What Is Your Internal Conflict

Submitted into Contest #164 in response to: Write a story where a local takes a newcomer under their wing.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Mystery

I  shouldn’t have come back to the house. If I knew my house would catch fire, I would have stayed at my friend’s house for longer.

I watch as my childhood home goes up in smoke. What a horrible sight to see. The black smoke fills up my nose as I cough, trying to breathe in. I can hear voices around me, but I can’t make out what they are saying. I’m pretty sure what it is though. The only thing I could do was think… What do I do now?

It’s been two years since that fire destroyed not only my house, but my life. Where are my mom and dad?

These thoughts spill out of my head as I sit on the train with what little I have. The only thing I have left is a book and a picture. That's right. The only thing I have left is this book and a picture of a house. 

You’re probably thinking… “Well, if you have nothing, but a book and a picture, how did you afford to buy a train ticket?” That’s a reasonable question. 

This book isn’t just any book. It was left to me by my mom. It was her journal. She wrote everything, well, almost everything, in it.

In a chapter, dated September 22, I found my mom’s thoughts and a train ticket for a place I have never been to.  The title of this is ‘My Vermont Adventure Trip’.

Dear my Izzy,

If you are reading this, it means I am not with you. There are many things your father and I never told you. Things we wanted to tell you, but you were too young at the time to understand.

You will find the answers you seek in the unknown. We love you, my darling.

Until we meet again…


Mom and dad

P.S. Enjoy your time and never stop learning.

What did mom mean? Her message sounds suspicious. 

The further I get away from the home I used to know, the more uneasy I feel. Yet, there's a part of me looking forward to the adventure in front of me.

As I leave New York behind, heading for the place in this picture, I wonder what I will find there. Do I have a connection to this place? Why did I find the picture in mom’s journal? Have I been there before? If yes, then when?

Too many questions and not one answer. But I will find those answers no matter how long it takes me. I shut my eyes, lean back and sigh.

Not long after I closed my eyes, I heard a whisper. That's strange. I don't remember anyone near me on this train. My eyes pop open when I feel a hand slam down on my shoulder. I don't know if I should ignore it or not.

Another tap. Who is this? 

I take a breath before I turn my head and look up. The man wearing a blue train hat stands there with his hand out. 

"Ticket?" he asks with a smile and a tip of his hat. I hand him my ticket and he holds it up to check it out.

"Heading to Vermont, are we? Visiting family?" he asks handing it back to me.

Family? Do I have family out there? Hmm...

Instead of answering, I ask him a question of my own. "Have you been there?" I tilt my head as I watch his face light up with a grin.

"Born and raised there. Yes." he nods his head as he turns to leave.

"Mr. Wait." I called him as he slid out the door. He turns back to me.

"Yes, miss?" 

I give the picture in my hand to him. He looks at it with wide eyes before he stares at me.

"Do you know where this mansion is?" I ask as  a salty, copper taste fills my mouth. 

He must know something. Why else would have had that reaction?

Before he can say a word, we hear an announcement over the speakers.

“Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Caledonia County, Vermont.  Please wait till the train stops and enjoy your stay…”

Once again, he tips his hat, smiles and says, “Have a good afternoon, Miss Elizabeth.”

And then he disappears through the crowd.

A chill raises up my spine as I realize something…

I never told him my name.

I put the picture back in the journal, gripping it while rushing after him. A sea of people got on and off the train, but I didn’t see the man at all.

Who was that man? How did he know my name? Did he know my family… or me? I need to find him. 

Before I could finish my thought, I touch the ground beneath me as someone brushes past me.

“S…sorry I knocked you over. I...” A frantic voice says.

My gaze travels from her black strap sandals up to her tan argyle sweater vest. 

When my eyes land on her face, I spot a freckle on her nose. She gives me a smile and extends her hand to help me up. She isn't alone. Another woman stands beside her holding a small camera.

I take a couple of steps back from them my eyes not leaving them for a second. Who are they?

The tall one, with the camera, holds her hand up. She speaks in a whisper, but still loud enough, I could hear her.

"Don't worry. We're not here to harm you, Elizabeth."

There goes that chill again. Her too. Is my name written on me somewhere?

I check my clothes for anything that reveals my name, but I didn’t see anything. I look back up and find the words to speak.

"Do I know you? How do you know my name?" I ask, not sure if I want to know the answer.

The first person takes her turn to speak. "Hey, I'm Adeline Edmonds and this is my sister Katele. You're Elizabeth Grace Gaffney, right?"

My full name. They know…

"How did you…" I tried to ask before Adeline interrupts me.

Katele speaks up. "Come with us and we will answer your questions."

It didn't take long before I stood in front of a huge place. It's the mansion in the picture. I took the picture from the journal and hold it up and it's exactly the same.

“Oh, wow.” 

The sight of the house in front of me leaves me breathless. A beautiful mansion-like house made of cedar wood. What an eye pleasing sight.

I turn to the sisters, but found them heading up the path to the front door. My feet pick up debris as I make a mad dash for them with a grin pasted on my face.

I step inside and my jaw drops as I see a big kitchen and a living room with a fireplace.

While they show me around, I notice a familiar picture  among the other pictures on the mantel. It makes my palms sweat and my eyes tear up.

"Your mom was so sweet and such a joy to be around." Katele says as her hand rests on my shoulder.

I let my fingers slide over the frame and pick up the picture to take a closer look.

My mom and dad smile at the camera as they hold each other's hand. I run my finger over the glass. 

I didn’t know what happened to them. All I can remember was smoke as black as the night and the heat from the flames like a thousand candles burning all at once.

Adeline shifts in front of me as I open my eyes. Her eyes fill with tears and she reaches out her arms. I let her hug me. It’s the first time in a long time that I have let someone touch me let alone hug me.

My arms shake when I bring them up and rest them on her arms. I’m not sure how long we stood like that. But when I heard the clock chime 3o’clock, I realize it’s only been 15 mins.

Finally, I got the courage to ask them about my parents and all the questions I’ve been thinking about. I pull away and face them both.

“How did you know my mom?” I ask as I shift from sister to the other.

I watch them glance at one another before they lead me to the couch by the fireplace.

Each one takes my hand and before long I’m in a ping pong match while they take turns telling me the story.

“We met your parents every autumn on September 22.” Adeline says. 

“They would come here. This house was meant for…” adds Katele.

Before she finishes, we hear a…





Katele gets up and heads for the door. Who is there?

Adeline and I hear another voice besides Katele, but this voice sounds familiar to me. 

That’s when it hits me. I jump to my feet and rush to the door to see if it is who I think it is.

My shoes skid against the floor as I come to a halt at the man who stands in the foyer. Him again?

Yes, that’s right. The conductor from the train. Why is he here? The hairs on the back of my head stand up.

The man sees me and waves his hand before he extends his hand. “Nice to meet you again, Miss Elizabeth.”

Okay that’s it! I want answers and I want them now! No more dancing around this topic. They’re all gonna tell me what I want to know or I’m going to explode.

I didn’t shake his hand because my hands are balled up by my side, shaking as my face turns a shade of red from how I am feeling right now.

“What is going on? Who are you all to me and what is the big mystery!” I shout, losing what little patience I have left.

All three of them glance at each other before they nod. Adeline and Katele grab an arm and lead the way back to the living room. The three of us sit on the couch while the man sits on the arm chair.

My fingers twists together as I wait for one of them to talk. The first one to speak is the train man.

“I’ll start.” He says, “I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. When I saw that picture, I knew why you were here. I wasn’t supposed to meet you yet.”

I cock my head as I listen to him. Why couldn’t he say anything? This is too much. What’s the big secret?

He continues to talk. “My name is David Hackett. I’m your…”

Hackett? What? That’s my dad’s…

“That’s my dad’s last name. You’re my…”

He smiles. “That’s right, kiddo, I’m your Uncle David. Your dad is my big brother.”

I can’t believe it. An uncle? I have an uncle. Wait, if he’s my uncle, then who are they?

I gaze up at Adeline and Katele. “How am I related to you two?” I squint my eyes and they laugh. Even my uncle is laughing. Did I miss a joke?”

“What’s funny? Did I miss something?” I question each of them, arms crossed.

“Lizzie, we’re your aunts, honey.” Katele chuckles. “David is my husband.”

My hand hits my forehead. This is way more than I asked for. I thought I lost everything, but I didn’t. 

“You’re mom and dad built this place for you. They wanted you to be closer to your family and start your own adventures. We heard you like to write books and your mom thought you could…”

My eyes lit up. No way! Are they serious?

“You’re both gonna be my mentors?” I squeal as I hug them both.

“You’ve got it. We have all of your notebooks, journals and books upstairs in your study.” Adeline says. A smile lingers on her face.

“We start tomorrow, kiddo.” Aunt Katele adds.

“That’s great, but what happened to my mom and dad. How come they never came back?” I pout as I look at them.

Uncle Dave kneels in front of us and holds out a box. I raise my eyebrow as I take the box from his hands and open it. What is this?

“For me?” 

He nods with a wink.

After I open the lid I take out a butterfly necklace and a note. The note’s in my mom’s handwriting.

Dear my darling, Izzy,

I hope that this gift reaches you. Happy birthday, my love. Your dad and I are sorry we couldn’t make it there to give it to you ourselves, but we hope you like it. This is just half the gift. Open the locket now.

We miss you, sweetheart.

Love mom and dad

I hand the box and letter to Aunt Adeline and open the locket. There’s another paper inside. That’s my dad’s handwriting.

My butterfly,

Mom and I hope you are doing well. We know it must hurt to be away from us, but we are always with you. 

I’m sure you are sitting with your aunts and uncle. We have one more surprise for you. This surprise is big so you might need help with it.

I’m sure with this present you will have many more stories to tell and you aunts will help you. Want your present? Here it is.


Mom and dad

P.S. Open the door.

As soon as I finish reading…

Ding Dong

Who is that? 

After Aunt Katele pokes me, I jump to my feet and answer the door.

When I open the door, I let out a scream that has my aunt’s and uncle running to the door.

“Mom! Dad!” I jump on my dad and squeeze him.

“Surprise, baby girl.”

To make a long story short, my mom and dad were delayed on the journey back to me because of their work.

You didn’t think they were gone did you?

Maybe one day you’ll hear the whole story.

And I can’t wait to tell you.

September 24, 2022 03:05

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