Black Drama Fiction

“You just can’t keep on switching from one hobby to the other. You just have to stick to the necessary and rewarding ones.”

“Yeah! But how do I go about it seeing I tend to enjoy dabbling on so many things. I like trying my hands on so many things. It’s fun to me.”

“But you can’t have your hands in every pie and call it fun. I call it a wild goose chase. And you know it’s definitely not any helpful. So you have to channel your energies aright. Ok?”

“Yeah. Okay... I'll try. Thanks Fred.”

“No problem. I'll call you later. Have to go back to work. My boss will be raging mad if I get to office late. I have some urgent papers to deliver to him. Don’t worry I’ll take the bill.”

“Wow! Thanks! I'll be expecting your call.”

“Yeah! No problem.”

Fred Dalton had been a long time friend. He had been a trusted confidant. Smart, intelligent, calculative and analytical in his thinking. Seth seems to have a soft spot for him. He seems to admire him and believe in him. They met at an art exhibition and since then they have been inseparable like eye and needle. After he left, Seth Riley sat still for a while staring at the glass walls of the restaurant. He could see people moving in hordes , cars and buses driving past by with different honking sounds. Indeed Lovalta, was a busy city with so many side attractions. If care was not taken, one will end up settling for the non-essentials. It takes the strong willed to say “No” to some of these dare-devil attention seekers. Seth was not any bothered about what was happening outside the glass walls. He was more concerned with his too many luggage. He had so many things craving for his attention, so many things to jostle. He seemed not to settle for a few hobbies. He picks up one for a while and after the novelty wears off, he drops it and picks up another. This had been a thing of concern for his parents when he was growing up. He had been enrolled for several vocations. He only ended up doing each of them for a brief moment. Before they knew, he had involved himself in another hobby, engrossed and devoted. 

“I don’t like this idea of your inconsistency in hobbies,” Mrs Riley told her son.

“Mum! What’s wrong with me having so many hobbies? Can’t I spread my tentacles? Can’t I be versatile?” he asked with a frown.

“Yes! There are so many things wrong. You'll end up been a Jack of all trades. And point of correction. That’s not what you call versatility. It’s instability and inconsistency!”

“Mum! Why all the harsh words and the angry tone?”

“Yes! Your dad and I are so worried about you. Today we see you spending hours writing wonderful pieces. The next day we see you spending hours at the recording studio and the next you are painting some really beautiful portraits. So where are we art? Where do we come in?”

“But wait mum. Can’t I just be me? Can’t I choose to be who I want to?”

“Yes! Definitely you can. But not in this context. Not like this. It will cost you. And not you only. But us. I mean your dad and I. You can see how futile our effort has been. Our spending has been unyielding.”

“Ok. No problem. Then you and dad shouldn’t spend anymore on my interests.”

“Yeah! I was about saying that. Unless we see a change then we can revert our decision.”

“Fine. No problem. I'll manage.”

Indeed it had really cost him as his mum had said. Only if he had stuck to his writing. He would have written award winning books or rather best sellers. He had come across some best selling novels written by his colleagues. They all started together before he veered into something else. Also, probably if he had kept at his paintings, he would have painted priceless work of art. His paintings would have stolen the show at exhibitions. At least he painted better than some of his colleagues whose paintings were bought at a whopping sum. Also, if he had kept at singing, perfecting his pitch and part, Louis Pavarotti would have had a neck to neck rival. He had a short stint with a fashion house. It was a lucrative offer but was only a fleeting moment. He had been putting up a punctuating appearance at work. He had not been meeting up with deadlines. There had been a backlog for him.

“What’s the problem, Seth? You've suddenly changed. Is there anything the matter?”

“Nothing at all. Not anything serious.”

“Then why haven’t you been punctual? Why have you been off and on? That’s not you.”

“Yes Mr Chapman. It’s not indeed me. It’s just that I am now involved with something else. Something else has encroached on my time. Am so sorry.”

“You don’t have to. You are one of the best designers I have ever seen. A times I wonder who tutored you? A times I indeed wonder how come you are endowed with so much.”

“Thank you sir for the compliment. It’s an honour.”

“Yeah! I remember asking you some time back if you learnt under someone. I was shocked to hear that it all started as a hobby. That’s indeed terrific. I wouldn’t trade that hobby for anything else.” He continued, “But since you have found something more engaging and rewarding. I won’t stop you. Although I won’t want to lose you, I won’t stop you from moving on as long as you are happy.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

“No problem at all. Just need you think well before you take a leap.”

Fred shook his head. Has he been indeed happy? That was the question he asked himself. He took few sips from his cup of cappuccino ,closed his eyes and mumbled some few words as if he was communing with an imaginary being. Someone who had the answer to his question.

January 29, 2021 21:29

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