Tell me who did that?

Submitted into Contest #40 in response to: Write a story about friends who wind up on a misadventure.... view prompt



“Happy birthday to you, you were born in the zoo with monkeys and donkeys who look like you Sue, happy birthday to you” everyone wished Sue and hugged her tightly. “Thank you” she said to her friends, who brought gifts and chocolates cheering her loudly, celebrating her 15th birthday. “Love you dear” Katie hugged her and excused herself from them saying she had important work to do. “I’ll be back soon, see you later alligator” Brandy waved at Sue and Dawn walking out of the door. “As usual, it’s just us now; shall we go to the canteen?”Sue suggested and Dawn sighed loudly. “Okay” Sue said glumly and sat down, that’s when she felt something was stuck under her desk, and she pulled the tape and got it out. It was wrapped in gift paper, she looked up at Dawn “I don’t know dude” she said and Sue pulled the wrapping, there was big chocolate bar with a note stuck to it, she opened the note under Dawn’s judging gaze. “What does it say?” dawn asked looking at Sue lost in her own thought’s, smirking to herself. The moment Sue opened the note she knew who had written it, she’d recognize that handwriting anywhere then she looked up at Dawn, who was trying to act nonchalant but failing miserably and Sue decided to play along with whatever prank they were scheming, “it’s a letter, from someone who says he adores me and asks to meet him near the water cooler during the recess” she smiled and said. “Recess means now, you should go” Dawn suggested. The way Dawn advocated the idea of meeting a secret admirer without freaking out confirmed Sue’s doubts. “Will you come with me, please” she requested Dawn was strictly told not to do that by Brandy and Katie so she whispered a small no. “Please, I’m scared” sue lied. The word ‘sacred’ did the job and Dawn the ever so protective and caring one agreed at once. They went near the water cooler and stood there for a minute, both knew no one was going to come as it was Dawn herself who wrote the note on Brandy and Katie’s advice. “Oh god, she seems unexpectedly hopeful about it” Dawn thought. “Hope she doesn’t get hurt, or else” she cursed the moment when she agreed to their disastrous plan. Sue looked around, not a soul around, anyway who needed a water cooler in winter days, and she had decided to push Dawn to a point where she’d just blurt out whatever they were planning. “Dude, I was looking for you” Brandy shouted from a distance running toward them. “What are you doing here alligator” she glared at Dawn, “come closer I’ll show you” Dawn replied with her murder glare. “I got a letter” Sue interrupted before these two started bickering again. “Oooo, a love letter” Brandy teased her friend and Sue chuckled at her overdramatic Friend. “No one's here yet, guess I got tricked” she said pouting. “Come with me” Brandy said and pulled Sue into the girl’s washroom and she pulled Dawn along with her inside. “What, why?” she asked confused. “Let me just” she said pulling out a lipstick and compact powder from her pockets. “No, don’t do that” Sue screamed and turned to run out but Dawn blocked the door “traitor” Sue accused and moved back, Brandy was smiling form ear to ear. “You are pretty Sue, but this will melt vanilla ice” she said applying little lipstick to her lips. “Wait, what?” Sue asked her eyes wide open and Dawn scowled at her. “What, I’m sure he wrote the letter, now chin up” she said and applied the foundation, “Lucifer and I are just neighbors” Sue sated rather too loudly. “And I’m Hercules” brandy said. “I know you planned this, and our friend here” Sue pointed at Dawn “wrote the letter” she said. “I swear it was her idea” Dawn said suddenly. “Oops, busted” brandy threw her hand up in the air in surrender. “Very well, where is Katie?” she asked. “I’m here” Katie answered. “Dude, where?” Brandy asked looking around. “Inside” she replied and Brandy kept looking up and around to find where the voice was coming from, meanwhile Sue moved near the closed bathroom door. “Inside where?” brandy asked again but when she ducked down, closer in the washbasin Dawn smacked her head lightly “oww” she looked, her hand on back of her head trying to sooth the sting. “She is inside there, dumb”Dawn said and Brandy moved near the door “what are you doing in there?” she asked and big splash of water was heard from other side, “never mind” she said scrunching her nose. “Why are you guys playing ‘letter’s to the Juliet’ with me” sue asked frustrated and this time Katie replied with a small constant stream of water. “Let her first finish playing little mermaid” Dawn giggled. “Hello... Anyone here?” someone called from outside. “Who’s that?” brandy asked. “Like you don’t know” Sue scoffed. “Yeah, we don’t” Dawn answered sincerely, “what, you mean don’t know, obviously that’s Lucifer” sue answered. “Wait, you guys...” she said looking at her friend’s dumbfounded reaction and went outside, Brandy and Dawn followed her. They saw Lucifer casually standing next to the water cooler looking around. “Hey Sue, did you see a girl here?” he asked her, “no why?” she replied. “I’ll wait” he said and stood there comfortably leaning against the wall, “hey, there is a girls washroom over here, it’s not good to stand here” she scolded him. “Okay, I’ll wait inside” he said rubbing his hands and making puppy eyes. “No, you idiot! I mean go there is no one here” she justified. “Fine” he agreed and left. Sue angrily stormed off inside the bathroom “Katie, you did that didn’t you” she accused banging on the door but no reply came from her. “Why did you have to involve him, and especially today?” she asked, still no reply form Katie. “Open this door Katie, you can’t hide there forever” Sue warned and banged the door even more forcefully, she clutched the handle and pulled on it to create noise, but the door accidently opened. “Oh shit” Sue said. A very embarrassed Katie immediately closed the door before anyone saw, but the lock was broken due to the push. “Wait, I got it” Dawn came forward and pulled the door, rather too hastily that the hinges creaked loudly, “easy, easy” Brandy told them standing a feet away, “open up morons” Katie called from inside. “Are you done?” Dawn asked and she grunted in reply. Dawn opened the door at instance when Katie pushed it outward. The door unhinged from its place and Dawn stumbled back with the door heavy on her, Sue moved forward and supported her, balancing the weight of the door from one side. “No, I came out for interval” Katie retorted sarcastically “Knock knock” Brandy knocked on the broken door in-between Sue and Dawn. “Who’s there?” Katie asked and Dawn scowled at her. “A broken door” Sue answered calmly, “broken door who?” she asked coming closer and Dawn let go of her side as door began falling forward towards Brandy “broken door on you face” she said. “Hey, hey” Brandy supported the door. “Guys, stop it we broke the door, can someone fix it?” Sue asked, “Wait, I’ll just call bob” Katie said. “Who?”Dawn asked confused. “Bob the builder!” Brandy answered in a sing song, “can we fix it?” continued Sue. “we should place it here and like before, like nothing happened” Dawn suggested, they moved back and placed it in such a way that the door would appear like it was slightly open and not actually broken. All four girls scampered out of the ladies room as quick as they could, but all’s well that smells trouble, “girls, go to your classes” principal Sanders caught them in the corridor, they murmured a silent yes and walked away.

“Answer me which one of you did it?” principal Sanders gritted her teeth in fury. Nobody answered her, all four standing with their heads hanging down. When principal Sanders had tried to pull the washroom Door, it had collapsed on her and she nearly got thrown into the toilet, nearly. As she had seen Brandy, Sue, Dawn and Katie walking by earlier, she knew it must have been them, so here they were in the principal’s office 10 minutes later, speechless and guilty as charged. “Answer me honestly” she urged calmly “NOW” she shouted a moment later, but no one spoke. “Madam, Chocolates?”Sue offered chocolates and principal raised her eyebrows at her “it’s her birthday” Brandy told. “May I have your blessings” Sue batted her eyes trying to distract. “God bless you my child” Sanders said after a moment, with a hand on Sue’s head, she accepted the chocolate. “Now, child don’t lie on your name day and tell me the truth” she said softly and quietly threatening her to confess, she gulped in fear and looked at her friends, partly asking what to do and partly telling them she will do it. “That idiot is gonna confess” Dawn whispered in Katie’s ear and she shushed her silent. “I don’t know madam” Sue said after three long minutes and everyone sighed in relief until Brandy spoke “yes madam, she doesn’t know she was busy” and Sanders raised a eyebrow at her “with?” she asked. “Lu...”Dawn was about to answer absentmindedly when Katie interrupted “lunch, Madam” she saved it. “Madam, I saw Lucifer with them then” the head girl came out of nowhere. “Are you sure miss Jacky” principal asked. “Yes, madam” she said. “Off course she is, leave it to her to know where Lucifer is” Sue rolled her eyes. “Jealous buttercup?”Brandy asked teasing her. “Ask him to come here now” principal Sanders commanded. “He is at the ground now” she answered. “See I told you” Sue said annoyed, and even Sanders was surprised by her information; she opened her phone, dialed the sport teacher and told the sport teacher to send him right away. The play ground was on the other side of principal's office, it’d take almost 20 minutes to reach for anyone.

“Madam, we swear we don’t know who did this” Katie said with tearful eyes. Lucifer came running towards them, looking out of breath and worried, he glanced at Sue “trouble?” he asked. “Did you run here?” Sanders questioned, studying him for a moment, “In five minutes” Sue added surprised while he walked and stood next to her. “Sue, you don’t know my stamina” he whispered “yet” he added and winked at her while she scrunched her face. “Were you at the water cooler?” Sanders broke their commotion. “Yeah, I got a note which said a girl was waiting for me, but when I reached there it was just Sue, no girl” he told shamelessly and even showed the note. Sanders took the note and looked at Brandy, “Dawn wrote it” she blurted out in panic “it was her idea” Dawn said pointing at Katie shifting the blame immediately. “You’re not my type bro, no hard feeling” Lucifer pacified Dawn who glared at him in return. “Yeah, cause she doesn’t have a Beard” Sue deadpanned and he nodded in agreement “wait, what?” he looked quizzical and everyone chuckled. “We wanted to prank her” Brandy confessed and when Sanders didn’t look impressed she continued “bring cake, throw sparkles, be silly have fun, you know normal teenage girl stuff, chill!” she swayed. “Did she tell the principal to chill?” Sue said tautly, “god, kill me now” Katie sighed, “or her” Dawn prayed clenching her jaw, looking at Brandy talk foolishly. Lucifer tried to suppress his laughter, chewing on his bottom lip. Principal Sanders scowled at Brandy “tell me what happened?” she asked sternly. “Madam, it was a small prank but no boy was supposed to come, I said it was a bad idea” Dawn sneered at Brandy and Katie. “But Lucifer showed up, I don’t know how” Sue wondered. Lucifer ran a hand through his hair “look, someone said they wanted to say their heart out to me” he blurted. “You know what my heart says?” head girl interrupted and he nodded and turned towards Sue “get lost” she barked. “Where? In your eyes baby?” he shamelessly flirted, whispering softly away from Sanders ears, “shut up” Sue said glaring at him. “Lucifer, did you break the door?” Principle asked him, though she knew boys weren’t allowed there. “No, no madam, I didn’t do it, I haven’t been there in three months, I swear” he babbled scared of been blamed for thing he didn’t do. “WHAT” sanders screamed, and Sue mentally face palmed herself. “You all are suspended” principal sander’s declared before everyone drove her to madness. “But madam…” Lucifer began to apologise “you broke a rule, you are suspended as well” she said and walked away, but she stopped and turned to look at him to say “and one more thing Lucifer, stay away from my daughter” she warned him and he nodded. All four girls were smiling at him despite the suspension; he looked at them “trouble makers” he labeled them grinning lightly. “Wait, I wrote only one letter, who gave him another?” Dawn questioned. “Me” Katie confessed and everyone looked at her with wide eyes, and before Lucifer assumed something else she continued “I know you like him, so I thought maybe I’d…” “play cupid” Sue finished for her and she nodded embarrassed. Suddenly a breeze of cold air flew and head girl shivered, “I’m cold” she said looking with puppy dog eyes at him, he widened his eyes and looked outside the window behind her trying to avoid her, suddenly Sue removed something from her pocket “here, go crazy” she shouted tossing a matchbox at her, she caught it and started at Sue slack jawed, while Sue gave her a sardonic smile. “You all B.S.D.K are something else, you guys seriously broke that door, How?” he asked surprised or rather impressed by them. “You’ll never know” Brandy laughed. “This is the most wild birthday I ever had” Sue said chuckling, “suspension wasn’t on cards” Katie said. “Its okay” Dawn waved and smiled. “yeah, the most crazy incidents become most cherished memories” Sue declared, and everyone hugged her, Lucifer tried to join their group hug but he couldn’t, at last Sue gave him five chocolates so he'd stopped pouting about it. 


May 04, 2020 14:34

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