Creative Nonfiction Funny

   I sat in my car staring at the time. It was 8:47am, so I had 18 minutes until my interview. No, not 18, 13 minutes! Dang it, math was my downfall. Would always be. I gathered my folder, purse, and keys as I stepped from my car into the mostly empty parking lot of Dodson High School. 

     During the summer months, it was mostly administration that had to continue showing up while the students and teachers enjoyed their summer vacations. This was my first job interview after staying home for a year, taking care of my first baby. But, all good things must end. If I got this job, I would obviously be happy. But if I didn’t get it, I would get to stay home longer. I would just leave it to fate, and hope for the best. 

     I made my way across the hot blacktop and buzzed the secretary. 

     “Yes? Can I help you?” she rather snarled through the speaker. 

     “My name is Rachel Peterson. I have an interview this morning for the English position.”

     “Oh, right. Mr. Anthony is expecting you. Come in and turn left to get to the main office.”

     “Thank you!”

     And with that, the large metal door clicked and I pulled it open. I realized my hands were sweating as the metal handle slipped from my grasp. I caught it just in time before it clicked to lock again.   That was close. 

     I looked at the fraying blue carpeting and followed it to my left. A sign over double doors indicated I found the Main Office and Administration. 

     Swallowing hard, I nervously cleared my throat to get the attention of the secretary. 

     “Ahem. Um, excuse me?” I asked. 

     “Take a seat,” she barked without looking up from her computer screen. I started to question if I wanted to work with someone like that. 

     I checked my watch. It was 8:58 now. Two minutes to go. I wondered if someone else had an interview before me. Were they in there right now? I began second guessing myself, considering walking out and just telling my family I didn’t get it. 

     Before I could execute my cowardice, I heard a door swing open. An older man, portly and round about the belly, was smiling furiously at me from beyond the secretary’s desk. 

     “Good morning! Why don’t you come right in!” he cheerfully called out. 

     No turning back now. 

     “Good morning! Thank you!” I replied and followed him into his office. There were two others seated at a large conference table, who stood and said “good morning” as well. Super. There will be three interrogators. 

     I sat down and noticed my résumé in triplicate in front of each person. So, they had time to see my background, experience, and all the other fluff that makes up a résumé. 

     “Well, Shaniqua! Let’s get right to it then! I took a half day today and will be hitting the green before noon! And I’m dragging Greg and Stu with me, right fellas?” Mr. Anthony laughed a hearty belly laugh that reverberated throughout the room. Greg and Stu joined in the laughing, with Stu giving Mr. Anthony a playful clap on the shoulder saying “You just don’t embarrass us out there, you here? We’re beginners!” 

     I awkwardly joined in their laughter, and tried to rewind what Mr. Anthony had just said. Wait, he did say “Rachel”, right? Why did it sound like he just called me Shaniqua? Maybe I’m just really nervous. Did the others hear it too? No. They all have my name in huge letters across the top of my resume. I’m sure my mind is playing tricks. 

     “So, Shaniqua, you have a few years experience with teaching English to the older grades. And you’ve also run a tutoring program for struggling students. We are interested in that as well, right Greg? Greg has been taking classes and working through a “Reaching Struggling Writers” program, but can’t do it all himself. Is that something you’d be interested in? Greg, tell her more about it.” 

     Ok. Now that time he absolutely called me Shaniqua. Who is Shaniqua? His next interview after me, and he’s mixing us up? I have no idea what Greg is saying right now. Do I interrupt and correct him on my name? At this point we are too deep. I can’t backtrack. Can I? Greg is looking at me. I think he asked me something. He’s smiling. So I’m going to nod. And hope that’s what they want.

     I nod. 

     They all smile. 

     Thank goodness. 

     “Now I’ve known Annie since they built this school. Before I became Superintendent, we worked right next door to each other. Heck, I remember when she got married, had her kids, all of it!” Mr. Anthony said. 

     What now? Annie? Who’s Annie? He’s telling me this as if I know her. 

     “I’ll tell you what, Shaniqua. Anyone who’s friends with Annie is good in my book, if you know what I mean. Right, fellas?” he continued. 

     The “fellas” looked at him and looked at me, and all agreed that any friend of Annie’s is top notch. 

Again, I wracked my brain trying to figure out what in the world was happening. Who is Shaniqua? Who is Annie? Are they not looking at my resume? They knew about both my teaching experience and work with tutoring programs. So, that’s all me, but I’m Rachel. And never met an “Annie” before. 

     Mr. Anthony, Greg, and Stu all stood up and one by one outstretched a hand to shake. I tried to hide the glazed look on my face, and shook with a smile.   Did I just…get this job? 

     “Welcome to the team, Shaniqua! Kelly will draw up all the documents so you can hit the ground running in September when we start back up again. Annie can show you around during the In-Service training days!” Mr. Anthony said as he walked me out of his office. 

     “Um, thank you, Mr. Anthony, I really do appreciate..” I started. 

     “No problem at all! I know you’ll be as great as Annie! And now we can head out to our tee time early! That was the easiest interview I’ve had in a long time, Shaniqua!” 

     I walked back to my car, trying to figure out what just happened. I left it to fate, and the stars seem to have scrambled their messages. But, I was walking away with a job. Guess I’ll figure out the rest come September. English teacher Shaniqua, friend of Annie, reporting for duty! 

July 06, 2024 02:20

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Mary Bendickson
16:50 Jul 06, 2024

Funny but could have unwanted consequences come Sept. What did she sign on to?


Nina H
17:02 Jul 06, 2024

This was based on my job interview in 2010. To this day, I’m not sure what was going on. 😂 But all was fine in September and I’m still there!


Mary Bendickson
19:47 Jul 06, 2024

So glad to hear it.🙂


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