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Adventure Science Fiction Mystery

The invisible hero

By:  Jonathan Escobedo 

It was a sunny day, the date was 6/14/2042. Today, Jacob and his fellow classmates were going to be presenting their projects for science class. Jacob was a 16-year-old like no other, he was considered a genius for his age, and his project happened to be first.  Jacob’s project was an invisibility potion. He tested it on one of his old toys in front of the whole class and his project worked! Right before everyone’s eyes, the toy simply became invisible. Jacob then picked it up and passed it around the class, luckily they didn’t lose it. 

“Does anyone have any questions?” Jacob asked. 

“Does it work on living things like people?” asked a random student.

 “I don’t know, let’s see right here and now,” Jacob said as he drank some of the potion, but nothing happened.  The day went on, everyone went home, and Jacob did his homework then ate dinner and went to bed early.

The next day, Jacob woke up only to soon find out he was invisible. He looked for his parents but they had already left for work, so he simply got dressed and went to school. Once he arrives at school all the students, teachers, and staff are automatically surprised when seeing him invisible. After science, Jacob had to stay behind because his teacher invited his parents to the class to talk about Jacob being invisible. After the meeting, Jacob and his parents go home since school has ended already. Once they get home, Jacob explains exactly what he needs to turn himself back to normal so his parents try to save up money to buy what Jacob needs to fix himself. Two months later, Jacob made a cure for his invisibility. Since there’s a science fair coming up, he plans on using this cure as his project in hopes that he actually fixes his invisibility and gets a good grade at the same time. Jacob showed everyone at the science fair his cure and drank it all then, in only a few minutes he was visible again. Everyone clapped and cheered for his amazing project. 

The End, Or is it..?

It is now the last year in college for Jacob, and he is ready to show everyone just how smart he truly is. He started to try and create a temporary version of the invisibility potion, but he failed with every attempt. A day goes by and Jacob really wants to be invisible again. While he’s thinking about it he then starts to notice that he can’t see his hands anymore 

“What's happening?!” yells Jacob. 

After his hands become visible again he starts researching his own blood and he notices that now he can choose to be invisible at will. So after finding this out, Jacob decides to try to make certain parts of his body invisible, to make other things invisible, and to make his clothes invisible at the same time that he turns invisible.

After a few weeks of tests and trials about what his new power could do, he decided to share it with his science class and everyone was absolutely amazed by everything he could do now. At some point of showing off his new ability, he just randomly goes completely invisible and falls through the floor like nothing and suddenly he becomes visible again. But by then he was already on the first floor (he was on the 3rd floor earlier.).  Jacob was now questioning what had just happened to him and why it happened. Was it because he used his invisibility too much? No. Was it just a sign of what his ability is capable of? Yes. 

As soon as school ends, Jacob starts running as fast as he can to his dorm and automatically starts testing this new part of his power. He finds out that he can make his own body now pass through anything when entirely invisible, but now he must learn how to control this power. After a few weeks of training himself, he decides to make a whole obstacle course for him to try and get through using his new ability (I’ll call it ghost or hide and seek, It depends on the reader's decisions). Everything that would kill him just went through him as if it went through air. After testing “Ghost”, Jacob then decides to actually share with his class and while he was showing them he tried to make someone else invisible. He only got this idea because of his ability to make objects disappear, so Jacob’s friend, Jonathan volunteered to have this new ability tried on them (I’ll call this ability “God’s friend”). 

Once Jacob attempts to use this power both him and Jonathan suddenly disappear but they can both see each other. Jacob looks away from his friend but that’s what ends up deactivating God’s friend and now they’re both visible again. Everyone in class was so shocked that they just couldn’t believe what had just happened, Jacob is now able to make anyone or anything invisible with his power. After school had ended the teacher wanted to talk to Jacob and maybe convince him to stop using his powers in class or even at school.

After being told this Jacob had given it some thought and agreed but he ended up doing what no one thought he would do. The next morning all of Jacob’s teachers were surprised to hear that he just quit college and instead put in a work application to some famous lab as a scientist, luckily for him he got the job. Once Jacob had gotten the job he started looking into previous projects that the scientists have been working on since long before he was there. Jacob ended up finding out that the scientists tried to create superpowers before but it went horribly wrong and only one person survived from the accident. 

Jacob had ended up spending months trying to find the last survivor but nothing ever came up so he decided to ask if he could try the same experiment and luckily it got approved but if anyone at all were to get hurt from the experiment then Jacob would instantly be banned from the Lab. Jacob and a couple of his coworkers got to work and did as much research and testing as they could before they eventually created a new power. No one had any clue what power it would be so just like before Jacob automatically tried it on himself. Just like before the effects wouldn’t kick in until after he had slept so he went home and took a nap which ended up lasting far longer than planned, he had been knocked out for a whole week. Jacob tried to figure out what kind of power he had gotten until he eventually found he now had super speed, he obviously took this power for test drive by running to work and he had surprisingly ran 10 miles in 10 seconds.

Jacob and a few of his coworkers spent weeks trying to figure out all the secrets to super speed but only the improvement of speed was noticed so they had moved onto the next power after making 3 copies of the super speed potion just in case. Jacob went on with making new power potions, his friends offered their services as test subjects, luckily it didn’t go wrong, now Jacob and his friends are the first known powered people on earth. After a short while they all decided to stop criminals in their city and they eventually ended up on the news. Getting on the news was a bad thing because now they have the attention of the lost survivor of the first power experiment, which sadly for them he was given dark powers from that accident and it has corrupted his mind. Jacob and his friends knew the lost scientist would see them on the news so they did some digging around and somehow found the scientist’s home and went there to ask a couple questions. 

By the time they had reached the scientist’s house it was practically empty, he had just skipped town to avoid being found. The name of this scientist is Dr. Damien Storm, he was truly one of the brightest at the lab but now that position has gone to someone else since Dr. Storm left. Jacob finds a clue on the floor, a letter to be exact. The letter had read “please come right away Dr. Storm, we feel as though you’re not safe at home so please come on by once you read the letter.

PS, this is Steve”. 

Jacob and his friends looked at the address on the letter and automatically looked it up to only find out it’s where an abandoned lab is. They put it on google maps then they made their way to the abandoned lab to see it practically destroyed. They had decided to go inside since they heard what sounded like some talking, as they got closer and closer to the sound they started seeing multiple people talking and walking around what seems to be a glass room. Jacob made him and his friends invisible so that they could have a closer look without being seen but then they instantly ran once they noticed someone could actually see them. The group never noticed but the man who had seen has now started following them.

A few weeks go by and suddenly Jacob gets an interesting email from the person who followed him and his friends a few weeks back. In the email it says “hello Invisible boy, you’re messing with forces that you don’t understand. We took your friends last night and we have successfully taken away their powers, you can have your friends back if you accept to meet up with my boss. All you have to do is reply to this email and we’ll send you the meet up location”. After reading this message Jacob had accepted and decided to show up much sooner than the scheduled meet up time to try and get his friends back his way. 

Jacob showed up to the location at midnight the night before the agreed meeting date, he used super strength to punch his way into their base, the only reason why no one heard anything is because he used another power to stop sound from traveling quickly as it normally does. After breaking in, Jacob instantly went looking for his friends when suddenly he bumped into something he couldn’t see so he fell back and became visible again. At that very moment a random person in a black lab coat appeared saying “welcome my boy, I’m the great Dr. storm, y’know as in the last person to create powers, I see you retried my failed experiment and succeeded, tell me how you got it to work and you’ll get your friends unharmed”. Jacob didn’t trust this man so he gave him a fake version of the blueprints for the machine that would make powers of any kind. Jacob had then gone to get his friends since technically he had held his end of the deal. 

Immediately after getting away from Dr. strom’s place Jacob had restored his friends powers easily with the machine that creates powers. After they had gotten their powers back they all decided to plan an attack on Dr. Storm because they were all really mad about what had just happened. A week of planning and they finally decide to attack at the dead of night, they had gained some extra powers as well. Jacob and his friends snuck into the secret lab at midnight but they were quickly stopped by Dr Storm and all his henchmen. Will this be the end for Jacob and his friend’s? Let’s find out in chapter two. (I'm sorry for any bad grammar, this is the first time I wrote a short story).

December 02, 2022 02:36

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1 comment

Sri Vi S
21:13 Dec 08, 2022

I liked the integrity of the theme. There is optimism and fairness in the story. Once it starts there is no first time. Keep going.


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