
"Oh man! It's not even a week, it's opening coming Monday." Ben flipped over the pages of the calendar, counting down the days until his college would reopen ."I am not prepared for it, what am I supposed to do now?" 

He scratched his head in confusion and climbed up to his room. He stood in one corner of his room - Ben, a 17 year old boy who had completed his schooling. 

Ben had always been a shy and introverted guy. And he considered simplicity best. He wore no fancy clothes and was always shied away from parties and socializing. "How will I face the enviroment? How will I make friends? How will the professors? How? How? How?" All sorts of questions continued to juggle in his mind. But his racing anxiety always found solace in books. 

He turned towards the book shelf and started gathering the books and other academic requirements. From underneath the stack of books fell a dust coated envelope. With gentle hands, he ripped it open to find some old photographs. Photographs of his parents. He collapsed to the floor, tears escaping his eyes as he allowed himself to remember what had happened. He couldn't bear to think about it for long. What had happened to them in the accident was brutal. He stood up, taking the photo and placing it in one of the books, continuing to gather and arrange his books. 

Next sunny morning, he went to Sam's house. Sam was a year or two older than him and studied in the same college as Ben. Being new to college, he thought Sam would be able to give him some suggestions. "The professors are strict and rude ". Sam informed. "Our college is full of bullying boys and ragging is considered a fun event." He added. Instead of alleviating his worries, Ben's addition had gotten him more terrified.

"Does no one take action against this?" Ben asked frantically.

"Nah! No one is bothered. Anyway, what are you wearing on your first day?" 

"I have my striped shirts and pants. Still have to iron them." 

"Oh, then you'll have to face those boys!" Sam added with a warning. "The college trend demands fancy attire! They are gonna pester you Ben." 

"But I don't have any fancy clothing, what do I do now?" Ben cried. He didn't know what to do. His conversation with Sam had left him even more depressed. 

He returned to his home, empty as per usual. His aunt and uncle both worked full time and tended to remain away from house for long hours. They usually arrives home around midnight and depart as the sun arises. He waited for them on the stairs. They'd come home and he could ask them about the new clothes. He spent his day waiting and thinking about his professors and the bullying boys. He didn't know when he fell asleep but it was late afternoon by the time he woke to the sound of the doorbell. 

Still drowsy, he tried to unlock the latch and open the door. And just as his luck would have it, it wouldn't open! The old wooden door was jammed. He struggled, poor Ben did, pushing and pulling until it finally opened. There stood his aunt, tired and worn, bags under her eyes, and bags in her hand. He took them from her hands and brought it inside the house. Something shiny and glittery seemed to call out to him from inside it. He dashed for it, not wasting a moment to open them. Pair of new clothes!

 "Do you like it"? His aunt asked with a tired, but cheerful smile.

Ben's mood seemed to improve in a moment. "How did you know that I was wishing for this?! I was waiting the whole day! Just to ask you about this.""I am aware of my child's needs & desires. Keep all this in your room and get to your bed and sleep." She told him. Ben shook his head in affirmation and shifted all his apparels to his room. For the first time in his life, he rejoiced and smiled wife toothed. That night, Ben slept but the thought of the bullying boys and strict professors wandered in the back of his mind.  

He woke up the next morning to enjoy the last day of his vacation. He brushed and gobbled down his breakfast before rushing to the garage to get his bicycle. He used this old bicycle to travel everywhere. His parents had purchased this vehicle for him as a birthday present. Since they left him, he kept this bicycle as a remembrance. As a token of their love. He found himself doing that often - keeping personal things in the garage. 

His happiness was fleeting, after all. As he took his bicycle out, he noticed that the tires were punctured. Dejected about this newfound discovery, he hung the bicycle on his slumped shoulders and started walking toward home. He hadn't repaired any vehicle before this and was even more confused of how to proceed.  

"Why does everything bad happen to me?" He slammed the bicycle to the floor. "What's my mistake!?" Ben kept his bicycle on the floor ,thinking of the ways to repair it.

Ample of thoughts rushed through his mind - about college, people, friends and himself.

He tried sealing the punctured tyre by applying glue but it didn't work. He tried several other methods as well but it went in vain. Finally, he stitched the perforated tyre with needle and thread and it worked! He rejoiced with a shriek! 

He went again outside to get the pump to fill gas into his tyres. The garage owner lent him the equipment for sometime in exchange for ten bucks. He brought the pump home and begin filling air into the tyres.

Ben is quite lean and underweight. He was striving to pump the gas but was not able to fill a single iota of gas in the tyres. As he was struggling for the same, his Uncle showed up who had just came home from his hectic work. He assisted Ben in repairing the vehicle and finally when the vehicle became ready to use it was dark outside. Both of them sat for dinner together. " What time is your college tomorrow ?" Asked His Uncle. " Around 7:30AM I guess" replied the young labourer. They finished their dinner and slept peacefully. Coming morning was a challenge for Ben as he was supposed to face the college. Again, luck didn't worked for him. "Oh ! Shit, its already 7:36AM" , I am gonna late " cried Ben. In a hustle and bustle he prepare himself and as he was heading to leave, his eyes turned towards the calendar and he got astonished by seeing that the college is opening on next Monday! His silly misunderstanding made his day.

August 07, 2020 18:52

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Omani Saleem
20:02 Aug 13, 2020

Good story👍🏻


Talha Siddiqui
03:50 Aug 14, 2020

Thanks buddy!


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Talha Siddiqui
14:39 Aug 14, 2020

May contain some sort of mistakes. Sorry , can't redo.


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