a catchy story. I liked that it starts right in the story ("in medias res"). Very lively writing of the murder scenes, definitely your genre, Ellen! The dialogue is realistic and makes the characters come to live (ironically most of them die 😅😉😉😉sorry for the joke). Ellen, if you don't mind, I am a beginner writer and would love your feedback on my short story.


Ellen Bailey
12:04 Sep 15, 2024

Hi Eva😀. Sorry for not replying too your reply. Thank you for telling me about the spelling, I find it very hard typing. And also, so you know where you story is pls tell me where it is?😄😄😄


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